Netflix streaming likely coming to Android


Chuck Steak
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Based on a job posting that went up recently on Netflix's site, it looks like the iPhone won't be the only smartphone getting this service:

Netflix has been very insistent about getting their streaming service onto as many platforms as possible, so this is certainly feasible.
I wonder how it will work over 3G. I also wonder about battery life during the viewing. I have an iPhone and these are my concerns. I know a couple of people with Androids, but I don't think they know about this yet.
Nice. Just bought the new Android powered Motorola Backflip and would be nice to see something like this.
I wonder how it will work over 3G. I also wonder about battery life during the viewing. I have an iPhone and these are my concerns. I know a couple of people with Androids, but I don't think they know about this yet.

High quality Youtube streaming works very well on my Droid, so I don't think it'll be too difficult to implement this service. If I'm watching videos I usually turn the brightness down too.
maybe I'll look into getting the droid then. i could watch and finish rescue me on the go
I hope this comes true, because I'm getting a Nexus One in May. Netflix on it would be awesome.
Use my Droid religiously, as well as Netflix. Great news.
Also for those of you that have a Wii, you can now watch shows & movies streaming from Netflix. You just have to order the *special* Netflix disk ( Free to existing members ) to access & play shows & movies on your Wii, which I just ordered. "Back in the day" I used to watch a few Netflix shows on my PC, but it was always a pain in the ass to get the codecs for Windows Media Player to show the shows correctly, so I gave that venture up. My wife & Daughter are quite keen on Netflix though & often have new movies waiting in the mailbox for them. Easy to see how Netflix has killed Hollywood Video & Blockbuster.

My Wii disk just came in the mail a few days ago. I haven't tried it out yet and likely won't for a while.
Also for those of you that have a Wii, you can now watch shows & movies streaming from Netflix. You just have to order the *special* Netflix disk ( Free to existing members ) to access & play shows & movies on your Wii, which I just ordered. "Back in the day" I used to watch a few Netflix shows on my PC, but it was always a pain in the ass to get the codecs for Windows Media Player to show the shows correctly, so I gave that venture up. My wife & Daughter are quite keen on Netflix though & often have new movies waiting in the mailbox for them. Easy to see how Netflix has killed Hollywood Video & Blockbuster.


Same thing for the PS3. I didn't realize I had to get a disk, so I had movie night and was like "Uhhhhhh.....NEVERMIND"
I do it on the PS3 because it is an unbelievably quick and easy way to stream HD movies. I have like 170 of them in my instant queue--its terrific. Streaming them to portable media devices will certainly help my phone's small 8GB of space.
Do you need to keep the disk in the ps3 for it to work?
Hmm, not sure! I don't imagine, I figured you just needed it for the initial install.