Looking for link buttons and banners


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Think you got good graphics skills? Want to try and make us some advertisment banners and link buttons? No huge prizes I'm afraid but I will give the ability to have a custom title on these forums and an image in your sig to the 3 best entries :)

Buttons must be 88x31 pixels in size

an example:
Sure :)
what sizes, and should they be animated or what? :)
any colo schemes you wanna stick to?
Any colour schemes orange would be nice though :) They can be still, animated, or anything you want.

banners: 468x60 pixels.
My english sucks today so i didn't understand a shit but i tried to make 2 pics anyway :D:D

I hate t make small buttons and so on , so this looks crappy :borg:

Well here is the ugly awfull ____ pics :afro:



And here is the ugly banner ;)

did something..but im not really happy with it...oh well :)
<---- this is animated a BIT :)




state your opinion ;)
Nostradamus I love the link button not sure about the animation in it though ;) And the third banner is great although really it could do with some colour :)

Keep them coming!
/me opens Photoshop

I will see what I can come up with.
i just remade the half life 2 logo so if anybody wants to use it to help make a banner theyre more than welcome.

its in .psd format so you can copy the logo to whatever you want(its transparent all around the logo so you can put it on top of something real easy)


have fun
Originally posted by EVIL
Here is one I made



Those I like very much :) Any chance of them being completely orange? :)

bonanzaguy - good work but its impossible to see the text.
Thnx Fisheye.. OMG.. you have a fish eye as avatar.. thats soo cool
looks good :) any others?
I like those loque, and Evil's are nice too. I would whip open photoshop, but alas, i suck at it, unless you want a lot of grids
First post here so hello peeps :)


Might be a little bit late, but would be nice to know what ya think of it.

this one works. BTW.. edit your post nexttime.. its much easier IMO
Was going to do that post then delete it but you cant do that on this forum :( If a mod see's this can you please delete this post and my other one.
Didn't see this thread when I posted the new one about link buttons. Are we any closer to a decision on the choice? There are some nice ones here. Thought I'd throw my hat in the ring while I was at it.
just made 3 buttons dunno if am too late
am just learning photoshop so nout special just thought i would share :D




they are slightly diffrent not much though
plz give me your views
Very nice buttons, Deacon. Crisp and clean. Only comment is that they're not "halflife2.net" buttons so much as general "half-life 2" buttons, so it wouldn't be clear where they link to.
yeh i was having trouble wif fitting the .net on the logo
with it being so small i can't make the text smaller other wise it owuld be unreadable :(
I tried to go with the site's color scheme / design with these. :)




Originally posted by Deacon
yeh i was having trouble wif fitting the .net on the logo
with it being so small i can't make the text smaller other wise it owuld be unreadable :(
That's always the biggest challenge in designing buttons and icons for the web.
Made one incase this is still active :)


Hard cramping everything together :)