Mass Multiplayer Support

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Would be nice, since Valve is keeping their shit under wraps about multiplayer. If it would, next to normal 32 player, have support for mass multiplayer like in WW2 Online or PlanetSide. They would construct a huge continent with all the places that you visit in single player, from acrtic plains and beaches to cities and desert lands. So you would have a fatty orgy with people. And if it would be team supported then people could like gather together and hold certain points on the continent. I dunno I'm just talkin. Would be nice if that was the big surprise.

:monkee: :P :stare:

Oooh oohh! And i dont mean the sound the monkeys make. It would also be good for some mods like Day Of Defeat.

YOU CAN HUNT WABBITS! :sniper: :imu:
You know...there is no player limit :)

(maybe in org HL2 but you can mod it a little!)
Originally posted by Majestic XII
You know...there is no player limit :)

ahuH? Who be sayin' that shite? mr. fatso? Cuz if so they should hook that up for DoD2.

Look at that nikkuh bouuunce! :bounce: ..... is he bouncing? Im using a really old crappy computer right now and he dont be bouncin on my shit. Is he bouncing? He better be. If not I'm gonna be forced to apply some madcore regulation on his ass.
Originally posted by THUGENSTE1N
ahuH? Who be sayin' that shite? mr. fatso? Cuz if so they should hook that up for DoD2.

Look at that nikkuh bouuunce! :bounce: ..... is he bouncing? Im using a really old crappy computer right now and he dont be bouncin on my shit. Is he bouncing? He better be. If not I'm gonna be forced to apply some madcore regulation on his ass.

Yes, thuggy. Gabe said that in a interview.
Originally posted by Majestic XII
Yes, thuggy. Gabe said that in a interview.

What you mean yes? I wasnt talkin about Mr. Gabe Newell sir. He is in great shape, but then again, a big oval is a great shape too!


So if there is no player limit, what about support for big enviornments. I mean I know they said big open door enviornments. But did they say how big? Like a chiwawa? Or perhaps the state of Arkansas? Oh wait, I have a strange memory in my head that someone said something about 2KMx2KM. am I trippin or did someone mention the size?
Originally posted by THUGENSTE1N
What you mean yes? I wasnt talkin about Mr. Gabe Newell sir. He is in great shape, but then again, a big oval is a great shape too!


So if there is no player limit, what about support for big enviornments. I mean I know they said big open door enviornments. But did they say how big? Like a chiwawa? Or perhaps the state of Arkansas? Oh wait, I have a strange memory in my head that someone said something about 2KMx2KM. am I trippin or did someone mention the size?

i dont know da max size fa maps. da texture limit is 2k x 2k if it was dat yous was thinkin about :)
Originally posted by Majestic XII
da fa da dat yous was

WOAH THERE 2pac! Tryin' to ebonically blend in?

Naw I know 2k x 2k for textures but like uhh... I think they mentioned the open door enviornments size...
well, I reckon MMO would be nice.... yet very very unlikely... since they would probably want a monthly fee from it :(
Haha I found this little booklet, it say JAPANESE PRINTS: 16 ART STICKERS. It's like a collection of small stickers from japan. And on one of them it shows some wall with a bunch of wood on it, some cat on a shelf and the horizon. And in the subtext it say: "HIROSHIGE: Asakusa Rice Field During the Cock Festival at Otori Shrine!" hahaNO...

I mean, yes, it would be nice if the engine could atleast SUPPORT mass multiplayer. That way DoD wouldnt feel so loney... ;( BOO ****IN HOO!

And and I found this other sticker. it say: "UTAMARO: Three Beauties of High Fame." It's great n all, but the bitches in the pitcture is ugly!! UGLIER THAN A ARANGATANG BUTT!
I can remember Gabe saying awhile back that he thought it would be cool to see if any modder would try to make an MMO for HL1. So I wouldn't be surprised if added abilities for making an MMO into HL2.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
I can remember Gabe saying awhile back that he thought it would be cool to see if any modder would try to make an MMO for HL1. So I wouldn't be surprised if added abilities for making an MMO into HL2.

utter savagery
something along the lines of a mmo but not one.

i like the idea of a server that can hold a lot of people but having wut u said would not be what everyone WANTS which is very important, i would be happy to have servers with over 40 people.

on another note your very dynamic unpreicable and mean.
Originally posted by KiNG
on another note your very dynamic unpreicable and mean. [/B]

thank you for the input, Johnny #5.

But may I ask how am I mean, friend. For saying that Mr. Gabe Newell is a fatso? It is true. I did not mean to instult him. I personally like nicknames that end with -so. I just wanted to give him a cute nickname. If not, what else did I say to offend you and my lovely friends here at the forum boards. Tell me please so I can change for the better and please all of you! Thank you, friend! BYE BYE!

i meant sarcastic, which can easily tranlate into being mean. anywho what i meant was your love for sarcatic insults in the begining of your pots ie. thatnks for your input jonny #5, stya on task ****face, whoa there 2pac. i was in a wierd mood when i wrote the post, dont take everything to the heart
Originally posted by KiNG
i was in a wierd mood when i wrote the post, dont take everything to the heart

Lol thats somethin YOU people need to NOT do when it comes to my shit, FRIEND!
You ****in wrote that post like 2 minutes ago. Then you was in a funny mood and now you arent? You like a teenage girl on PMS. muahaha, JOHNNY #5!!!

remember: Dont take everything to the heart, johnny #5.

Reminder to self: KinG = Johnny #5, Mr. Badger = BADGER MILK!!

:smoking: PUFF PUFF, PASS. That's the rules in our tribe!

Let's get off Johnny's case and on back to the topic. MMO!35465%%
Originally posted by KiNG
tranlate, sarcatic, begining, pots, thatnks, jonny #5, stya

1. Did you sleep through grade school? :sleep:

2. I can buy you a new keyboard, friend.

3. Slow your roll.

Pick 1 of three please.
didnt read through all the post but gabe said its 32 players for now in HL2. He said it will be possible though to change to a higher number of players though through the HL2 patches if they decide to do it in the future
When did Gabe ever say anything about HL2 multiplayer? Did I miss something?
PUFF PUFF, PASS. That's the rules in our tribe!
So really, what you do is smoke up and then try to string words together and pass it off as an idea? That's not going to get you far.

Now, getting back on topic, there is a planned MMO-type mod called Entropy, its a gang-warfare mod set in the near future. You can gather into clans (a.k.a. Gangs) and you try to get money by robbing banks, stealing stuff instead of buying it, etc etc. The goal is to take over the city in the server, on which point the server resets everything, inventory, gang status, etc. Sounds cool. Can't remember the URL though, but it should be awesome if they can pull it off.
Originally posted by stigmata
The goal is to take over the city in the server, on which point the server resets everything, inventory, gang status, etc. Sounds cool. Can't remember the URL though, but it should be awesome if they can pull it off.

Games like that would have a shit load of issues, as great as they sound tho. For instance, if a gang takes over the entire city, giving the other gangs a hard time in taking over. What happens if hella people drop from the server for technical issues. It would leave no one in their city so any other gang can easily just come in and take over.
yup.. they really need to rethink everything carefully before they take the attempt
As far as I remember, each server contains a single city, which are not inter-connected, so your character exists in just the one server. When the city gets taken over, the server erases all gangs, inventories, and players.