Looking for Playtesters For a HL1 Single Player Episode


Aug 21, 2008
Reaction score

I hope this isn't the wrong forum to ask this but basically, I've just about finished a single-player episode for Half-Life 1. All I really need to do is test it on other people's machines. However I'm having trouble finding people to test it- hence me posting in this forum, which seems quite popular. Basically, so far I've tested it on the latest non-Steam, non-Source version of Half-Life, and it works fine on that.

If you're interested in testing it, you can view a trailer for the episode here:


You can download the test version of the episode here:


Note, something that will be explained in the final version (by some voice acting) is that you can't blow up the SAM launcher with ordinary weapons alone- you need to find something bigger.

OK, that's it. If anyone is willing to test this out and give me feeback as to how it worked on their machine, that'd be great. You'll get mentioned in the credits if you do. Thanks.
Nice stuff, it reminds me the early Half-Life mods (which is a good thing).
I beat it today, and I really enjoyed it.

+Interestig puzzles.
+Retro style.
+Custom voice.
-Some corridors are too small.
-Little bugs (I passed the elevator part using cheat).
Thanks for the feedback. What were the little bugs? You mean the elevator with the barnacles in? What was the bug with that?
Game ends when you get on the elevator. It says something like you didn't save the aliens required to finish the mission. By the way, vent part at the beginning is extremely long.
Yeah, that's not a bug. Basically there's a way to get up that elevator shaft, and it involves aliens.

I know the vent sucks but it's kind of necessary. Thanks again for the feedback mate.
i cant seem to download it... it keeps giving me this error:

Your download has failed. There were no available download servers.
Click here to try your download again. Click here to try your download again.
I'm downloading and playing now, detailed feedback will be typed up later.

Edit: Played it, Loved it.

I loved this episode, was very entertaining, and the vent bit didn't feel as long as I expected from tests post.
Encountered no bugs, thought this was near-flawless.

Loved the references to Freeman and some of the 'in-game' humour I saw at one part of the maps. Barney was as badass as ever.

Architecture felt HUGE in places, which was overall nice compared to some of the stretched out narrow corridors encountered in other mods, the corridors in this mod were a bit narrow but not that noticeable, as in it didn't become a huge trek through a corridor, felt like you had a small rest before an action sequence, then another rest before the next action sequence.

Storyline felt partially developed, references to Vanilla Half-life was spot-on and made the game purpose set. Even the soldiers felt a bit more developed than in the Vanilla Half-life.

If I had to criticize it, it can only be for the minimal stuff. e.g. Why has a janitor got a H.E.V suit on if there is no radioactive spills anywhere?

Humour - Some to make it entertaining, reference to Vanilla Half-life that'll make you at least chuckle.
Gameplay - Most fun I've had in ages
Storyline - Established, references to Vanilla Half-life
Setting - Nice detail and space for the GoldSrc engine.

Nice mod man.
Hope to see more from you. :)
Send it to TenFour, so they can review your mod. I'm pretty sure you'll get a silver award (or maybe gold, who knows).
just downloaded it

its not VALVe but its not bad ;)

btw: haha im stuck, any help?

im where barney says:
damn the milatary just sent a signal sayin the sam launcher is still funtional and preparing to launch! better get your ass over there and finish the thing off - in other words, blow the front of the radiator and run!
where to go next?
Go through the canals, and destroy the launcher.
Awesome feedback guys, thanks!

I'm just going to add in a couple of altered bits of voice acting and then I'll send it off to that ten four place. Basically, there are couple of times when the scientists say "Black Meesa" when it should sound more like "Black May-sah", and also I'm going to put something in to tell people that they can't blow up the SAM launcher with ordinary weapons alone.

The only thing I'm still wondering about as far as bugs go is that someone told me that after he shot down the Osprey, the doors wouldn't open. Still no-one else has said that though so I dunno if he just didn't play it through right...
completed it last night... nice mod. :D

although - there are certain parts where i didnt know where to go.

and your right about that "black Meesa" thing..
Just downloaded it, looking to play it now. I'm actually excited as of the video. I missed the alien controllers and couldn't believe they were never used as much in mods. Looking very nice. I'll post more when I beat it.

EDIT: So far I'm stuck at the part with the Elevator and the Barnacles. It seems rather hard to achieve the "goal" the "Mission Failure" screen talks about, as if it were that easy. I tried using the barnacles to get into the corridor at the top, but it seems I can only move one block when the barnacle drops me. Is this mod just for GoldSrc? if so, you might want to move some stuff around, because you're losing a large portion of the Half-Life players.

