lack of new stuff


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Its monday, its almost midday (here in london anyway) and there is still no sign of any new videos or info or anything!!

You dont think they will just keep saying "it will be here next week honestly!!" right up untill release date do you?
urm, its 3am for valve. The vids will be released around 6pm or after UK time, but not before, thats my wreckoning

Hmmm in past releases from Valve ..its normaly 7.30 to 9.00 pm GMT m8 before youll see your little steam icon work its Majic.(Downloading Media)..
Well , someone wake them up and let them know we are waiting for the videos! :)

Seriously, I already seen them 100 times, I just want info on Multiplayer.
Originally posted by TAZ
Well , someone wake them up and let them know we are waiting for the videos! :)

Seriously, I already seen them 100 times, I just want info on Multiplayer.

Your gonna have to wait ages for more info on MP, there saying its gonna be something big
it's 9:30pm here at the moment, do you think if i stayed up till say... 2:30 they would be released? or shuld i just sleep?
Sleep.. valve wont release it in the morning..
lol, its 9:46pm Monday here. you should probably get some sleep.

do you think download speeds will be heaps slow because of people rushing to get it first?
I wiah we could all have the same time zone.. Maybe if we made another 3 suns?
what am i missing here?
iS there gonna be videos with never before seen scenes? in that case *yahooo* or as i said, am i missing something here?
Valve are not in GMT time, but its just a standard time zone that most of the world uses :)

Registered: May 2003
Posts: 778
are valve in GMT time zone ?

No m8 there american..?
GMT (Grenwich mean time)..or something

Think valve are EST...Eastern standard time.. lol i think. :)
They're releasing direct video feeds of the E3 demo. IE. high quality, optimized, video feeds taken from the game itself directly rather than being taken by some guy sitting there with a camcorder. I'd expect some screenshots too of stuff we haven't seen yet. And maybe a new demo video?

I doubt there'll be any news releases today. They'll be keeping their cards close to their chest about a lot of stuff for another few weeks I'd say.

Nope m8 they said it would be today..Official.. When we get the media it will be, According to Erik Johnson the first VID from E3 (what ever that is)
Could mean anything realy.. Nothing has been mentioned about new screens or what ever..JUST HI RES Vids ...ill be bloody happy what ever comes out ;)

Also we will be getting more stuff relesed as it gets nearer release time..
If your not joking.. GOoch.. E3 means electronic entertainment expo.. lol (i think thats the site) thats where they show all the new games before their out..
No No No you Silly Billy

NOT E3.....what Vid we will be getting from the E3 line up..!
OK first things first.. if you call me "Silly Billy" once again I will be force to stab you with the most blunt object I can find.. and we will probly get the 600 MB video in direct feed format
You're both silly boys.

I meant there'll be no "NEWS" releases today or for a few weeks. They wont release any new information regarding HL2 or TF2 for a while.

However, Gabe has been quoted as saying "new HL2 media" will be coming out today or "within the next week".

I know for a fact that they'll be releasing a very high res movie of the footage that was shown at E3 that will be a direct video feed from the Source engine. It will contain the same footage as the one on FilePlanet, however the one at FilePlanet was recorded by some Gamespy employee with a video camera. So expect something high quality.
Valve is probably PST(Pacific Standard Time) I'm in EST and its 8:37am right now and 5:37am there so you atleast have about 4 or 5 hours.
Not starting a flame war here but if you read Propley what i acctualy put.

And stop acting like a kid.

the Silly Billy remarc was a joke (you know Ha HA funny).

so put your blunt Object away and learn to Respect your elders.
I hear what your saying. if you didnt read all of my last post i added the: it will probly be a direct feed video.. I only try to add some humor to my posts.. if you didnt see it.. it was a joke.. yep.. never seen one?
Right Back on topic Enough of this loonacy...

Way out of hand and a realy simple thread blown out of all proportion by a lack of the English launguage..

Hope fully the DIRECT VIDEO FEED will be the 600 MB vid but thats not been confirmed.
all thats been stated is its going to be the first vid that could be one of a fiew depending on which way ValvE look at it .
True.. but if they only used one segment of the 600 MB video it would people wanting more. And I dont think valve would want more people complaining about more videos.
And I dont think valve would want more people complaining about more videos

To be honest ValVe will release what they want, The constant harrasment of 13 year olds spamm Emailing them for more vids isnt going to bother them in the slightest.
Lets just seem what they give to us and be thankfull were getting it.:)
Originally posted by GOoch
And I dont think valve would want more people complaining about more videos

To be honest ValVe will release what they want, The constant harrasment of 13 year olds spamm Emailing them for more vids isnt going to bother them in the slightest.
Lets just seem what they give to us and be thankfull were getting it.:)

Amen to that... I really don't care what they give us.. Aslong as its pertaining to HL2.. :D
Yes, we're using that now to generate the E3 videos. Gary's working on
automatically exporting bink files from the engine.

E3 video"S"... Releasing the first one today ... I think they must be releasing the E3 video (direct feed from the engine) in bits and we get the first bit today... It'll do :D Hope we get a bit of new stuff too.
Yeah.. but they could release the 600 meg one first.. the later on the smaller ones..
There was some rumour floating around a while ago about the new video footage including new scenes that were shown to game reviewers, but maybe not at E3, and certainly not in the Fileplanet/Gamepot videos.

One apparently had the antlions attacking Gordon on the beach (à la screenshot), and the other with the wrench being dropped in the gearworks. Anybody hear anything more about this, or am I just fuelling unsubstantiated rumours?

If they are released, I hope the first one is also the bit where the antlions attack the Combine APC and they send up a flare for help.
I know that those demos exist and only a few selected people have seen them. I believe PC Gamer and Gamespy were some of them that have seen these.

By the first video they could mean the direct feed of the E3 video. Then the others might be released later.
Yes Chris, and these special demos were from the September build, so I doubt they will release it.
They would have been shown the demo's from the live engine like at E3. That means they could still exist, and any bug fixes or changes to the engine would probably not effect the demos.
in the opening of PCGamer it describes the fire on the wall and all that detail and at the end it describes the guy breaking the window to try and find you... the first is an engine tech demo and the second is an AI demo.... I hope they release both of those.... or how bout this that they release all videos... and how are they going to be viewed?? will you just click "play game" and a little media player will pop up and you watch them??
That's exactly how they're going to be viewed.:)