Losing faith in humanity (again).


Jun 20, 2004
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Basically 2 people, an 18 year old woman and 20 year old guy, broke into a womans house. This woman is close to being 70 (she's 60) and is terminally ill with cancer. These people beat her with a golf club to get her pain killing drugs. http://www.theindychannel.com/news/14463079/detail.html *Oh shit wait! It's 2 brothers. Damn inbreds.
God bless you humanity. God bless you...
I don't understand why they needed to beat her up. She isn't going to put up much resistance just take what you want and get out. Easy. But no let's bash an old lady for shits and giggles.

I don't understand why they needed to beat her up. She isn't going to put up much resistance just take what you want and get out. Easy. But no let's bash an old lady for shits and giggles.

What do you think she was going to do? When they asked for the pills she refused to give it to them.
God that's sick...

You hear about the woman who cut out the other woman's baby?

You notice they're all in America?
I think psychological punishment would be out best option. What's the point in someone being killed? They won't be around to suffer their punishment? Capital punishment only works if you're religious.
You notice they're all in America?

Spent lots of time in America, have you? Got loads of stories just like these that you witnessed firsthand, mouth agape and mind horribly astir as you looked on in silent horror at the moral atrocities we Americans are so prone to committing?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Oh, and at the moment I'm currently annoyed enough about this sort of response (because come on, how many times can you say "Only in America..." or something to that effect before everyone realizes you're a moron?) to go here... remember that we've made plenty of sacrifices for your entire damn continent.




I think psychological punishment would be out best option. What's the point in someone being killed? They won't be around to suffer their punishment? Capital punishment only works if you're religious.

I am relatively sure that being religious is not a prerequisite for not wanting to die.
Spent lots of time in America, have you? Got loads of stories just like these that you witnessed firsthand, mouth agape and mind horribly astir as you looked on in silent horror at the moral atrocities we Americans are so prone to committing?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Oh, and at the moment I'm currently annoyed enough about this sort of response (because come on, how many times can you say "Only in America..." or something to that effect before everyone realizes you're a moron?) to go here... remember that we've made plenty of sacrifices for your entire damn continent.
That's just normal through this entire forum and when I try to defend the USA, I get shot down. Just remember that us "yanks" said "**** you" to King George 844645 and created our own country by your convicts. We also had to bail your asses out and the rest of Europe with the strength of the American Navy. If it weren't for our Navy, we just might not be talking right now or speaking German.
Spent lots of time in America, have you? Got loads of stories just like these that you witnessed firsthand, mouth agape and mind horribly astir as you looked on in silent horror at the moral atrocities we Americans are so prone to committing?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Oh, and at the moment I'm currently annoyed enough about this sort of response (because come on, how many times can you say "Only in America..." or something to that effect before everyone realizes you're a moron?) to go here... remember that we've made plenty of sacrifices for your entire damn continent.




I am relatively sure that being religious is not a prerequisite for not wanting to die.

My, my, Ennui. Is it your time of the month, or what?
Just kidding :p
Nah, I just get angry every 10th time I see that and ignore it the other 9 times. It's a good schedule, nothing like a little bit of righteous anger now and then, particularly as I haven't been given to posting in the Politics forum a whole lot lately.

Although apparently males have estrogen cycles like women do that influence their moods, but less significantly because we have less estrogen. So maybe it is :p
I think psychological punishment would be out best option. What's the point in someone being killed? They won't be around to suffer their punishment? Capital punishment only works if you're religious.
Someone who would willingly batter a dying woman to death with a golf club is hardly going to feel remorse afterwards, particularly when they're an inbred junkie and lack the mental capacity to even contemplate psychological punishment. Also religion has nothing to do with it.

No, the fact is that America's a much bigger place. Statistically speaking, you're more likely to produce a bunch of weirdos. To be honest, I hate this country and most other European countries too. Just going into town can be one of the most depressing sites ever. I've often considered moving to the Moon.

And English people calling you yanks is as true as eating scones with the queen... It only happened once!
Losing faith in humanity? Please... People are getting no more cruel and horrible than they have been in the past, while humanity as a whole is progressing well.
Where exactly does your life go so wrong that you could do something like that? Thats gotta be due to some sort of mental disorder that doesn't allow you to feel remorse.
Not necessarily. You could feel plenty of remorse. Just not have enough intelligence to realise you might do.

