Neatfreak? Clutterer?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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So how do you keep tidy? Are you one of those people who needs to keep things cleaned and washed all the time? Or are you one of those people who doesn't mind a little clutter, or even a lot of clutter.

This poll only has two options, because I want to see what extremes people lean towards most, lending a black and white look at it rather than treading any middle ground.

I cycle between modes. Sometimes when I'm feeling depressed and uninspired I will be a big time clutterer, letting my room go to shit. Other times I will clean my room and get everything nice and neat, but most of the time I lean towards having clutter around.

It's difficult being in this house now that my dad's wife moved in after they got married. Seriously, she's a horrible neat freak, and no doubt it clashes a lot with my dads cluttering habits. The thing I find the most annoying is the kitchen, where she wants to keep dishes washed at all times. And she can be very hypocritical about it too... where she'll cook something and leave it out overnight and only take care of it the next day, and has a fit if somebody else will do the same. Sometimes I'll be awake and in the kitchen getting water or something, and she'll wake up at like 1 oclock in the ****ing morning and come into the kitchen to start cleaning it. It's like... what the ****, you're nuts.

EDIT: ****! Got distracted and forgot to add the poll...

Can a mod add the options?

Neat Freak - I lean more towards liking things tidy and clean when possible.

Clutterer - I don't mind clutter and sometimes it may even be comforting.
I refuse to vote ... at least until it is possible to do so.
I dont like putting things away, because then it always is a hassle finding them again, or getting them out. I prefer to leave everything out somewhere that doesnt get in the way, for ease of access.
I'm super clean, I do dishes and stuff like that everyday, I clean up most of what I see, yet my bedroom is a complete mess and I don't want to clean it.

It's because every time I clean my room I move shit around, and I can never find stuff after I clean it, but I can find all my stuff perfectly fine if I just leave it messy. I don't even fold my clothes, there is a pile of dirty clothes beside the clothes basket thing, and a pile of clean clothes in the basket itself. If you looked at the piles, you'd probably think there is a dirty pile on the floor next to the dirty pile in the basket, BUT THE BASKET IS CLEAN! Fooled you! Anyways, When I wash my clothes, rather then putting my clean clothes in the closet or drawer or something, I just throw my dirty clothes on top of my clean clothes, and wash it all. I'm sure there is like a sock that hasn't been worn for months but got washed 200 times.

So, I'm clean when the cleanliness benefits other people, but when it's just me, like my room, or places I hang out alot, I just leave it dirty. I think I'm personally messy, but when dealing with other people I'm clean.
I have a pile of computer parts in the middle of this room, and the table beside me has all kins of stuff on it.
My room is actually getting embarassingly messy. The problem is, the mess is actually part of an advanced and very sensitive support system for, among others, my laundry pile. It's a fine line where the one ends and the other begins.
Very recently, I spent a few days cleaning my house and organizing things, particularly my room.

I feel so much better. I really like it this way.
Clutterer. I hate it when someone cleans my stuff up - I can never find it. :D
A little of both. I'm not much of either more than I am a "cleanfreak". (i.e. I don't like dust, fingerprints, stains, etc.)

I don't alphabetize every single game and DVD, nor do I leave them scattered all over the place. I guess I'm normal in this thread's respect.
Both, as long as I can find it, I don't mind a pile. Hell everything to the right on my desk IS a huge freakin pile.
Ill clean my room out of boredom. Or if I know a family member is coming round, or if im in the mood to pull a lady back to my place.

Other than that, I sometimes live in a disgusting mess (plates left everywhere etc etc) and sometimes live in a perfectly 'acceptable' mess.

I hate dust though, not only does it cause things to smell if you spray antiperspirant in your room under your arms (like I did for a whole year at Uni for some reason instead of the bathroom), but it makes the room look even worse.
I clean what needs to be cleaned.
I vacuum the apartment every weekend, whenever I make a mess I clean it right away, I clean the windows at the end of every month, I wash the car every 2 weeks, I organize my days and that's it really... **** alphabetizing stuff.

I basically shove my DVDs into the cabinet all neat-like so I can see the movie titles facing outward.
My games, since most of them are in CD cases, are in a few slotted shelves that I have attached to the wall and the ones that are in DVD cases are basically stacked on top of each other since I only have about 11 DVD case games atm.
I am a clutterer most of the time, but every once in a while I have the urge to see the surface of my desk.
Both. My office is paperless (with exceptions for statistical reports and HR documents which are required to be on paper) and, well, 'spartan' has been used more than once to describe it. My desk has a keyboard, mouse, and tablet dock, period. My table at home (where I do various hobbies) swings between very organized and quite messy.
I'm completely disorganized. It's the only way I'm able to get by.
My room tends to look like a mess.

And then i'll make it all nice and tidy when i'm bored.

I like tidyness but can't be arsed to keep it that way. I'll tidy stuff in my room every now and then and try not to just throw shit around, but there are places in my room that are permanently cluttered. My closet has lots of clothes I don't wear anymore but I'm too lazy to take them out and do something with them.

Vegeta, why do you drink water from like 0,33l bottles? Wouldn't it be less cluttery, cheaper and generally more convenient to go with a 1,5l bottle?