LOST: Destiny Found

Don't. Understand.

So what happened to Kate, Sawyer, Lupidus, Richard, and Miles?
I liked it, it came to a close, nuff said. It was really good to see all the old faces again. reminds me of the ending of the The Return of the King in the LOTR saga.
Don't. Understand.

So what happened to Kate, Sawyer, Lupidus, Richard, and Miles?

No shit.
Basically, the Island was purgatory and the alt reality is actually heaven.

That's what I'm getting out of it, it's like they used all of that to skimp out of explaining everything else.
Eh my biggest complaint is if they were gonna go that route, they should've just gone ahead and

killed everyone off while they were on the island.

To above question regarding Kate, Sawyer, etc., what I got out of it was that presumably

everyone else lived out a normal life and when they eventually died of natural causes, went to join up in heaven? Richard is inexplicably mortal now. Hurley got stuck with the crap job apparently because he was too fat to get down the cliff.... Perhaps he manages to get everyone else off the island too, because whoever get the Jacob role now gets to make up their own rules about everything.

I wasn't really satisfied with how

the MIB was killed. Very anti-climatic as he just died and nothing particularly significant happened as a result. Also turning off and on the light with a piece of rock plugging a volcano (?!) was pretty dumb and ultimately didn't seem to be of much importance aside from sending MIB and Jack to their deaths.

Desmond being special meant NOTHING since Jack did the same thing Desmond was "meant" to do and lived?

Desmond being special meant NOTHING since Jack did the same thing Desmond was "meant" to do and lived?


Desmond had to be there to get the rock out of the hole. But beyond that, yeah, pretty pointless.
Wait did I miss the part where the time flashing Juliet shoots someone in an outrigger? I was under the impression that would be answered.
so anyone is going to wait for the alternative endings?
Hopefully hotnumbers can grab us the alternatives.
Jimmie Kimble is on now, but I just watched 4½ hrs of Lost and I can wait.
Correctomundo. Wiki:
After the finale, a post-finale special of Jimmy Kimmel Live!, titled Jimmy Kimmel Live: Aloha to Lost, will air at 12:05 a.m, showing three alternate endings.[19] Lindelof and Cuse have stated that they shot only one ending for the finale. It is likely the other three are produced by Jimmy Kimmel Live!
I only have one thing to say at this time. EDIT: make that a couple

I am sad that my disappointment in the finale is a direct inverse of my excitement of the possibilities and the unknown when I first saw the first episode.

I didn't want Lost to end this way. I didn't like it one bit. They wrapped up Lost in exactly the worst possible way they could have. A true disappointment. All the mysteries and supernatural appeal of Lost just vanished into one great big god damn crapfest. Every last little thread of intrigue was just unraveled. And no, not simply because of the ending, but everything before that too.

I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way... it's far too depressing to feel it alone!
And I think we'll find out about Eloise knowing everything in the finale. I don't think it's a plothole.
A plothole said:
A plot hole, or plothole, is a gap or inconsistency in a storyline that goes against the flow of logic established by the story's plot, or constitutes a blatant omission of relevant information regarding the plot.

Hey, everyone, come point and laugh at how very wrong these people are.

Seriously though, I'm glad I only hoped on-board with this show about a year and a bit ago because if I was pining for answers for 6 years like some fans, I'd feel pretty damn annoyed right about now.
meh, i've been following it for 6 years and thought the finale was decent. naa it didn't answer much but i wasn't expecting it to either. the entire catch of the show was its mystery
No shit.
Basically, the Island was purgatory and the alt reality is actually heaven.

That's what I'm getting out of it, it's like they used all of that to skimp out of explaining everything else.

No no no no no no I've been seeing people say this all night and it's like you people shut off your brains when Christian explained it all.

Everything on the Island happened. It all actually happened, the plane crew got off the plane and lived boring lives.

The alternate universe was some sort of purgatory, where they all went when they died. They didn't all die at the same time, as Christian said "time" really wasn't important where they were.

