Naked, Manly and Hairy- like Jesus.


May 11, 2006
Reaction score
I should probably put some clothes on.

Hidey ho people, was recommended here by Reginald whom you probably do not know as he is small and smells funny.
This guy seems to fit right in to

Erm...ive got nothing to say besides hi...
Many things are up. Although I may get banned for telling what ^_^ Ho ho ho,that was a joke indeed it was. No need to lock yourself in a room with a shotgun for fear of me molesting you........or is there...........Dun dun dun.
My gods - and I thought the forums had declined
Our saviour is here!!!!
And he's naked!!!
FFS ban him i can tell that he/she will make jokes that i will not understand. arrrhhhhh hurry.
I take it that from the av, you like Fallout? :D

Welcome to our extremely political forum!
It's not as safe here as it used to be... do try the roasted chicken.
For god sake man, put some clothes on! There are wemins and childrens presents:dork:
Redneck said:
For god sake man, put some clothes on! There are wemins and childrens presents:dork:

How come these so called wemins get presents but I don't?
Reginald said:
How come these so called wemins get presents but I don't?

You don't get presents because you don't have boobs:cheese:
Jesus was an evil dissident who practised medicine without a license.
Well, there weren't really "licenses" to speak of for much of anything back then.

Now that I think of it, when did "naked" become one of Jesus' defining characteristics?

Jesus appears on porn?

Do you google for "Jesus Porn" or something? O,.o
Steve said:
Now that I think of it, when did "naked" become one of Jesus' defining characteristics?

I'm sure it was in the bible somewhere.:D
Jesus was definately into the naked scene, I seem to recall a section about him saying "Let it be known: All women shall be naked, not the men, and I shall join them in such nakedness. The men may record such events with my camera" Maybe that is where the Jesus porn comes from.

Well I do hope there aren't devout christians here or I may get in trouble. :D
Tyrael said:
Well I do hope there aren't devout christians here or I may get in trouble. :D

Oh you're in sooo much trouble mister:frown: .
Tyrael said:
Well I do hope there aren't devout christians here or I may get in trouble. :D
:frown: Not happy not happy at all.:frown:
Don't blame me, blame this small inflatable polar bear that told me. He is evil I tell you, Evil.
E-Evil? here's the evil?! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLL!.................... WTF you looking at? Hi. *Kills polar bear*
Tyrael said:
I'm sure it was in the bible somewhere.:D
Jesus was definately into the naked scene, I seem to recall a section about him saying "Let it be known: All women shall be naked, not the men, and I shall join them in such nakedness. The men may record such events with my camera" Maybe that is where the Jesus porn comes from.

Well I do hope there aren't devout christians here or I may get in trouble. :D
:frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: *Loads rifle*