Laura Bush's new book: there was an assasination attempt on GW


May 5, 2004
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.....besides the pretzel incident


Laura Bush is suggesting she, her husband, and several aides were poisoned during a 2007 visit to Germany for the G8 summit -- one of several new details in the former first lady's forthcoming memoir, "Spoken from the Heart."

Due to be released May 4 but acquired early by The New York Times, Mrs. Bush says she and former President George W. Bush became mysteriously sick on the Germany trip to such a degree that the president became bedridden. According to Mrs. Bush, doctors and the Secret Service investigated the possibility that a poisoning had occurred but were unable to make a definitive conclusion.
OMG sympathy!!

he was a such an evil guy, but now we have feelings for him
The fact that they're alive speaks volumes on the validity of it being a poisoning. I mean, there's still that remote chance, but it's highly unlikely. Presidents are human beings, they can get sick and become bedridden.
Most have been some shitty poison. Anything but lethal is just unacceptable.
Added publicity for the book maybe. "OMG, we all got poisoned and lived, check it out on the book'. Probably not, but then Hillary Clinton did dodge those snipers.
Would've been funny if he had died.

Sometimes I wonder about your skewed sense of morality. I mean, you're disgusted by murder, and yet you think people dying is funny.

Well I like your sense of humor, then.
Laura Bush killed a guy.

Ahh yeah, thats right.

Laura Bush killed a guy.

Laura Bush...killed a guy...
Oh the shock- an assassination attempt on an American president? There's only been at least one against every president since Nixon! And she needed to use a pussy-ass poisoning that was probably just bad German cooking? Pathetic.
If there is a heaven, the chefs aren't German, I know that much.

But yeah, assassins just ain't what they used to be, a little Arsenic or Cyanide would have done the world some good.
They should have tried to poison Cheney first.

He's built up an immunity.

And shame on all of you! You are speaking about a former American president for god sakes. The cavalier attitudes being expressed in this thread are sickening and I won't stand by to have my ex-president slandered.

That being said, how hard is it to hide a little atropine in the broccoli?
TBH it could have been food poisoning. I had a friend who was bedridden for a couple of days and sick for two weeks after a bad kebab in Cyprus.