Left 4 Dead 2 Ratings Update

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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An update from Doug on Valve's progress towards acquiring ratings for L4D2 has been released. The majority of the globe have rated the game already, with the United Kingdom and New Zealand still in progress and expected in a few days. Meanwhile, the ruling in Australia from the OFLC has been appealed by Valve. Below is the progress so far...
  • Completed
  • PEGI (continental Europe) - 18+
  • ESRB (North America) - M
  • CERO (Japan) -Z (corresponds to Mature in US)
  • IFCO (Ireland) - Approved the title for classification.
  • USK (Germany) - 18+
  • Singapore - Mature 18
  • FPB (South Africa) - 18+
  • KGRB (Korea) -18+
  • Pending
  • OLFC New Zealand - In progress.
  • BBFC (UK) - In progress.
  • OFLC Australia - Refused to rate on September 19. Appealed September 23.
So a full 2 days since the appeal, hopefully we will hear some progress on the situation in Australia soon. More when we know.
While I really hate what we're doing in Australia by refusing classification, I do have to wonder how Valve feel about creating a game rated 18+ in just about all countries around the world.

Edit: Unless that's how they usually rate most games anyway, I don't know a great deal about international ratings systems.
What is the point of submitting to the BBFC if you're not going to be shooting for the 15 certificate? (instead of PEGI's stupid 16+ rating). Or has there been some kind of UK ratings shake-up where the BBFC is exclusively in charge?
The appeal in australia will not succeed. Left4dead2 requires an R rating, australia does not have one, and it doesnt fit into any other classification so it will be refused classification.
These ratings were expected in a way. Hope Australia get the go ahead!
What is the point of submitting to the BBFC if you're not going to be shooting for the 15 certificate? (instead of PEGI's stupid 16+ rating). Or has there been some kind of UK ratings shake-up where the BBFC is exclusively in charge?

Thanks to the Byron report any game which has an age rating of 12 or higher must go though the BBFC. Any rating below 12 is done by PEGI.
Even under the old rules Valve would have had to go though the BBFC anyway because Left4Dead was given an 18 rating and i don't see L4D2 being given a 15.
probably going to be given a BBFC 18 just like Left 4 Dead
I bet IFCO are waiting for BBFC to announce a rating so they can copy it. They always do, even the Manhunt ban.
Awww, I hope New Zealand doesn't ban it either. I don't know why it had to be one of the last countries to rate. It's bad enough the poor folks living in Australia may not officially obtain in legally, but if NZ does the same, I'm gonna be heartbroken to leave everyone else enjoy it.

Why does the highest rating have to be MA15? Why not 20+, if they're so concerned?
Why are the ratings so hard core? I don't think the original Left 4 Dead was an 18 rated game, they're zombies!

It's not like it contains language or sexually explicit material.
Why are the ratings so hard core? I don't think the original Left 4 Dead was an 18 rated game, they're zombies!

It's not like it contains language or sexually explicit material.
Decapitation. Dismemberment. Evisceration.

Definitely not for the faint-hearted.
Why are the ratings so hard core? I don't think the original Left 4 Dead was an 18 rated game, they're zombies!

It's not like it contains language or sexually explicit material.

Left4Dead was 18 rated in the UK. Here sexually explicit material isn't the problem those games can get away with a 15 rating. Unfortunately the more realistic the violence is, large amounts of blood, decapitations and limb dismemberment etc the higher the rating. Personally i think it's stupid the violence should be realistic to show people the consequence of their actions instead of leading them to a fail illusion that shooting someone with a shotgun will result in green blood and springs and clocks.
I think the most major thing catching their attention is when you slice a zombie up with a katana sword. Seriously, that actually makes a 'cut' in the model, and blood goes everywhere and probably organs and all that as well. Deep.

I'm certain to think that on my first few kills with the weapon, I'll be feeling a little too
heavy-handed against the now helpless zombies. Yeah, it's bloody awesome.
While I really hate what we're doing in Australia by refusing classification, I do have to wonder how Valve feel about creating a game rated 18+ in just about all countries around the world.

Edit: Unless that's how they usually rate most games anyway, I don't know a great deal about international ratings systems.

I think they set out to create an adult game from the start. Which I love them for. I hardly ever buy games that's NOT 18+. There's a big crowd out there, that's above 18, and we're growing each year. (Literally) No reason to only make games for the younger crowds, there's plenty of money to be had in the 18+ market too. Especially since we ain't getting as many games as the teenagers.

It's a shame that Australia does not recognize that there's an adult crowd of gamers. They can't win though. It's only a matter of time before the coming generations of lawgivers are players themselves.