modding halflife

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does anyone know what language halflife 2 mods will be coded in, im guessing C++ but im not sure whether it will be that or maybe there own language, like Quake 1 used QuakeC, ive look through all the interviews and articles i can find but i cant see anything which helps me so i was wondering if anyone here knows?

thx for reading this :)
I really hope its C++, has anyone got info on this ?
its going to be in C++. If you know that language, and have experience, why dont you join our team? if you are interested PM me. Thanks. mrBadger
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
wow, way to plug your mod...

yeah, it will probery be in C++ or a form of it.....

and if you interested, we could still use another good coder...

How very hypocritical.
yep, wide opinion seems to sugest C++, although I think it should of been coded in good old Basic (as in the commodre 64, at least I could of coded it then :P), ju st for nostalgic reasoning!
will theres nuffin wrong with a little thread-relative promotion. its about code, so why not advertise....
Originally posted by mrBadger
so why not advertise....

Because I, and prolly others to, take that as spam. You're almost begging for help.
It's not Spam is it....


Spices + Ham+some other things in a tin

all mixed together to equal a lovely little bit of stuff, that you can put on sandwitchs...

Sorry, I'll go back to my corner now...
Well, sorry if anyone took it that way, but here's the reasoning behind this: This is a thread about code... so coders might read it..... and therefore might be interested in a mod team. Ah well. I wasn't beggin for help...