Lombardi From Japan

I'm just noting that minutes after this went up someone emailed gabe and got a response that it was bullflop, and the other hl2 sites I checked didnt post anything of the sort. I guess from now on I'll only trust info from gabe himself.

I know that I wont be getting opflash 2(which they just announced as delayed btw... with more than a year till the release date) at the same time as the dutch. and its fine.
I feel that they are putting to much emphasis on getting it out everywhere at the same time and not enough on getting it out period.
"Someone" e-mailed Gabe and got a reply stating that it was false? Please direct me to your source of proof, I haven't seen it yet.

Oh, as for sites posting "anything of this sort", there are others, you obviously need to look harder. Planet Half-Life, Trap Town and HL2.org to name just a few.

I am not living in the UK nor in the states. Although english is not my native language I don`t care about Importing a game because I am going to buy the english version anyways... Despite the fact that he seems not to be able to express himself in any way polite homer`s right about how stupid it can be to hold a finished game back. But with HL2 we`ve got some quite new factors here. For example the VALVe + ATI Marketing strategy which of course will be much more effective if launched simultaneously worldwide. It`s all about glamour actually.

But now for the main reason why the game won`t be released earlier in the states: Because it is not finished yet! It`s not like they decided to go for a worldwide release yesterday. A worldwide release was expected by everyone since HL2s announcement on e3. Not? If you plan such a release, you start doing voicerecording simultaneously before everything else is finished. They got the content, ok. But they are still tweaking and balancing, probably writing manuals etc.And the coders are working to get the SDK ready for a public release. I fear they could still be nowhere with multiplayer although they surely have 95-100% of the network code done...

Meaning: They will surely have the voices done before testing is finished. Because audio has to be tested too, at least once. If they are still recording, the game wont be gold until end Oct.

I got my english version preordered for months now and I am going to buy it if it`s coming the same day as the german version or not... Point.
But for my friends that don`t like to play/read/watch english media, I am happy so I can have a lanparty with them the first weekend the game is released...

I just hope we can buy the english version over here in Holland. Allthough they localize just a few games and i don't think they will translate it into Dutch. :bounce: Translations are always shit.
Originally posted by Homer
well buddy, if you dont care about the game then wtf are you doing here? and they are gunna lose a lot more than just me by doing this.

Good, the HL(2) community doesn't need llamas like you. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Why not release the game in English then get the language problem sorted by steam updates.
Anyway it wuld be nice if they gave us a release that.The suspense is killing me.
If it is true that Half Life 2 is being delayed just so Valve can sort out the other languages then it seems a little silly

Other games don't wait for language conversions (Metal Gear Solid 2) they just get released in their native language (Japaneese games being the worst culprits)

Or if they are aiming for a global release just so ATI can bundle its cards with it. NOW! that would stink:flame:
*feels like nobody reads his post*

- The game is certainly not delayed for translation purposes (or at least not for that purpose as alone).
- The product is not yet finished


Who cares what its delayed for. Its delayed. :angry:

It will give me time to play Halo on my PC. Only 10 Days :cheese:
Originally posted by azz0r
So basically I wont have this game tomorow because of the french?


First off... LOL @ azz0r...
Second listen to Shurakai, he seems to be the only person in this thread with something to say that actually makes sense... :cheese:
don't stop

Originally posted by zippO^
First off... LOL @ azz0r...
Second listen to Shurakai, he seems to be the only person in this thread with something to say that actually makes sense... :cheese:

Shurakai does have a good point, but let's not get off the topic of flaming / immature comments! This was a damn funny thread 'til something sensible was posted...