Also lol at everyone for the "but but but but my answersssss :( ". Lost has always been a character driven show, and it should come to no surprise to you that the finale was entirely character driven.

Oh and I liked it.
No no no no no no I've been seeing people say this all night and it's like you people shut off your brains when Christian explained it all.

Everything on the Island happened. It all actually happened, the plane crew got off the plane and lived boring lives.

The alternate universe was some sort of purgatory, where they all went when they died. They didn't all die at the same time, as Christian said "time" really wasn't important where they were.

Also lol at everyone for the "but but but but my answersssss :( ". Lost has always been a character driven show, and it should come to no surprise to you that the finale was entirely character driven.

Oh and I liked it.

the most important part of the show to me was in fact like you mentioned the Christian/Jack conversation. It really opened my eyes a bit to what the show was about, even though they hinted it so many times. Regardless though, how many times in your life have you had Deja Vu and could not change it for the likes of you and also how many times were you intrigued by it?? I have Deja Vu at least once a month, and for the longest time I had it just about every day. Just like LOST, life has many mysteries, and they make life more interesting to say the least
I think the thing I liked most about the finale was that last part really. These people happened to share the most intense moments of their lives together, and that bond was so strong that even in whatever ****ing dimension their minds were in, they found each other. And we got to see that part of their journey.

Just like we saw their pasts, we saw pretty ****ing far into their futures. They were more like "super flash-forwards" and not "flash sideways".
Also lol at everyone for the "but but but but my answersssss :( ". Lost has always been a character driven show, and it should come to no surprise to you that the finale was entirely character driven.

The ending was always going to be character-driven, that still doesn't excuse years of bad writing by introducing mysteries for the sake of suspense that are never to be resolved.
Name some unresolved mysteries please.

Also if you were aware that it was a horribly written show for years now then I am so sorry that you wasted your time :(
gonna try and find a way to get this thread blocked from my browser to stop me from trying to type out anything comprehend-able.

see you around, folks.
Oh dude, you want me to name some unresolved mysteries? ****, I'm not gonna waste my time doing that, you could go to just about any Lost site on the internet, I'm sure there are better, more dedicated fans writing those out as we speak.

Nobody watches a show because it has interesting characters right off the bat. If the show was pitched as "A plane crashes on an island. The survivors are an interesting, dynamic bunch of people" then nobody would give a shit. Nobody watched the first episode and went "I don't care about what that monster thing was, or how the plane crashed, I want to know more about Jack and Kate".

You can't just sit there and say "It's about the characters and all you guys whining for answers suck" when the hype of the show was generated by the mystery of it from the very first episode.

Of course it's about the characters, every television show is about characters, but the plot is just as important as the characters (even more so for a show that relies on mystery like Lost does) and it just got thrown into the wayside because they didn't know what the **** they were doing for the half of the runtime of the show.

I'm fine with not having answers for everything (who the **** cares about the outrigger? Really?) but some of the biggest questions in the show are left unanswered and probably will never get answers, and you're telling me it's stupid to watch the finale hoping for just SOME answers to some of the biggest questions?
The mysteries were introduced to see how these characters dealt with them.

But no seriously please tell me what you felt was unresolved so I can tell you that you're wrong. I hope its something stupid like why walt wasn't in the finale or something.
The mysteries were introduced to see how these characters dealt with them.

In other words they introduced weird shit just for the hell of it, and they made things up as they went along. Glad to know I was right about this show from the start. Still watched it out of curiosity though.

But no seriously please tell me what you felt was unresolved so I can tell you that you're wrong. I hope its something stupid like why walt wasn't in the finale or something.

OK, how about: Why MIB while in smoke monster mode makes mechanical sounds?

Choose your answer:

"That's silly/stupid"

"Who cares about that"

As for the finale... it fists with the direction this show has taken. So I can't say I'm surprised it ended this way. For the record I was disappointed ever since they went for the fantasy rout
This religious mumbo jumbo ending made me realize that i have been bamboozled. I have been watching a ****ing soap opera for the past six years. The sci-fi/supernatural elements were nothing but distractions to keep me watching the damn show in hopes that some of the mysteries would be revealed. And i fell for it. What a crock of shit.
Why will the Man in Black destroy the world when he leaves the island if his only motivation is to leave the island?

