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Sep 13, 2003
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While most of you are probably getting rather tired hearing about the pre-release content that has been leaked over the past fortnight, websites globe-wide continue to pump out articles documenting the recent events. For anyone who is still keen on following the near-exhausted topic, you can find an article on Wired News here, and another courtesy of GameSpot.
you are trying to make out like its getting old. Its only just started. You will see.
The subject is still a interesting one, but there nothing new, we already know most of it. To be honest, I'm more interseted in if valve is going to release anymore Bink videos.
all in all I'm more interested in Valve saying something...anything....just say something instead of this silence.
Yes. I`d rather have them say "No News" every two days than waiting 3 month between every update. Beeing very community friendly does also mean very communicative doesn`t it? I`d liked to see something like Gabe saying: "Hold on guys, we are very busy with this now" a few days after the source leak. They did this but then suddenly it stopped why not a little update all 3 days. I know that this is not the common way it`s done in business. But we are talking about Game Dev. There`s a lot of fanfeeding and hipeing going on here. Beeing certain that there is no news but a new statement to come tomorrow eve is better than not to know a thing but rumors about armageddon (a release in march) and noone to turn to.
a report every 3 days would probably be good. Maybe valve could set up a section on their website for presenting and collecting information on the leak, because the way they have stuff sorted out now is a bit all over the place, and they're expecting the internet community help them out with this problem.