Other than that, so far, I've enjoyed it. It's just that one thing, either the Barnacles aren't close enough to the opening, or it's just too hard to figure out, (Being that I loaded it about 10 times trying to get it.) but other than that, great so far.

I did notice them saying "Black Meesa" like you said, made me chuckle. :p
So far I'm stuck at the part with the Elevator and the Barnacles. It seems rather hard to achieve the "goal" the "Mission Failure" screen talks about, as if it were that easy. I tried using the barnacles to get into the corridor at the top, but it seems I can only move one block when the barnacle drops me.

I'm not really sure what to say about the Barnacles puzzle. I've had very mixed feedback about this. Some people love it, other people hate it. But I really think that if you solve the puzzle, it's quite satisfying.

If you're really stuck, look in the readme file. There's a hints section that should help you out. Maybe I'll put a hints.txt file in the actual release of the episode, that'd be a bit easier to find.

Is this mod just for GoldSrc? if so, you might want to move some stuff around, because you're losing a large portion of the Half-Life players.

I don't understand what you mean by this. Are you referring to the Barnacles puzzle again? Or something else?

Thanks for the feedback. If you know anyone else who could do some, that'd be great. I really want to have this tested on as many machines as possible.
I'm stuck in the part where the scientist explains that you have to take out the SAM launcher. Where do I go next? I've tried smacking stuff, using stuff, everything.
I'm not really sure what to say about the Barnacles puzzle. I've had very mixed feedback about this. Some people love it, other people hate it. But I really think that if you solve the puzzle, it's quite satisfying.

If you're really stuck, look in the readme file. There's a hints section that should help you out. Maybe I'll put a hints.txt file in the actual release of the episode, that'd be a bit easier to find.

I don't understand what you mean by this. Are you referring to the Barnacles puzzle again? Or something else?

Thanks for the feedback. If you know anyone else who could do some, that'd be great. I really want to have this tested on as many machines as possible.

Well... Damn... I feel stupid now... XD

For some reason i thought I had to fall onto the platform after I let the barnacle pull me up. I thought it might be for GoldSrc because I noticed you can use the barnacles to get you places on the source engine, but on in HL orig, thats the only reason I said that.

Nevermind then. I just killed the soldiers outside, pretty fun to do when you have a shotty. :p
I'm stuck in the part where the scientist explains that you have to take out the SAM launcher. Where do I go next? I've tried smacking stuff, using stuff, everything.

You mean in the room with the drunken Barney? Here's a hint: in the big warehouse, there's a keypad at one end of it that you can't access yourself.

Well... Damn... I feel stupid now... XD

For some reason i thought I had to fall onto the platform after I let the barnacle pull me up. I thought it might be for GoldSrc because I noticed you can use the barnacles to get you places on the source engine, but on in HL orig, thats the only reason I said that.

Nevermind then. I just killed the soldiers outside, pretty fun to do when you have a shotty.

I always do that with puzzles myself, I spend ages thinking WTF? and then I get through them and I was like.. man I was stupid. Anyway thanks again for the feedback mate.
Well, now I'm stuck on level 4, wherein I am fighting soldiers rapelling down from a helicopter. Where do I go now? They just keep coming!

Also, you might want to put clip brushes around that turret in the same area, I got stuck on it trying to jump over.

Also, remove the intro credits from titles.txt, they aren't used.
yeah, I got stuck after that part. Shoot at the motors on the helicopter that power the blades.

Where I'm stuck, i just blew up the... Whatever I was supposed to blow up, and I go back up to the room where Barney and the scientist were, and barney says something about shooting the gun, whatever it is, then nothing happens... and I'm stuck... I noclipped around a bit and saw a helicopter outside that room, but other than that it's just stopped, and I can't figure out where to go. Some of these puzzles could have used better hints, such as the elevator puzzle, when the player fails it it should give the hint that was in the readme, instead of just the "MISSION FAILED HAHA U SUK! LOLOL!" that i got... Well... that's how I read it. :|

Also, the turret was rather hard to figure out, at first it wouldn't let me grab it (I had to stand about a foot away from it to grab it) and after that I just shot soldiers for 10 minutes, then when I finally stumbled upon what I had to do I could only think "Well... Shit..." But i don't begrudge it one bit, because killing soldiers is fun when you have a big canon, but perhaps you could put a hint out there for dummies like me, maybe a dying cop that says something like "The damn thing just won't go down... I tried everything... If only I could stop the blades..." Something LIKE that, I know that's a shitty idea atm, but I'm sure you might be able to brainstorm something... it's still vague and hard to decipher, but just enough so that the player isn't stuck at that part for hours.

