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Guest i said, i can back it all up 120%. In real life, i dont get my ass kicked. Your the one who is BS. I'll fight you because you challanged me. I know completley i will win. Because im the best Sniper.
you mean that your the biggest fag in life and that you suck off other people....oh yeah ill play you in a 2fort server sniping, you might win who knows lets see, also 120% wtf lol uhhh?
Best sniper you may be, but see how you react when I shove a pipebomb up your arse. :eek:

I think this topic should be locked before it becomes like the last one.
Pipebomb? dawg, i will kill you before you even get close to me. Tokin, i'll woop you at sniping. I aint no fag, im a ladies man!!!:afro:
Sun-Tzu, you are violating the unwritten laws of this great forum :flame:

1. Making a new thread to attract people's attention to your dumbass opinion
2. Annoying the good people of the TF2 forum
3. Insulting other's skills, when there is not way to prove it
4. Claiming you are the best at something that you havn't even played yet

I mean honestly, how old are you????? Going by your comments I reckon your parents should take their toddler away from the computer before he actually manages to get someone really annoyed
Im 17 dawg. I own this forum, my rules. I'll own TF2 also you stupid joto. Chinga tu madre man!
lol mr badger, that was funny. Yeah Tzu whatever is a big poon, and your most likely not 17, you little kid.
im seriously starting to place people's IQ in just to smart for my own good...
Originally posted by Sun-Tzu
Im 17 dawg. I own this forum, my rules. I'll own TF2 also you stupid joto. Chinga tu madre man!

OK, stop talking like an imbecile for one. I doubt very much you own these forums. and Yes KiNG , so do I
Originally posted by Sun-Tzu
Pipebomb? dawg, i will kill you before you even get close to me. Tokin, i'll woop you at sniping. I aint no fag, im a ladies man!!!:afro:

You misplaced the 's' in your last sentence. You see it shouldn't be there, it should say Ladyman.

Do you really think you could kill me before i got close? I doubt that very much, you see Ive gotten quite good at avoiding snipers. Alternatively i could just stand around in the spawn and wait for you to shoot yourself in the head when you hold the gun backwards, being as this is more likely to happen than you ever coming close to hitting someone.
OK I reckon we should just keep putting Sun-Tzu down, maybe he'll get the message that nobody actually cares about his dubious 'talents'. Sun-Tzu please just go away. Look you've made me shake with rage so much I dropped tobacco on my lounge suit and slippers :flame:. Honestly, just shut up.
Sun-Tzu - thou is an arse
dawg, i will kill you before you even get close to me
an what sparrow said bout staying in spawn zone, what u talking about? why not straight in front of his face? He won't see u cos his ego will get in the way, and im sure he'll be entertaining too many ladies down from PlaySchool :p
Sun-Tzu - thou is an arse

And there was great rejoicing at these words.

I beleive the smilies show it best

Sun-Tzu ---> :sniper: Me ---> :rolleyes: "Yawn"
Back home we have a simple method to handel this... Either shut the F(_)CK up or get the F(_)CK out. If I find you on my server your ass is gettin the boot.
Either that or his parents took our advice and took the stack of books away from the keyboard/locked him in his playpen.
I wouldn't have been too harsh, there might have been something really colourful and shiny on the other side of the thoughts are with his family
now now sniper, think your'e clutching at straws here....hes gone let it go (unrelatedly HOW ARE ENGLAND 1-0 DOWN??? sorry just needed to vent...........)
LOL dumb ****, im still here!!! I've just been really busy. HAHAHAHA yall thought.
Sun-Tzu, kindly stop acting like a prat or you'll be removed from the forums.
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