My School Almost Got Bombed

Dec 26, 2006
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Pretty freaky stuff. Apparently, the school administators found instructions on how to make bombs in some kids /H drive (every student gets one). At first I thought that there was the remote possibility that he simply had it because of curiosity. But they searched his house, and found all the stuff needed to make one. So there was a very real chance that he was planning on making one and detonating it.

Normally, I would blow stuff like this off (no pun intended), but I cannot help but wonder what would have happened if he wasn't caught. Thoughts?
He's retarded for having that on his school drive.
Everyone knows you have to eat the evidence.
What makes you assume he was going to use it at your school though? He's stupid as hell for leaving it on his school drive but he might've just wanted to blow up some random shit in some woods or something. Eh, either way he's a cock.
Yeah, with enough soap you can blow up just about anything.
What makes you assume he was going to use it at your school though? He's stupid as hell for leaving it on his school drive but he might've just wanted to blow up some random shit in some woods or something. Eh, either way he's a cock.

I guess you have a point, but in the schools (justified) opinion you have to assume the worst.
Why would he do the research at school if he was planning to bomb the school...
My friend once told me he knew how to make crude bombs by visiting an Anarchist website. I was no longer his friend.

And in reference to the original topic, if he intended to blow up the school, he is dumb. Should have bought a gun instead.
Visiting an anarchist website is a method of bomb making?
Visiting an anarchist website is a method of bomb making?

Nope, but the website had instructions on how to make a home made bomb. Not enough to blow up a building, but certainly enough to cause serious injury to others.
wtf, he left evidence on his school hard drive. what a fcking moron haha. glad he got caught tho :D
Nope, but the website had instructions on how to make a home made bomb. Not enough to blow up a building, but certainly enough to cause serious injury to others.
I once visited website with instructions how to make an atomic bomb, concentration camp, anthrax... you name it. :eek:
Holy **** I hope the FBI is reading; Polaris you are a menace get away from here.
Yeah, the FBI should czech him out.
I once visited website with instructions how to make an atomic bomb, concentration camp, anthrax... you name it. :eek:

You shouldn't have said that. Now the terrorists will know.
I once visited website with instructions how to make an atomic bomb, concentration camp, anthrax... you name it. :eek:

make an atomic bomb, concentration camp

concentration camp

Well there is no evidence he was going to bomb a specific target (despite him having the materials) even if he was you assume your school would be the target.

People do get strange fascinations with things. Guns or explosives are interesting to me too, but how we act upon our interests is pretty important in defining a person. I'm studying forensics now with a view to work with ballistics but I have no interest in owning my own firearm for example.

Why someone would want to potentially build an explosive device (which he could potentially kill himself doing) really confuses me. Having the materials means he was probably going to try build's highly fortunate he got caught early otherwise who knows where obsession can lead.
Well exactly, you are beyond repair.
I once visited website with instructions how to make an atomic bomb, concentration camp, anthrax... you name it. :eek:
heh and the ingredients are easy to get I assume? Some b. anthracis and uranium from ebay!
You should leave instructions on how to make a chocolate cake on your drive.

Maybe people will visit you for a party. :D
I actually pictured an bomber almost dropping a bomb on your school.
Leave instructions on how to get arrested.

Then the police station would divide by zero and we would be free from their oppressive reign.
Well exactly, you are beyond repair.

heh and the ingredients are easy to get I assume? Some b. anthracis and uranium from ebay!
I'm suprised that it's only you who can't see sarcasm in my reply to alarmist fairandbalanced.
You guys act as if it's hard to make a bomb, let alone find the instructions to do it.

I feel bad for that kid. He was probably expecting an exciting day out in the fields with his friends blowing up random crap when the cops came knocking on his door.
Maybe I shouldn't be so serious in the future. Was it 2 eggs or one to make a concentration camp?
hows it going Glenn :D.

So what did this guy look like? not like the cartoon character Dexter im assuming...lmfao
What an idiot, but it wasn't likely that he was going to bomb a specific target, like the school. Now, if he actually had architectural plans of where to set up a bomb in a public building, I'd be scared.
Why would he do the research at school if he was planning to bomb the school...

implying that highschool kids are rational and intelligent

Haha, you stupid stupid Saiyan. Even a dog knows that highschoolers are idiot enough to do something like that.

But maybe he wasnt planning on using it, and just wanted to bring it in to school to show his friends. I hear thats what all the cool kids do.