No, the fact is that America's a much bigger place. Statistically speaking, you're more likely to produce a bunch of weirdos. To be honest, I hate this country and most other European countries too. Just going into town can be one of the most depressing sites ever. I've often considered moving to the Moon.

And English people calling you yanks is as true as eating scones with the queen... It only happened once!
I'm not denying that America has a lot of weird/stupid people in it - enough to elect and re-elect the current president - but show some respect, too. Bad things happen everywhere, and the fact is that most of the people who say derogatory things about this country on these forums don't live here and aren't equipped to discuss it.
Losing faith in humanity? Please... People are getting no more cruel and horrible than they have been in the past
while humanity as a whole is progressing well.
Uh, how do you figure? Rapid acceleration towards almost inevitable self-facilitated extinction sort of outweighs current quality of life when it comes to measuring progress.
I'm not denying that America has a lot of weird/stupid people in it - enough to elect and re-elect the current president - but show some respect, too. Bad things happen everywhere, and the fact is that most of the people who say derogatory things about this country on these forums don't live here and aren't equipped to discuss it.

I lived in America.

Bad things happen everywhere.
One would expect bad things to happen in bad places - like parts of South Africa.
America != bad place.
Thus, when something bad does happen, it's immensely highlighted and flashed around.

If someone in England raped an old granny and beat her terminally ill husband to death, I'd be quite happy to condemn my own country for its inability to hold together.
There are some disadvantages to being a world leader. You have expectations and responsibilities.

But I'm not totally convinced that the "MEDC"s (as we're supposed to call them I think) are actually progressing. Sure, technologies advancing and stuff, but from my (short) experience, people are just more and more self-centered than they used to be.
I lived in America.

Bad things happen everywhere.
One would expect bad things to happen in bad places - like parts of South Africa.
America != bad place.
Thus, when something bad does happen, it's immensely highlighted and flashed around.

If someone in England raped an old granny and beat her terminally ill husband to death, I'd be quite happy to condemn my own country for its inability to hold together.
There are some disadvantages to being a world leader. You have expectations and responsibilities.
Well then, if you've lived here before I'll amend my earlier comments to the end of making them a bit less vitriolic. Also, remember recently the drunk/high asshole in England who urinated on a dying old woman whilst shouting "This is youtube material" or something along those lines?

But I'm not totally convinced that the "MEDC"s (as we're supposed to call them I think) are actually progressing. Sure, technologies advancing and stuff, but from my (short) experience, people are just more and more self-centered than they used to be.
I don't entirely agree, but this conversation will explode into long philosophical expositions (at least on my side) if I get into that.
Well then, if you've lived here before I'll amend my earlier comments to the end of making them a bit less vitriolic. Also, remember recently the drunk/high asshole in England who urinated on a dying old woman whilst shouting "This is youtube material" or something along those lines?

Nope, but he was probably drunk, and that definitely sounds English. Jeez, I shake my head at our down fall *shakes head*

I don't entirely agree, but this conversation will explode into long philosophical expositions (at least on my side) if I get into that.

I'd be quite happy to argue back :D
Haha, suck it bitches. My country owns your countries any day of the week.

Except every other wednesday, which is national urinate on a homeless man day.
What's it like being the Wales of Australia?
Losing faith in humanity? Please... People are getting no more cruel and horrible than they have been in the past, while humanity as a whole is progressing well.

maybe improved in cruelty and such

but maybe not in stupidity
Uh, how do you figure? Rapid acceleration towards almost inevitable self-facilitated extinction sort of outweighs current quality of life when it comes to measuring progress.

Our progress cannot be measured simply in the ways we're devising to destroy ourselves. Mankind has always been working towards better ways to kill people.

What I'm saying is, that despite that, we're bettering ourselves. Not all of us, not every segment of society, but I feel as a whole we're improving.

I know that not everybody could possibly agree on that though.
My, my, Ennui. Is it your time of the month, or what?
Just kidding :p

He's right. Its aggravating to read that kind of ignorant response every time some a-hole commits a crime.

