k wtf is wrong with this girl..


Feb 6, 2006
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k so i won't bore you with how we met n whatever.. but we've known eachother for like over a year now..

we're not even like goin out or anything..but id unno she keeps wanting me to call her but i never have time to cuz i work a lot and when i get home from work (a freaking telemarketing job, calling people for 6 hours straight..) she gets all pissed off cuz i don't want to call her when i get home from work cuz my throat is sore and im exhausted...

EVERY thing i say gets her pissed off..i dunno what to say to her anymore...

and she gets SO angry that i can't come n chill with her because i share a car with my sister and she needs it to go to work (she works like 5 times a week all at night) and i have NO ride to her house..a bus ride would be extremely tedious cuz it'd only take me so far then i'd have to walk for like 10 minutes in the freezing cold to her house and to me it's not even worth it.

She has these like weird ass mood swings and it's starting to piss me off..now i don't wanna yell at her cuz i actually like this girl (shes really hot, and when shes ina good mood she can be extremely sweet n all that mushy sh1t)..

but i dunno she gets so pissed off at me for things i can't control..and i really don't know what to do..

any suggestions?
So do you have a gf currently? If not, decision is up to you. If yes, bang her. (This is an abbreviated answer, expect many things such as sentences as "I love you", "You are my only love" and "Does my ass look fat in this")
Are you getting any from her? If not, tell her to hit the brick. If you are, STFU and take the abuse. I'll tell you this much, though. It's only going to get worse.
nah, we're not even goin out but **** she keeps getting pissed off at me for NO REASON..and i don't want to tell her to STFU cuz i really do like this girl...
nah, we're not even goin out but **** she keeps getting pissed off at me for NO REASON..and i don't want to tell her to STFU cuz i really do like this girl...

So you're annoyed of her, but you like her...

So basically you want to **** her.
LOL..core yea..but she's one of those really stubborn girls..always ME ME ME...whenever i explain to her how she's wrong about yelling at me n getting pissed at me she gives me the silent treatment..then i end up calling her and give in...

it;s weird cuz IM NEVER WHIPPED FOR ANYONE...except for now :(

whattt should i do?

should i put on on some simple plan and slick my hair over my left eye???

Tell her to STFU.

Taking shit from people because you like them doesn't get you anywhere, ever. Especially if they're female.
LOL..core yea..but she's one of those really stubborn girls..always ME ME ME...whenever i explain to her how she's wrong about yelling at me n getting pissed at me she gives me the silent treatment..then i end up calling her and give in...

it;s weird cuz IM NEVER WHIPPED FOR ANYONE...except for now :(

whattt should i do?

should i put on on some simple plan and slick my hair over my left eye???


Well it doesn't matter anymore. Sounds like she knows that you're going to give in and uses it to her advantage. I don't know, man - it all comes down to what your chances are. If you've been actively pursuing her for months, I'd probably drop her. Based on the way she acts, I'd be surprised if you could sexorz her up.

Just pull out your cock and slap her across the forehead.

Edit: You can try and fool her into having sex with you. Make up some story about how you can't call her cause you're spending time with some girl you met at work and work the jealousy angle.
Tell her to STFU.

Taking shit from people because you like them doesn't get you anywhere, ever. Especially if they're female.

you're so right :(

but i should've mentioned earlier that i dunno WTF im doin when it comes to girls so if she loses interest in me..then i'm never gonna meet anyone for a looonngg time :(
you're so right :(

but i should've mentioned earlier that i dunno WTF im doin when it comes to girls so if she loses interest in me..then i'm never gonna meet anyone for a looonngg time :(

By the sounds of it, I don't think she's interested in you at all. Though she may well become very interested if you suddenly start being assertive.
What are you doing at work, appointment setting? Depending on your market, if you're any good at your job, you need to be very assertive and borderline arrogant. Just apply that to your life.
I use my sales persona in my personal life. Works out great.
me @ my job lol? my voice in the first 2 hours is all happy and cheerful...after that i get really annoyed and miserable...

basically ever since having my telemarketing job my patience level has SKY ROCKETED and thats why i'm taking her sh1t for far longer than i should've..

I think i'm just gonna stop talkin to her for a while, then she'll start getting all panicked and come back to me all sweet n stuff...then i'll attack from there.
I'm sure talking to idiots for 6 hours straight and your g/f for 1 hour is alot different. I work Tech Support for 9 hours a day, and I still have time to talk to the woman I love *granted..we aren't dating..damn.*..it's a whole new ball game! If you can't find it in you to talk to your g/f...maybe you don't like her as much as you think?
I looked at your profile... you're 22 years old, you should be able to figure this stuff out on your own by now.
me @ my job lol? my voice in the first 2 hours is all happy and cheerful...after that i get really annoyed and miserable...

basically ever since having my telemarketing job my patience level has SKY ROCKETED and thats why i'm taking her sh1t for far longer than i should've..

