New Arkham game confirmed


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Dec 31, 2004
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I'd heard that there was going to be a Golden Age-based game instead of another Arkham one which makes me worried that Rocksteady isn't the team doing it.

And we also have a strong games release this year, which will include the next release in the Batman Arkham franchise. So all in all, we expect Warners to post another very strong year in 2013. And with a little luck, the year should be as good or maybe even a little bit better than 2012.

Hopefully they at least get rid of ****ing SecuROM and GFWL,

but yeah, I can't see them making it set in anywhere except Gotham given the whole prophecy shit said by Azrael when you finish his sidequest line in AC
I don't really know the difference between Golden Age and Silver Age. Is Silver Age the sillier one?
Yes. Silver-Age was the simpler time when everyone laughed at The Joker and all the big boners he made.
So its Adam West/Batman: Brave and the Bold style?

No thanks.

Oh, and no Mark Hamill? also no thanks, I'll pass. Kevin Conroy +campy batman seems like a disaster waiting to happen.
So its Adam West/Batman: Brave and the Bold style?

No thanks.

Oh, and no Mark Hamill? also no thanks, I'll pass. Kevin Conroy +campy batman seems like a disaster waiting to happen.
It's called Arkham Unchained apparently. And no, I'm pretty sure that was just a rumor.

So if its based on the Arkham continuity, and its not being made by Rocksteady (WB Games is confirmed to be developing it). One can't be optimistic about the game.

I think Kevin Conroy (voice of the god damn Batman for over 20 years since BTAS) is confirmed, whats really left in the story? They've killed off alot of the good villains. Never liked Bane too much (that includes the movies).
Well they set up some really obvious things to follow on from in the previous game, so one assumes they'd go from that.
So is Rocksteady not doing these games anymore? Or is this a supplement to theirs (like Treyarch and Infinity Ward).

So if its based on the Arkham continuity, and its not being made by Rocksteady (WB Games is confirmed to be developing it). One can't be optimistic about the game.

I think Kevin Conroy (voice of the god damn Batman for over 20 years since BTAS) is confirmed, whats really left in the story? They've killed off alot of the good villains. Never liked Bane too much (that includes the movies).
Huh? Only 3 have been killed.
Scarecrow, Joker, Ra's Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul and Hugo Strange.

Penguin is still there, Freeze seems to preocupied and Two-Face's fate is rather unclear. Then there is Harley's baby (future villian perhaps if they decide to do a Batman Arkham Beyond?)
Scarecrow is actually alive. He's got a number station running in a boat that has a document open mentioning Fear toxins. Plus his mask can be found, though more of a little thing.

Also they pulled some bullshit and it turns out Harley isn't pregnant. Tons of negative tests because the DLC is f*cking stupid.
I don't know how Scarecrow survived an attack from Killer Croc, especially without any remaining fear toxin.

But there goes my hopes of some return of the Joker, I just want to hear that laugh again... to the point Bats shits his pants. :/
I don't know how Scarecrow survived an attack from Killer Croc, especially without any remaining fear toxin.

But there goes my hopes of some return of the Joker, I just want to hear that laugh again... to the point Bats shits his pants. :/

He "died" literally feet away from a pit of magical goo that brings people back to life indefinitely, cmon people
Didn't the game's writer make a comic about what happens after Harley Quinn's revenge? Jim Gordon cremates Joker's corpse so none gets their hands on his body.

Unless Rocksteady/who ever games the next game changes this - Joker will not be returning in the 3rd game. But in comic book lore, characters come back from the dead all the time. I think its a matter of Mark Hamill coming back for another one.
I don't know how Scarecrow survived an attack from Killer Croc, especially without any remaining fear toxin.

But there goes my hopes of some return of the Joker, I just want to hear that laugh again... to the point Bats shits his pants. :/
At the end of Arkham Asylum a hand reaches out of the water and grabs a tank of Titan. It's random but it can either be Scarecrow, Croc or Bane indicating that all three are still alive.

He "died" literally feet away from a pit of magical goo that brings people back to life indefinitely, cmon people
Clayface fell into there, not Joker.
At the end of Arkham Asylum a hand reaches out of the water and grabs a tank of Titan. It's random but it can either be Scarecrow, Croc or Bane indicating that all three are still alive.

Clayface fell into there, not Joker.

No, I know that, but it doesnt matter whether you were still alive when you fall into it, look at Ras Al Ghul, he didnt seem to be doing so hot but everyone knows hes coming back
I hope they don't bring Joker back. After two games worth of him he's kind of stale as a villain IMO.
If they find some excuse to bring the Joker back, I would be so mad.

Anyways, I think the game will take place in Gotham, with a sort of GTA-esque feel to it. You'll be able to drive the batmobile and maybe even the batwing.
Who knows, they could have his memory transferred into a computer, or make him a black ash monster if he was cremated.
In Batman Beyond animated film 'Return of the Joker' there was a chip that Joker put in Tim Drake's brain that made him transform into the Joker. Voila, Joker reincarnated while Bruce is elderly.

Kinda of contrived but its comics.

Although this is the same guy that managed to surviving into a vat of chemicals that merely bleached his skin, turned his hair green and created that mutated smile of his.