Need More Half-Life


Dec 23, 2008
Reaction score
Hey Im new here and I just got done finishing Opposing Force. So far these are the Half Life games I have played.

Half-Life: Blue Shift
Half-Life: Opposing Force
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: Ep1
Half-Life 2: Ep2

I got the Orange Box for 360 about a year ago and Hl2 made me download Steam and play the first one, so are there any other Half-Life games or Third-Party Mods I should try or am is that all thats out and I gotta wait for Ep3? Thanks.
There are lots of great singleplayer mods out there, mostly for HL1. Some you should check out:

HL1 mods:

Peaces Like Us
USS Darkstar
They Hunger
Azure Sheep
Someplace Else

HL2 mods:

Minerva: Metastasis
Mistake of Pythagoras

And of course, there's all the MP mods out there to check out.
I was half-expecting you to tell him that he's never played HL before, followed by a "No, shut up." on the next paragraph just incase he has the omnidimensional powers of posting mid-type-of-a-post.

Other than that, I contribute no other help whatsoever to this community as a whole.
I was half-expecting you to tell him that he's never played HL before, followed by a "No, shut up." on the next paragraph just incase he has the omnidimensional powers of posting mid-type-of-a-post.
Is that what you think of me? Is that what I've become to you?

No, shut up. Listen. I can be really helpful when I want to, son.

I don't think you know that I'm not always a formulaic jerk. Enjoy your singleplayer mods.
There are lots of great singleplayer mods out there, mostly for HL1. Some you should check out:

HL1 mods:

Peaces Like Us
USS Darkstar
They Hunger
Azure Sheep
Someplace Else

HL2 mods:

Minerva: Metastasis
Mistake of Pythagoras

And of course, there's all the MP mods out there to check out.

Thanks. I'll have to try them out in the morning.
Canon games & Mods set in the HL universe I recommend.

Part of the Half Life universe canon
Portal - A part of the HL universe and a big part of the final story in HL2: Ep3.
Half Life : Decay - Dreamcast 2 player co-op released on Dreamcast modded for PC last year.

Highly recommended Fan-made mods
Half Life : Case Closed - You're a janitor trying to escape Black Mesa.
Portal Prelude - Prequel to Portal, very tough precise puzzles.
Antlion Trooper Deuce - Fighting retreat played as a combine soldier.
The Rock 24 - Join the resistance and help take down a large combine facility.
Research and Developement - Amusing and really well made brain tickler.

Also check out - A full fan-made remake of the events of Half Life including co-op play through and multiplayer. Looks unreal. Hopefully to be released later this year.
Rock 24 blows.
Very insightfull Barnz.
I'll let you're opinion overide mine or any kind of critical review.
Thanks for setting me straight.
People should listen me - considering I've played %90 of Half-Life, and most of HL2 mods/levels. I downloaded Rock 24, because I knew it was made by two guys from Eidos. Gameplay/brushwork was beyond terrible. Some scenes I remember (and want to forget):

. You use some turrets to take down standing metrocops on small platforms (at the beginning). They can't get away, they're just waiting for you to kill them.
. Annoying, dumb puzzles. No story at all.
. Sniper scene.
. Last fight is such a chaos. It was completely broken.
. "Don't tickle me (or something), Gordon" - yeah, right

I give it a 4/10 (i like ship, and elevator (even it's an overused idea) parts) - it's an average mod

Oh, and Decay was an exclusive addon for PlayStation 2, not Dreamcast.
You missed Half-Life 2: Lost Coast and Half-Life 2 Deathmatch. Both are free on the PC, providing you have an ATI or Nvidia graphics card.
You've really got to try Research & Development, like tommyspade mentioned. Great little new mod.
Half Life : Decay...modded for PC last year.
I'd been watching this for years and I somehow completely missed that it was released.

Speaking of all these mods, I wish Espace Mod was still around. That site was absolutely unparalleled when it came to the list of HL1 SP mods.
Really? Let's play together. What's your Steam ID?
did you download Half-Life 2:The Lost Coast? I have the game, and got it for free. Its Magnificent. :)
PurpleHeadcrab... No one has posted in this thread since August 09, I think the discussion is closed.

But in anycase, welcome to! Introduce yourself in Newbie Forum.
Has anyone already suggested Black mesa source, or operation black mesa?, Or opposing force 2?

They're not out yet but keep an close on on Black Meas Source: it isn't hard to mistake it being made by valve, that is how good it is

you may want to help them at the other 2 i suggested and with Black mesa, because they want to add a co op part of it and a death match but they need more people and until right now i relised that this post ended years ago.................................i guess that means i can right anythnig i want..............................PENIS..........**** SHIT **** **** SHIT MOTHER****ER ASSHOLE JACKASS YOURE MOM FARTNOCKER
People should really go out and play half life: vistors, where you try and escape from BM, and point of view, where you play as a vort in black Mesa.

Ps, oppossing force 2 demo just came out the other day, everyone should go play it.