I think i'm just gonna stop talkin to her for a while, then she'll start getting all panicked and come back to me all sweet n stuff...then i'll attack from there.

Just a hunch, but it sounds like this telemarketing job is a bit of a fly-by-night operation. Did they teach you anything at all about the sales process?
nah, we're not even goin out but **** she keeps getting pissed off at me for NO REASON..and i don't want to tell her to STFU cuz i really do like this girl...

it sounds like she's madly in love with you.. unless you're taking lots of shit from her, but the upset part definitely sounds like what im suspecting
A. Are you banging her?
B. Is she hot?

If the answer to either of the above is no, tell her to GTFO, and STFU, and any other acronyms you believe appropriate. If the answer to A. is yes, but the answer to B. is no, then it's really a 50/50 shot. Flip a coin. Heads: take the abuse. Tails: Tell her to GTFO etc.

If the answer to B. is yes, but A. is no, then another 50/50 shot. This time you should try to take the abuse in order to turn A. into a yes (unlikely)

If both A. and B. are "yes", STFU and GTFO please because whining about a little abuse makes you seem like a bitchy little jerk.

There, I hope that helped.
dude just dump her seriously, from what you've said it doesn't seem like you really "like" her, it just seems like well you want to "bang" her lol
I looked at your profile... you're 22 years old, you should be able to figure this stuff out on your own by now.

LMAO im 17...i just randomly put dates when i join forums...

You randomly selected my birthday, interesting.
AKIRA said:
k so i won't bore you with how we met n whatever.. but we've known eachother for like over a year now..

we're not even like goin out or anything..but id unno she keeps wanting me to call her but i never have time to cuz i work a lot and when i get home from work (a freaking telemarketing job, calling people for 6 hours straight..) she gets all pissed off cuz i don't want to call her when i get home from work cuz my throat is sore and im exhausted...

EVERY thing i say gets her pissed off..i dunno what to say to her anymore...

and she gets SO angry that i can't come n chill with her because i share a car with my sister and she needs it to go to work (she works like 5 times a week all at night) and i have NO ride to her house..a bus ride would be extremely tedious cuz it'd only take me so far then i'd have to walk for like 10 minutes in the freezing cold to her house and to me it's not even worth it.

She has these like weird ass mood swings and it's starting to piss me off..now i don't wanna yell at her cuz i actually like this girl (shes really hot, and when shes ina good mood she can be extremely sweet n all that mushy sh1t)..

but i dunno she gets so pissed off at me for things i can't control..and i really don't know what to do..

any suggestions?
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Stick it in her pooper.

Kill yourself.


She obviously wants you. If she gets pissed because you dont call her, then she likes or more than a friend. Get some balls and go see her, tell her you like her. Its not going to stop her bitching, but you get sex now.
Your first post reads like an excuse board. The real question isn't what is wrong with the girl, it's what's wrong with you. That the girl clearly is interested in you is obvious from her persistent behaviour, but as you so quaintly put it 'to me it's not even worth it'. Basically you're a lazy c**t, and the question you have to answer for yourself is 'what is worth it?'
...Basically you're a lazy c**t...

Kadayi, u got it in one old mate!

She obviously wants you. If she gets pissed because you dont call her, then she likes or more than a friend. Get some balls and go see her, tell her you like her. Its not going to stop her bitching, but you get sex now.

Yeah bro, go grab a pair, get off this farkin forum and go the extra mile for the girl. You wont regret it bro, they love it when u stick ur dick out for 'em ha ha!

...sechs comes later.

if you say she is like crazy them watch out for her nails
I think a better question might've been "Wtf is wrong with forum members"

Aha oh dear, we SERIOUSLY need some girls in these forums.

Dude, if you just want sheks from her, and you cant get it, grab a playboy or something and improvise! When youve grown up, and puberty has kicked in, talk to her like a human and not like the dog you're acting like (the kind of person that wants to shag everything that moves).
Sounds like your own damned fault, yes she may be leading you on, but f*ck it and take the chance to walk for 10 mins to hers and chat to her!

Either that or put your foot down and say STFU and GTFO
Tell her just what you told us in that post...simple enough?
You're a real bastard if you can't be arsed to walk 10 minutes to see a friend.
You're a real bastard if you can't be arsed to walk 10 minutes to see a friend.

ok we talked on the phone for like 5 hours last night and it seems that everything is fine now.

thanks for the help though :D
nah, we're not even goin out but **** she keeps getting pissed off at me for NO REASON..and i don't want to tell her to STFU cuz i really do like this girl...

This post makes the thread very funny.
This thread is a big failure. Being 17 and acting this way is a lot different than being 22 and acting this way.
why dont you talk to her seriously man. Ask her why is she always in such a bad mood, and reassure her that its not that you dont want to call her you are just tired. And if you want a relationship man....your gonna have to have a relationship....so like deal with her in person about it....be nice though.