Since he knows putting out the light will destroy the world (or at least kill all humans, ala Bender) and presumably Jacob's rules (which are also pretty dumb) prohibit him from leaving directly, couldn't he have just waited for the next protector of the island to be chosen (after figuring killing Jacob) and asked nicely to destroy those rules and let him leave, without threatening to destroy the world and pitting everyone on the island against him in an effort to stop him?

Since he uses people as a means to an end and is obviously smart, isn't this the most logical thing he could've done?

For that matter, how does he know that destroying the light will free him?

How is it that the Frozen Donkey Wheel was built if no one (except Desmond) could survive a direct EMP blast like that? Also, How did primitive settlers from thousands of years ago know enough about the light that they figured out how to control it in the first place?

Why will the world end if the light goes out? Since this is basically the whole reason for so many characters doing so many things on the show (since it's Jacob's motivation for everything), it would be nice to have it explained even briefly, even with a ****ing Back To The Future "Rip in the space-time continuum" explanation. Just not this shitty "Light goes out we all die, because I say we do" explanation.

How does Eloise know everything? Including knowing that the afterlife, is the afterlife for f*cks sake. She's practically the Wizard of Oz. This one is just flat-out bad writing.

These are just some questions I have from the last few episodes. A lot of the answers to these questions are presented in the show as being "Because I say so and those are the rules I just made up". The answers to those questions are literally this Eddie Izzard routine:


I don't even need a definitive answer for all these things, just some kind of answer that doesn't seem like shitty writing thrown in to artificially amplify the mystery of it and capitalize on people's curiosity.

Women can't have children on the island. Except for Claire, who can have children on the island. The importance of this will never be revealed.

And why wasn't Walt in the last episode? That one right there is the MOST important of ALL the questions.
Just to let you guys know, an extra 20 minutes of footage of the final episode will be included on the season 6 DVD release. They will be offering answers to stuff like Walt and the Outrigger scenario.
Just to clarify things folks, they all died as soon as the plane broke up and crashed. The island was a proving place or purgatory. Moving on in the "real world" is really heaven. The people on the plane realized they were dead as soon as Desmond made them remember it. Think of the sixth sense. I think there are major plot holes and it makes sense for the ending, kinda. Like where is Mr. Eko, DHARMA, etc.

Oh ya I started crying when my moms long standing theory came true and I started realizing it 15 min before the end. The end was so sad though with Vincent at the end. ;( ****ing THEBOOKOFLAW spoiled me about the volcano 2 years ago. He posted "it was known since season 1" though.

They said it wasn't purgatory multiple times though!!!! http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Purgatory_(debunked_theory)
Just to clarify things folks, they all died as soon as the plane broke up and crashed. The island was a proving place or purgatory. Moving on in the "real world" is really heaven. The people on the plane realized they were dead as soon as Desmond made them remember it. Think of the sixth sense. I think there are major plot holes and it makes sense for the ending, kinda. Like where is Mr. Eko, DHARMA, etc.

Oh ya I started crying when my moms long standing theory came true and I started realizing it 15 min before the end. The end was so sad though with Vincent at the end. ;( ****ing THEBOOKOFLAW spoiled me about the volcano 2 years ago. He posted "it was known since season 1" though.

They said it wasn't purgatory multiple times though!!!! http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Purgatory_(debunked_theory)

That's wrong actually. The island was all real. The sideways universe was purgatory.
Women can't have children on the island. Except for Claire, who can have children on the island. The importance of this will never be revealed.
Important maybe, but - like many of the other things you mentioned - that had internal consistency, and two possible solutions that were never directly explained. It was mentioned many, many times that the pregnancy issue was only ever a factor for pregnancies where conception occurred on the island, not birth. The two solutions are (1) it's one of Jacob's rules, since he would want to control who is on the island at any given point, or (2) to do with the radiation from Jack's little atomic bomb experiment or the radiation from the island itself having an effect at the most early stages in development.

