Meet the Medic!

Ahh, didn't like it much =/

The first few meet the team videos were better... Well, now, only meet the pyro remains, its probably gonna be the best, i just hope I aint old enough so im blind when they release it
It was all right. The beginning and the Spy's head in the fridge were probably the best parts of the video. Not sure what to make of the F2P feature, but I guess Valve knows what they're doing.
That was more a snippet from his "life" than "hello, I'm the medic." Funny nonetheless.
That was fun. Think it's better than the more recent ones.
They've outdone themselves once again. Great voice work and dialogue as always. Kudos to the Voice actors and writers. Valve seriously needs to consider going into the movie business. This needs to be turned into a feature length film.
Got a good laugh out of me at the end. "Are you sure this will work?" "I have no idea!" It seemed longer, and a bit prettier, than the previous videos, but it was a bit lacking in humor until the end.
That was great, I feel like I learned a bit more about what the medic is like. I also felt like they made him out to be the class all the others respect or couldn't do without. Which is certainly a good thing, pub servers so frequently have medic shortages and it is probably the most important class. Perhaps this will glamorise him a little more!
I liked almost if not all the blue team was soldiers.

I agree, I mean how can they expect to do at all well in competitive games if they're all playing soldier? Where's the flanking scout duo, medic+heavy from above, suppressing demoman detonation radii? God
Mrs. Pauling

At around 0:54-0:56 you can possibly see Mrs. Pauling on the left, behind the windows. Did you find any more gags?
Loved the video. Been a long time since the last one, but it was worth it if this is the sort of quality we get. Looking forward to seeing how they portray the Pyro.
I'm hoping they go the El Muchacho route.