Love it or hate it? Or still waiting?

Whats your opinion?

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It's cool.

Which is exactly what I expected to think.
Its great. Although the maps are a little confusing, its probably 7-8 years since I last played the original.
computer parts are coming today...

(I'm not even going to try loading this on my laptop.)
I like it a lot but, like others have said, kinda slow. Not as fast/frantic as TFC or even Fortress Forever.
I'm still at work, but I'll try it out as soon as I get home.
It will be interesting to see what the player numbers are about a month after the Orange Box's release, when all the hype's died down.
I chose "All right" for now. The classes and maps are OK, but the respawn timer is terrible. You die too quickly to warrant 15-20 seconds in respawn and spectating that way is very boring. It'd be a lot better if you respawned instantly and could start fighting again.
Still waiting, even though I pre-loaded it the day I could, my beta won't start up, stupid thing....I'm SO frustrated :flame:
Amazing, Just the right speed ...No Real nade spammin (Which is why i stpped playin TFC) Graphics are sweet..This is a very good addition to the new steam community cause it seems more like the start of the old tfc where everyone joined there favorite server and played there most of the time making for a tight family.... 10/10 Home run , Touch Down ,SCORE!!!!
I love it, plus stat tracking and achievements. It's as good as I thought it would be. I don't regret buying the orange box at all.
Still at work! Arg! 3 hours until I can get home. I'll probably run.
Didnt have time to play online, Tried that developer commentary mode, and its looking very promising.
my old GPU busted so I'm stuck with a reserve "gforce2 mx440" which doesn't support dx8.0 and a dillema on wether or not to upgrade my current AGP system or wait it out a little and then buy a whole new system...

so I won't be playing anyof the orange box content before I get a new GPU/Computer.
Still at college, come on 1 more hour of business and I'm on!!!
Unstable as hell. I hope Valve are going to improve this before the final release, and I really hope that Ep. 2 and Portal aren't as bad.

The 2 minutes of gameplay I can get in before a looping sound crash seem fun though.
I love it, but for some reason I can't see any servers in the browser. I got to play on a server I had the IP for but it's kinda a pain.
How do you lot mean, unstable, does it crash alot or is it just crap and have they been pulling the wool over our eyes?

Because if they have....:sniper:
COME ON!!! FREE TIME IN BUSINESS!! meaning I can chat and stuff on this and only 5 minutes until I can go home, at last, it's been a long day...
I like it ... although it lacks some of the magic from TFC, and the spies are a bit too powerful.
Okay, after sorting out my crashing problems by switching to DirectX 8.1, the game is thoroughly fun and awesome, even if it doesn't look nearly as good as it should. I foresee many hours wasted healing advancing Heavies.
This game is brilliant. Valve took a decent concept that was poorly executed (TFC) and created TF2 which imo, is simply brilliant.
Scratch what I said...the game now plays smoothly, but still crashes every 2 minutes, and they're pretty bad crashes that take the whole PC down with them. Looks like I'll be skipping out on this one until the issue gets fixed... :hmph:
It's very good. Every tiny detail in the game seems to be there to somehow improve gameplay and especially fun. It's as if Valve took a long hard look at multiplayer FPS and simply perfected the genre. The genre is done now and TF2 is king. At least in the genre of arcade shooters, can't see any Unreal or Quake beat this. I love the scout, a class very capable of killing and doing it in style. Pyro seems kind of pathetic though, hardly the king of close quarters combat, or perhaps everyone still just sucks with the pyro.

One downside: MOAR CTF PLX
Scratch what I said...the game now plays smoothly, but still crashes every 2 minutes, and they're pretty bad crashes that take the whole PC down with them. Looks like I'll be skipping out on this one until the issue gets fixed... :hmph:

Oh? You get it too?
super special awesome!

Which is good coming from me cos I generally don't like MP games cos I'm so bad at them but I still found it to be good fun.

Only 1 achievement so far though :hmph:
Oh? You get it too?

Yup...and so far I've tried everything...Verifying the game cache, playing in windowed mode, playing with no sound, playing with no hardware accelerated sound, etc.

None of them work, except playing with no sound, where instead the game just randomly closes with a message about Direct3D and how I don't have enough video memory(which is pretty weird because I've already lowered my settings and the game plays perfectly smooth).
i m waiting for the hard copy in few weeks. hehehe
Love it! Its so awesome with the class based business. Heavy Weapons guy suits me perfectly.
The game is really great, I am finding myself playing as the medic because hardly anyone seems to want to play as the medic...You get assisted kills points when you heal people as they slay people! :D
I have a problem when it loads up, zone alarm asks me to give it permission every time so far even though I store the setting...also, when zone alarm asks me to give permission to 'gameoverlayUI.exe' hl2.exe crashes...then I have to restart...but after that it works pretty much perfectly. Awesome game, I am sure it will become hugely popular. :)