MGS4 gameplay footage

OMG the ending, wtf?awesome vid, we see some evidence of the faction system in the game with snake supporting the arab looking dudes...can't wait!

its over at eurogamer too
in their part.
If you don't believe that the mgs games are amoung the best ever made, I am bewildered.

However, not all the fancy new moves and graphics in the world justify paying 700 dollars.
OMG the ending, wtf?

I bet that you play as a younger Snake, as seen in the end of the video, then something happens and you play as the old Snake we've seen so much of.

One thing I don't like is Snake's white hair, I would've preferred the greyish we saw the first time MGS4 was revealed.
I like the idea of playing as old Snake. Something really cool about a badass old man lumbering around a warzone and stealthily gutting people. I hope that the younger Snake ... is just from an earlier time period or something, because adding in more clones at this point would not be too cool.

Anyway, we'll see. And the new camoflauge system looks to be vastly improved over the one in MGS3. It always broke suspension of disbelief (not to mention the flow of the game) to have to go into the pause menu and select a different camo uniform and having him just magically start wearing it. I hope they can find a way to bring back the stamina without bringing back the hunting, as although it was a great part of the game it obviously won't be in this one.
The game is still in development. If the game is like that in the unfinished game, then it will be looking alot better as soon as they finish making it.