But, really, any help with where I am at, it would be much appreciated. I checked everywhere, walked every block of the map, and I didn't trip any triggers... It's hard to see in this dark room as it is.
yeah, I got stuck after that part. Shoot at the motors on the helicopter that power the blades.

Where I'm stuck, i just blew up the... Whatever I was supposed to blow up, and I go back up to the room where Barney and the scientist were, and barney says something about shooting the gun, whatever it is, then nothing happens... and I'm stuck... I noclipped around a bit and saw a helicopter outside that room, but other than that it's just stopped, and I can't figure out where to go. Some of these puzzles could have used better hints, such as the elevator puzzle, when the player fails it it should give the hint that was in the readme, instead of just the "MISSION FAILED HAHA U SUK! LOLOL!" that i got... Well... that's how I read it. :|

Also, the turret was rather hard to figure out, at first it wouldn't let me grab it (I had to stand about a foot away from it to grab it) and after that I just shot soldiers for 10 minutes, then when I finally stumbled upon what I had to do I could only think "Well... Shit..." But i don't begrudge it one bit, because killing soldiers is fun when you have a big canon, but perhaps you could put a hint out there for dummies like me, maybe a dying cop that says something like "The damn thing just won't go down... I tried everything... If only I could stop the blades..." Something LIKE that, I know that's a shitty idea atm, but I'm sure you might be able to brainstorm something... it's still vague and hard to decipher, but just enough so that the player isn't stuck at that part for hours.

But, really, any help with where I am at, it would be much appreciated. I checked everywhere, walked every block of the map, and I didn't trip any triggers... It's hard to see in this dark room as it is.

You mean that you went down the lift shaft, then pushed that little detonator thing, right? After that you have to go back to the SAM launcher, and smoke should be coming out of the front radiator. Barney tells you what to do... but basically you just shoot it in the front radiator where the smoke is coming from. If that doesn't work, something's screwing up.

As for the turret, thanks for the feedback on that, I'll look into it.
Unzip it, then get the folder called "nova" from inside this zip, and put it in your half-life directory, so that if you're in your half-life dir, and you double click on nova you see a few sub folders inside it. Then just load half-life and go to custom games, activate it and start a new game.
I only have the steam version of Half-Life, and that doesn't seem to work. But I really want to try this.
You mean that you went down the lift shaft, then pushed that little detonator thing, right? After that you have to go back to the SAM launcher, and smoke should be coming out of the front radiator. Barney tells you what to do... but basically you just shoot it in the front radiator where the smoke is coming from. If that doesn't work, something's screwing up.

As for the turret, thanks for the feedback on that, I'll look into it.



I only have the steam version of Half-Life, and that doesn't seem to work. But I really want to try this.

Do other mods work with the Steam version of HL? I'm curious as to what I'd need to do to get Operation Nova to work with it. If it's easy maybe I'll do it.
Yes it does.
Why don't you explain how you did it? I guess the maker of this mod would like to know and every other person having issues installing it with Half-life 1, but help yourself and move on...feel free.

I'll give this a try this a download and play through this week, due to the large amounts of positive comments, looking forward to it.

Oh and to play 3rd party Half-life 1 mods through Steam you should paste the mod folder into this directory - Steam/SteamApps/<account>/Half-Life directory. The next time you open the "My Games" list, it will be listed under "Third Party Games."
OK, NOW I'm stuck in the elevator shaft with the room with the plunger that doesn't do anything. I figure the plunger MUST do something to the room behind those elevator doors, but what?
Why don't you explain how you did it? I guess the maker of this mod would like to know and every other person having issues installing it with Half-life 1, but help yourself and move on...feel free.

I'll give this a try this a download and play through this week, due to the large amounts of positive comments, looking forward to it.

Oh and to play 3rd party Half-life 1 mods through Steam you should paste the mod folder into this directory - Steam/SteamApps/<account>/Half-Life directory. The next time you open the "My Games" list, it will be listed under "Third Party Games."

I actually get my HL1 mods to work by putting them in the SourceMods folder... Not quite sure how... Doesn't make much sense, but it does, so what. :/
Looks interesting and has many positive comments
I shall try
But I'll only be able to play Thursday
Damn divorced parents >=O
OK, NOW I'm stuck in the elevator shaft with the room with the plunger that doesn't do anything. I figure the plunger MUST do something to the room behind those elevator doors, but what?

Go back up to Barney and he'll tell you what to do. As Barney and the Scientist said before you went down the elevator shaft, that plunger is connected to explosives beneath the SAM launcher.
wow man, did you do the mapping? looks sexy, you should map on source too...
That looks pretty amazing. Voice acting was well done.

You should consider doing an episode for the Source Engine :D