Left 4 Dead 2 Midweek Madness Sale


Jul 6, 2003
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Valves co-operative action horror FPS - Left 4 Dead 2, is now available for 50% off the original price from March 23rd to March 25th. You can buy yourself a copy for $24.99 USD or just get the Four Pack for $74.99 USD. [br]

That's not good enough for you? Well, this Spring Valve will release the release the first L4D2 DLC "The Passing", which contains:
  • A Wicked Witch Bride!
  • A Gargantuan M60!
  • A Slashing Golf Club!
  • And Introducing The Fallen Survivor!
  • Meet 3 Left 4 Dead 1 Survivors!
  • New Game Modes!

Go buy it now.
Ok, I have no excuse not to buy this now. Brb
Hopefully it'll still be free on the PC... Is valve brave enough to charge for an update? They never did it before...

The bride witch looks awesome...

New game modes? Hopefully valve someday will make my Arcade Mode :] Maybe after I start working there... That would be around Left 4 Dead 4 xD
Nice, even though I bought it for that price last December :D
i should have waited, i put about 10 hrs into this game and i could have waited for more friends to purchase it
Crap, I already own it... *thinks of ways to waste money*... Crap, I have no money.
Anyone up for a 4-pack? 25 euros is a bit too much for me right now.
I just bought it. Played some of it -- just me and the bots (which still suck big time, unfortunately; try playing a finale with them). This is why I like Valve that much!

Too bad I'm still stuck with my old video card... Really, Hard Rain is almost no fun without those effects!

Also, I played some Scavenge the other night. To my big surprise, I was in a very nice team, who was perfectly willing to put up with my struggling to get a hold of L4D2's slightly shifted multiplayer 'vibe'. They were good players, they used their mics, and were tolerant of someone not yet at his 100% -- long time since I experienced that in L4D1...
I wonder what the witch bride looks like. Will the groom feature?
bought a copy at last! i was waiting for this, it never worthed 30quid in my view before for just 4 campaigns, still this is gd deal and nice game
bought a copy at last! i was waiting for this, it never worthed 30quid in my view before for just 4 campaigns, still this is gd deal and nice game

Yeah i never thought it was worth $30, but i still got it since i did not own L4D1.

And WTF is a quid?