

May 24, 2003
Reaction score

4 DVD set... need it, I will pre-order it at Amazon (you already can do it)... MUST HAVE IT NOW OR I WILL KILL SOMEONE! ... Ah..
God Mr. Reak, your really trying to get at me today, first Thief III now this.... And I'm Broke at the moment ;(
Yea, that's definately a must have. I'll be getting that and the regular edition.

Click to enlarge...
yes most defintaly, hmmm August for the next one then... ;( me so, not going to have any money for HL2 when it comes out.... ;(
Yes, all good games, plus this, com out in fall.. I am going broke.
Wait for the gift set instead wich will include an gollum statue!

haha.. Gollum 0wnz.. he is the most coolest 3d animated character I ever saw in a movie
I've got the Fellowship Gift Set, so I'll probably get the Two Towers gift set too.
The FOTR Platinum Edition added 30 minutes to the movie. This one doesn't mention that...although it is the platinum series. Glad to see they are just releasing it and not the non-platinum version first. Also they aren't waiting till november
Originally posted by RoyalEF
The FOTR Platinum Edition added 30 minutes to the movie. This one doesn't mention that...although it is the platinum series. Glad to see they are just releasing it and not the non-platinum version first. Also they aren't waiting till november

The FOTR: TTT extended edition includes 40min of new footage!
Originally posted by Jager
Jar Jar pwnz :laugh:

Even if that was a joke, im afraid you will have to leave now. Jar Jar was so annoying. At first i liked him but then....after a while i just wanted to wring his neck!
2 towers sucked man, the 1st was better
I think the two towers is great, and since they are all part of the same story you cant really compare them like other movies.
ok i liked the 1st part of the story better than the middle :)
Yes, I advise reading the books...

The Books were amazing, and the films blew me away...but they still don't compare to the books...pitty he didn't finish more of them, poor guy ;(
MUST>>!>>!!>>>>.. GET !@ !@ !@@ NOOOWOOWOWOW!!!
/me transforms into THE HULK
wait crappy movie
/me transforms into SAURON!
Originally posted by SpuD
MUST>>!>>!!>>>>.. GET !@ !@ !@@ NOOOWOOWOWOW!!!
/me transforms into THE HULK
wait crappy movie
/me transforms into SAURON!

As hard as I tried to understand what you just said, I couldn't :\
;( Ten days after my birthday.... too long to wait...need to see now...

/me stone jumps on plain and flies to where they filmed it... all finds is the remains of what was the set, cos they filmed it all last year ;(

..oh well, one good point is I'll have money to go see it... :cheese:
There really isnt much point in getting the dvd version just get the video. 1. its cheaper 2. It doesnt have those damn songs and tom bombadill or woteva hes called in it.
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
There really isnt much point in getting the dvd version just get the video. 1. its cheaper 2. It doesnt have those damn songs and tom bombadill or woteva hes called in it.
Video!! Are you nuts? With DVD you get l33t video quality and Dolby Digital 5.1 sound, special features, and dozens of other stuff. The only reason why anyone would get it on video is if they didn't have a DVD player.

/me laffs at VHS
Tom bombad..?!?(Cnt rem how to spell it either)...
I was so disapointed he wasn't in it, and it didn't show how they all got there daggers :(
Buy vhs instead? The dvd version got much better picture- and video quality, so i'll rather pay more for the dvd then getting a crappy vhs copy!

Originally posted by Fat Tony!
fools :) fine have all the agonising songs that go on and on
Do you even have a DVD player? I think you're the only person who would prefer VHS over DVD :x
Or if you're up to it why don't you buy this set instead which is going to be a Limited Edition one!


J.R.R. Tolkien's epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, presented in hardcover with a jacket unique to this set, has been hailed throughout the world as one of the greatest adventure stories ever written. Millions of readers young and old have celebrated this exciting tale and now millions of filmgoers have embraced the blockbuster motion picture trilogy that has fired the imaginations of a new generation.

These unique, limited-edition bookend sculptures have been hand-cast in heavyweight polystone and hand-painted to the highest standards by the artists of Sideshow/Weta, a unique partnership between museum-quality collectibles manufacturer Sideshow, Inc. and Weta Workshop of New Zealand, the artisans responsible for the conceptualization, prosthetics, makeup effects, weapons, armor, and miniatures for New Line Cinema's Lord of the Rings film trilogy, directed by Peter Jackson."

And an intresting note from New Line about the extended editions:

We are not going to punish loyal fans who buy their Extended Editions buy putting out some sort of other 'Super-Ultimate' Edition or Collection after the third film is out. So your investment in the Extended Editions is safe."
erm... seems bit of a rip of really, look the thing inside is just cardboard :p

no seriously, I'm going to wait untill all three are out to get the special edition then :p

EDIT: just noticed last quote ;(
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
As hard as I tried to understand what you just said, I couldn't :\
You dont have to, its like me saying: Touch my vagina