
May 24, 2003
Reaction score
There is a kitten on my keyboard chasing the cursor.

As you can probably tell im quite bored. This is because im waiting for something to download and it means i cant play online due to it chewing up so much bandwidth.

Anyway. Arent kittens so nice?! So edible. Did i just say that?
I love kittens.. they are soo cute, sleeping in your hand slowly waking up.. rubbing thier neat and cute heads against your fingers and licking the saulty off your figers with thier cute little tongues.. and chasing little ball's fully concentrated to every little movement. aww.. I love them!!:imu:
Aww, de wittle kitt'n is wunning awound on deh keyboad.

Ooh you soo cute, yes you aah yes you ahh!

Does your kitten like salmon? you should feed him salmon.
lol...I thought you lot hated cats and loved big old mean guys are so sensitive...hehe.

And yes I love kittens...:o
I ph33r dogs since I got an encounter with 2 big Danish Dogg's

My school buddy just got 2 danisch doggs. I never heard about the race so I thought it wasnt a problem, because i liked doggs. but when a ranged the doorbell and my friend opened and suddenly 2 off those huge monsters came barking and running towards mee I Got really Ph33r3d

/me still shivers at the memmory of that encounter
I'm one of those people who likes both cats & dogs.
Although I'm partial to Labs, they're very friendly and loyal.

When dogs attack you, all you gotta do is punch them in the head. Seriously, it's that simple. I know because I practice on my GF's dashund.:devil:
My GF's Dashund is a female, so aside from twisting her nipples,
so i gotta punch her in the head whenever she goes after sandwich. She's a fiesty thing, you'd think she never ate.
lol i remember had a little animated kitten chase my cursor when i had Windows 3.11..the name of the program is Niko right?
awwwww, that flash is soooo cute, it got boring after 0.01 seconds tho :/
kittens kittens kittens......cats aren't too bad.... I'm scared of dogs well badly, just ask DustBinRaider
Originally posted by mrBadger
kittens kittens kittens......cats aren't too bad.... I'm scared of dogs well badly, just ask DustBinRaider

All you have to do is punch them in the head! I'm telling you.

Oh and badger can be pretty viscious too.
I've had a few encounters with dogs, but it's just taught me I need to handle em properly. You just give em respect and teach them to give you respect and it's win-win. Don't be afraid to punish them if they do bad, and reward them if they do good, only way they can learn really :D Dogs rule, but I don't like taking care of them so much so I have 2 liddle kitties instead. They're 3-4 years old each (sisters) but they're half the size of any other cat I've seen :p they rule \m/
Anyone into rats? They're damn cool if you can put up wit da stink (or get round to changing out their newspaper n shit). We've had a couple lots of rats and they've been real wicked and, for the most part, friendly. Cept this one who very nearly bit my finger off... dad gave em a rock for sharpening their teeth :|
I had some gerbels before (desert rat's) and they where pretty cool. Very active during the day, unfortionatly everytime we went on vacation, and the neigtbour took care off the little furry's they died :(

I called them Batman and robin :). Batman was black and robin was grey

they could jump incedible high. 1+ meter.

When I put them on the floor they just jump up and climb in my t-shirt alll the way up to my nek and they nibbled on my ears ^_^ soo cute
Our class at school had the phase of getting a class pet. We got a hamster and called it didnt last long.
Nobody was there when it happened, but we think it was fear that did it in the end. Something fell over next to his cage, funnily enough on the eastern side of it :)

We did infact get a fish and called it Hitler 2 but what we didnt realise was that it would eat all the other fish in the tank.
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
All you have to do is punch them in the head! I'm telling you.

Yeah I know, but I had a nasty childhood encounter with an Alsation, which bit me across the face, I still have a scar on my forehead where one of it's fangs penetrated my skin...I was 3....apparently the dog had been kept inside by it's owners and nver let out, and it got free and went on a rampage in the park. My dad kicked it and it bit him in the leg.

Enough childhood memories!
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
Oh and badger can be pretty viscious too.

Do you mean Badgers in general or just me :P lol
Originally posted by mrBadger
Yeah I know, but I had a nasty childhood encounter with an Alsation, which bit me across the face, I still have a scar on my forehead where one of it's fangs penetrated my skin...I was 3....apparently the dog had been kept inside by it's owners and nver let out, and it got free and went on a rampage in the park. My dad kicked it and it bit him in the leg.

Enough childhood memories!

Do you mean Badgers in general or just me :P lol

In my quiet little part of rural Poland wild badgers were more problematic than dogs, especially in springtime.

My mom got bit by a dog too when I was a kid, my take on our furry best friends is that there are some breeds which make good pets and others that are best kept as junkyard guards.

I'm partial to labradors.
Yeh I lived in a big city, in Lewisham (thats in london) which was a horrible place, and the only dogs i really like are Springer Spanials.....I have a rabbit as a pet, and shes is well clever....
I have a pet rock, its got googly eyes and everything...

I've had other pets but they all dead now ;(

My Dog, Tramp, Died not that long ago, He died in front of me ;(
My Cat, Pastise, Got put down, because she was dying, luckly I wasn't there then, I like cats they smart ;(
My Rabbit, Dollar, Died because we went on holiday and left our neighbours to look after it and they didn't :flame: ;(
And I acidently killed all my fish when I was really little, by feeding them chips "cos they looked hungry" (as i am qouted as saying at the time)... ;(

That's why all I'm left with my Pet rock, with googly eyes, named Bob

Ok I'll leave now...
Originally posted by mrBadger
Yeh I lived in a big city, in Lewisham (thats in london) which was a horrible place, and the only dogs i really like are Springer Spanials.....I have a rabbit as a pet, and shes is well clever....

Rabbitts are tasty. My grandma used to keep'em. Rabbitt soup....hmmmmm.

But seriously, I can't stand people who keep aggressive dogs, there's no justification for it and they should be spanked in the town square.
Some people tend to go through pets like tube socks.

Others have 19 yo cats.

I belong to the former, my GF to the latter.
Her cat died recently at the ripe old age of 22.
well, give me a week, and Bob will probably be dead too.... ;(
Everything always dies on me.... Usually programs!
"DAMN YOU " Microsoft "DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL" (in best planet of the apes voice)
awww, sorry about all that stone, if my pet died in FRONT of me ill have loads of nightmares, and be so pissed of with everything.

Thats has to be the worst thing that can happend with a pet, dying in front of you, it makes me upset just thinking about it :(
yer was very upsetting, he looked so sad as well, even after dying, I'm going to go and cry now....;(
My first rabbit was a psycho, it shredded one of my next rabbit choked on it's hay....apparently it had a twisted gut or something.. then I got my current rabbit...her name is Cabba (i was young when I named her) and now she is 7, which means she is really old for a rabbit, but she's stll well active still :)
stop it stone, your making my cry...;(

Me cry ?, i'm hard as rock! *sigh* ;(
See that's why I've got BOB (my pet stone) cos he makes me happy cos he got googly eyes :P
Yo stone.. take a foto from bob! I want to see him cuz i have no freekn clue off what googly eyes means (mesa dumb)
they're those one that you get and you shake them and they wobbled bout, I'll have to charge my batteries on my digi cam, put one up later....
yer thats it, i was looking for a smilie with one, i was sure i'd seen 1
sorry came across this when getting a link for another thread...


hehe, It's BOB (without the googly eyes)