Meat diet boosts kids' growth

It's why you can knock vegetarians to the floor with your little finger.
I would be careful about drawing conclusions. This is on Kenyan school children. They are probably low on vitamins and minerals anyways. You would have to try adding extra meat to a typical well fed American child that would already be saturated with nutrients to be able to say if it actually makes a difference.
True enough, but the comparisons between the meat-fed subjects and the ones who didn't recieve the meat gives it some merit, I think. I've read other studies about this which have the same conclusions.
I like how this woman doing the study claims that "it is unethical to deny children meat and dairy products during the first few years of growth" yet she's purposely doing that to numerous kids for the sake of an experiment.

And I think being vegan is pretty damn stupid.
I'm a pretty small guy (5'8" and 135 lbs.). I've eaten a lot of chicken during my life but I've never really eaten a lot of beef. I wonder if that has something to do with it.
giving children under the age of 1 year milk can be fatal ...infants cannot digest the milk solids found in cows milk

oh and beef cattle are injected with growth hormones as are milking cows
I was 8 3/4 stone at the age of 18 while being a veggie.

Went up to a solid 12 1/2 stone after 3 or so months of eating meat.

aint really fat on me either, I used to be able to get my fingers to lock round my bicep, now I can't even reach the bone.
The study does not reveal it's exact methodology, it also doesn't reveal the exact food it gave to the children or even what it classifies as a vegan diet. It also does not reveal the average increase, only the extremes.
The most disturbing fact however is the article suggesting that it may be caused by the protein content in meat. Now not only has it been known for decades that protein supports growth, it's not a guess, but pretty much a fact, it would also seem they think a vegan diet doesn't contain protein or enough of it.

Now simply putting the word "Veganism" in Google would show you a site, which is forth from the top giving information about how to easly get protein, calcium and B12 from plants
Id trust the Beef Association with my life.
it's a well known fact that protein rich meat stimulates growth.

thats why humans developed such a big brain.

until the arrival of good quality, nutritious synthetics i'm gonna stick to meat!
Id trust the Beef Association with my life.

you probably are ...I hear one of the biggest killer of men is heart attack and complications due to prostate/colon cancer ...high meat intake can lead to all 3 conditions
$5 says this thread will turn into a vegan v. meat eater debate that lasts for 15+ pages.
it's a well known fact that protein rich meat stimulates growth.

thats why humans developed such a big brain.

until the arrival of good quality, nutritious synthetics i'm gonna stick to meat!
Nonsense, until the 20th century most predators ate relatively more meat then we. Yet we have bigger brains. The reason predators have bigger brains on average then plant eaters is because you need bigger brains for hunting, hence smarter mates are favored by natural selection. Genes have more to do with bigger brain and muscle then diet.

And you can get as much if not more useful nutritions from plants as you can get from meat, and you know that by now.

Furthermore, while good diet is important for a political talk about veganism in practice it wouldn't make a difference. I could feed most of you only water and bread, and beat you with a stick. And you would be more healthy then you are now. Seeing as most people really do not give a shit about their health. Not only that, a lot of the problems with health like high cholesterol are associated with the eating of meat. Not because meat is inherently bad for you, but because most of you eat to much of only one kind and/or prepare it in a bad manner. And then we haven't even come to drinking, smoking and drugs. Those would kill you long before any vitamin B12 deficiency.
Nonsense, until the 20th century most predators ate relatively more meat then we. Yet we have bigger brains. The reason predators have bigger brains on average then plant eaters is because you need bigger brains for hunting, hence smarter mates are favored by natural selection. Genes have more to do with bigger brain and muscle then diet.

And you can get as much if not more useful nutritions from plants as you can get from meat, and you know that by now.

Furthermore, while good diet is important for a political talk about veganism in practice it wouldn't make a difference. I could feed most of you only water and bread, and beat you with a stick. And you would be more healthy then you are now. Seeing as most people really do not give a shit about their health. Not only that, a lot of the problems with health like high cholesterol are associated with the eating of meat. Not because meat is inherently bad for you, but because most of you eat to much of only one kind and/or prepare it in a bad manner. And then we haven't even come to drinking, smoking and drugs. Those would kill you long before any vitamin B12 deficiency.

intelligence, meat eating and genes go hand in hand. the brain is mostly made of proteins. good meat is more packed with them, than vegetables.

but i'm not denying that people nowadays eat too much, and the nutritious value of meat went down due to the monotone diet and health of livestock.

a good measure of both is healthiest. but meat is still the main energy source.
I think organic meat is many times healthier for you than the highly processed meat we eat today. So I would say people eat too much processed meat, and if everyone starting eating organic meat more than processed meat we would be healthier. And if you don't eat meat, then your just plain stupid since humans have been eating meat for 2.5 million years, and our genes are specialized for eating meat.
I have to say that I really do agree that meat is an important part of a diet. While overdoing is most certainly unhealthy, I dont believe a diet made strictly of vegan friendly foods is entirely healthy, or so I have read.
I think we can definitively conclude with absolute certainty that meat may or may not promote growth or cause heart disease. And vegetarianism and veganism may or may not be a healthy lifestyle choice depending on various unknown factors and theories about human evolution.
I think we can definitively conclude with absolute certainty that meat may or may not promote growth or cause heart disease. And vegetarianism and veganism may or may not be a healthy lifestyle choice depending on various unknown factors and theories about human evolution.

I think we can definitely conclude that, because your not concluding anything.

EDIT: YaY 500th post...
well i have an idea... hopefully some people will volunteer with me. Lets all (anyone willing) stop eating meat for a couple weeks. Or if you are a vegetarian then eat mostly meat products for 2 weeks. Come back here after the 2 weeks and post your results and finds as to how you feel, look, act, think etc.

Then maybe we can get somebody with good grammar to write an article and we can post our finds somewhere important. I don't know it's late and it seems like a good idea at the time. PM me or post in this thread if you wanna try it. I'm willing to do it if we have others who honestly are and wont cheat.

vegetarians would be physically sick if they switched to a meat diet overnight, meat eaters would be fine, but probably hungry as most meat eaters think vegetarian diets consist of a leaf of lettuce and a glass of water