Why can't it be "Only on Earth?"
Well, I'm certainly trying. I'm careful to reuse my plastic bags.

*nods knowingly*
God that's sick...

You hear about the woman who cut out the other woman's baby?

You notice they're all in America?

It's just not noticed or reported as much elsewhere. People in the middle east are constantly killing each-other; and I'm not talking about wars between nations either. Or there's the rampant problems in Africa. Most of this stuff is simply old news. In America, one retard acts up and it makes national news because it's NOT the norm here.

Plus it makes people cry at night and buy newspapers or watch CNN.
... Haven't we already had this discussion...?
Our progress cannot be measured simply in the ways we're devising to destroy ourselves. Mankind has always been working towards better ways to kill people.

What I'm saying is, that despite that, we're bettering ourselves. Not all of us, not every segment of society, but I feel as a whole we're improving.

I know that not everybody could possibly agree on that though.

I do understand that, and could agree to an extent, but we're doing it at the expense of our longevity as a species. At the very least, some form of speciation will occur, whether due to pampering/leisure and time (like the Combine) or human self-alteration... and that's what we hope for, because otherwise extinction is a certainty. We have to adapt enough to be able to expand beyond Earth and the Solar System relatively quickly in order to get off the planet soon enough that we don't die with it.

... Haven't we already had this discussion...?

A dozen times, but people still do the "Only in America" thing, so it comes back frequently.
I do understand that, and could agree to an extent, but we're doing it at the expense of our longevity as a species. At the very least, some form of speciation will occur, whether due to pampering/leisure and time (like the Combine) or human self-alteration... and that's what we hope for, because otherwise extinction is a certainty. We have to adapt enough to be able to expand beyond Earth and the Solar System relatively quickly in order to get off the planet soon enough that we don't die with it.

Agreed, and that's what we're shooting for! The stars!
Yes, but the technology (and energy, especially) required is... a ways off.
Yes, but the technology (and energy, especially) required is... a ways off.

Well yeah, but you can't argue that we're heading in that direction. We've made so much progress these past hundreds of years.

It's just a shame that in our efforts we're completely taxing the planet, which in turn will hinder our attempts in the future.

One thing that would be great is instead of so many different nations doing independent research, we unified in our research not only to reduce the resource expenditure of R&D, but increase our throughput.
Just so you know the woman didn't die. Please read the article. Her final days will be in more pain though after getting severly beaten up:
Lapel Police Chief Dennis Molina said the brothers went to Whetsel's Lapel home late Thursday night after a friend told them the woman, who is terminally ill with cancer, was taking several medications.
They allegedly broke into her home wearing ski masks and found Whetsel in her bathroom, according to the probable cause affidavit. She refused to give the brothers her medication and she grabbed Timothy Parker by his sweatshirt, the document states.
Timothy Parker allegedly began punching Whetsel in the chest before his brother beat her with a golf club he had found on the home's back porch, the document states.
"They rushed in the bathroom and wanted me to give them drugs," Whetsel said. "I told them I didn't have any drugs. They didn't care and started beating me with a golf club."
Whetsel, who suffered two broken fingers, several bruises and cuts and possibly a broken knuckle, was treated at an Anderson hospital and released, Molina said.
He said Christopher Parker called out to his brother, using his name, during the attack. That information, including other tips, led to their arrests Friday.
Christopher Parker denied involvement and said he doesn't know why police think he was there.
"It's a shock to me," Christopher Parker said.
Police said there could be more arrests in the case.
Everyone says, "I'm losing faith in humanity." I think I'll start betting against humanity, so I invest no faith to be lost when members of our species do terrible things. And when they do good things, I'll be pleasantly surprised, and the act will seem orders of magnitude greater than it is.
I think the larger problem here is pharmaceutical companies putting out drugs that are far more powerful and addictive than they let on. Many major drug companies have been sewed for tampering with study results, etc. to make it look like their drugs are less addictive than they actually are. Drugs such as oxycontin are basically synthetic heroin, and I have known several people who have become addicted to them. It becomes all they want, and they'll pay upwards of 40 dollars for one pill, granted that one pill is smaller than a pea and will **** you up for 6 good hours...