Lost may not have resolved all of its own mysteries and mythology but it certainly did resolve its own plot, and I finished watching that episode more than satisfied. Many series have tried to overreach in tying up every loose end and have often failed in the attempt, so I am more than content with the few dangling ends for the sake of a satisfying conclusion.

What's more, the brilliant bit from my perspective is
the way the handled the alternate timeline. It was fitting that Desmond was the only one with any visions of the afterlife since he is the only one (other than Juliet for a short span who was exposed to the same radiation Desmond was) who can see the future. Not only that but whatever happened, happened since the timelines never really split. Daniel's theories in the alt came from his knowledge of events prior to his death in 1977 and his 'mind' filled in the blanks. It all just... worked.
Why will the Man in Black destroy the world when he leaves the island if his only motivation is to leave the island?

Since he knows putting out the light will destroy the world (or at least kill all humans, ala Bender) and presumably Jacob's rules (which are also pretty dumb) prohibit him from leaving directly, couldn't he have just waited for the next protector of the island to be chosen (after figuring killing Jacob) and asked nicely to destroy those rules and let him leave, without threatening to destroy the world and pitting everyone on the island against him in an effort to stop him?

Yeah man... Jacob's rules were really retarded. I mean, Jacob himself was retarded. He was just some stupid kid who made his own answers because nobody gave him answers other than to protect some stupid unknown light thing. I suspect the same thing was the same for the other woman... who knew nothing more than somebody told her to protect the light.

The MiB is also dumb as a result... all the excitement of the smoke monster turned into the reality that he was was very... very disappointing. He wasn't some ancient force... he was just an old force, and a man who simply wanted to leave the Island... who happened, happened to be a smoke monster because of a really unknown, arbitrary way the light reacted with him.

I was hoping all this time that he was actually a creature like Cerberus, which The Hatch season made me believe... it made me believe there was a lot of crazy supernatural stuff going on, but really there wasn't anything too spectacularly supernatural with any sort of depth other than the fact that it was a dude turned to smoke by this unknown heart of the Island.

And why wasn't Walt in the last episode? That one right there is the MOST important of ALL the questions.

This is one not the biggest questions, yes. Walt was supposed to be another supernatural element of the show that was just brushed aside as not important... probably because the writers couldn't think of anything interesting. They wanted to take the supernatural elements of the show and instead replace them with a lot of running and gunning moments.

I'm just... so disappointed. And I really can't explain the complete depths of my disappointment very well.
Just to let you guys know, an extra 20 minutes of footage of the final episode will be included on the season 6 DVD release. They will be offering answers to stuff like Walt and the Outrigger scenario.

riiiight...i'll believe it when i see it
This is one not the biggest questions, yes. Walt was supposed to be another supernatural element of the show that was just brushed aside as not important... probably because the writers couldn't think of anything interesting. They wanted to take the supernatural elements of the show and instead replace them with a lot of running and gunning moments.

Since a few people think I'm serious about Walt, I really don't care about what happened to him and why he wasn't there.
Since a few people think I'm serious about Walt, I really don't care about what happened to him and why he wasn't there.

Well, I don't care why he wasn't there... as I didn't care why his dad wasn't there... I just wanted to know why he was made out to be such a huge plot point that turned out to be such a huge ****ing sidestep. I mean... Walt means nothing in the past few seasons of course, but the mystery surrounding him was supposed to be one of the biggest ones of the series early on.

It's just one of the many.
So, the island events were real but the sideways was basically a what if they had died on the island after the nuke went off and went to heaven? And then because of the circumstances in which the sideways was created, they all managed to remember their lives on the island in the end?
Yeah, I'm also glad I didn't spend 6 years watching this show. I got into it about 6 months ago or so. Having to wait 6 years to see it end this way would have really pissed me off.