NEW Ep2 info! TF2 is the multiplayer mode!!


May 19, 2003
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2:34 Newell's gone on to discuss the episodic-gaming business model. Short version: Valve likes it. It will even let them explore new types of gameplay in a new upcoming game called Portal (which seems to be a working title).

TEAM FORTRESS 2. WHERE DID THIS COME FROM? Hey, they're still making it! It's got a totally exaggerated, crazy art style now. Looks a little like Spy vs. Spy or No One Lives Forever, kind of a '60s spy feel. It's going to be the included multiplayer mode in Episode 2! Class-based, etc. You know the drill. Great news for shooter fans. We all thought this game was dead years ago.

And hey, Half-Life 2: Ep 2 wlil ship for Xbox 360 and PS3 simultaneously with the PC. The console games will basically include all of the HL2 back content, so you'll get everything on there that you can get on the PC. Who expected all this Valve news?


OMFG!!!! EP2 now!!!TF2 ! NEW IP! AHHHHHHHHHHH *dies*.
WPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TF222222222222222!!!1 I remember those secreens back in what? 2000?
Forgot copying this:

2:26 Valve's Gabe Newell is now on the stage to show us an updated trailer for Half-Life 2: Episode 2. There are some new images of a strider and smaller walker-like enemies decimating a group of human fighters in the forest. Otherwise, this is pretty much the same trailer we saw at the end of Episode 1.

"Newell talks about getting players out of City 17 in the next episode (duh), as well as giving them new weapons and new enemies to use them against. Looks like the Source engine will be getting a lot of upgrades in Ep 2. A "cinematic physics" system is coming from former Weta Digital employee Gray Horsfield, along with new particle systems, better foliage, and more."
WOO Team Fortress 2 i knew Valve would not let me down.
I wasn't expecting Episode 2 to come on the ps3 and Xbox 360 i wonder what it means about half life 2 back content does that mean half life 2 and episode 1 coming out on the ps3.

That Portal game sound strange shooting portals into walls and floors to solve puzzles and teleport objects around but knowing Valve it will be fun.
This news is very surprising. It feels like it just came out of nowhere. I was already excited about EP2 but now I'm even more excited for TF2 being included.

Holy shit. :eek:
Sweet, Ep1 and Ep2 on console. Another reason for me to get a 360.
About Portal:

"It looks like they took the portal concept from Prey and slapped it on a gun--you can shoot them into walls and floors to solve all kinds of crazy puzzles, teleporting objects around and stuff. Looks like a total mindbender.

omg sound great. Now , THIS is a smart way of using portals.

"For whoever asked in the comments, from what I understood the console versions of HL2: Episode 2 will contain all things Half-Life 2, including CS: Source, Team Fortress 2 and Portal. Will amend that info if anything changes"


I wonder if we get Portal if we but Ep2 through steam. Ep2+TF2+Portal that would be awesome and if the 20$ price tag will stay it would be even better.

Common guys! it's TF2. I though people will go nuts here :)
There is On The Spot live in 13 minutes. They might talk about it so stay tuned.
I'll most likely be getting Episode 2 on my PC, being that I upgraded the thing to play Episode 1. But who knows, I might buy both.
Tamer17 said:
About Portal:

"It looks like they took the portal concept from Prey and slapped it on a gun--you can shoot them into walls and floors to solve all kinds of crazy puzzles, teleporting objects around and stuff. Looks like a total mindbender.

omg sound great. Now , THIS is a smart way of using portals.
Done in the original Prey from 1998 ;)
More info:

The video shows a diagram and explains that as an employee of this company, you may have to find the emergency exit to a certain room. However, there are often obstacles in your way, like a gaping chasm. No problem, because all you need to use is your Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device to create dimensional doorways that let you mess with reality. For example, if there’s gaping chasm between you and your objective, just shoot a portal on the far side of the room, then shoot a portal open on your side, then enter the portal. You’ll instantly transport from one side of the room to the next by walking through the portal (you’ll even see yourself going through the portal).

That’s the simplest example of how to use the portal gun. In other situations, you may be under fire by a gun droid. So all you need to do is shoot a portal open over the gun, then shoot a portal open beneath a crate, then watch the crate fall through the hole and crush the gun. It gets even crazier, and the diagrams shown in the trailer showed some incredibly crazy things that you can attempt, like creating a series of portals so that you’re constantly chasing yourself. Some of the puzzles sound like they’ll be “impossible,” so the challenge will be to figure out how to use the portal gun.

This promises to be an incredibly puzzle-style first-person experience, which Newell says is part of the goal. “We wanted to take physics out of this domain as a tool that lets you bounce grenades around to how can we really change the game experience for our customers,” he said.

Team Fortress 2 is back and will be included with Episode Two, and it looks like nothing else on the market. Newell explained that Valve wanted to make this action game distinct, so the graphics (which use the Source engine) look like a Pixar animated movie. To reinforce this, the carious character classes in the game look like cartoon caricatures. These include the Medic with the huge needle or the Demoman with the sticks of explosives. Other classes include the Heavy, the Spy, the Scout, the Engineer, the Sniper, the Soldier, and the Pyro. Newell says that the goal with Team Fortress 2 is to create “the best looking and best-playing class-based multiplayer game.” Team Fortress 2 is certainly unique in appearance, so we’ll see how it plays.
Ach! It's more painful than I ever imagined! Why Hazar, why so hard?

edit:, I feel I should edit that, but know of no way to make it acceptable...D:
HL2 Ep2 better not be toned down to cope with the Xbox360. Console controllers are inherently unable to do everything the mouse can...

Using a demo called "Portal," Newell showed off a special gun used to create portals similar to those used in Prey. A player could create a portal nearby, for instance, and then a second portal on the other side of a chasm; walking through the first would transport him safely out the second.

Valve wasn't clear on just where the portal gun will be used, though it looks to be part of the arsenal in Episode Two.

UPDATE: According to EA, Portal will be included as its own game, along with Team Fortress 2, as part of the Half-Life 2: Episode Two package.
Well, I already posted my feelings about this "new" TF2 in the thread in News and Announcements. It doesn't sound like it'll be Brotherhood of Arms, which I don't like, but it's Team Fortress, which I love, so the whole damned situations conflicting me in the brain.

Portal sounds like a really cool thing. A thinking man's gun, that is...which is nice, adding a puzzle element to not only environmental challenges but NPC challenges. But the conspiracy theorist in me reminds me that Valve likes to test certain features out in the public before releasing them in areas where they're truely meant for. This portal game, and the gun itself, might be nothing more than an elaborate test for the return of the last person we saw to wield a portal weapon...


dun dun dunnnnnnn
Darkside55 said:
Well, I already posted my feelings about this "new" TF2 in the thread in News and Announcements. It doesn't sound like it'll be Brotherhood of Arms, which I don't like, but it's Team Fortress, which I love, so the whole damned situations conflicting me in the brain.

Portal sounds like a really cool thing. A thinking man's gun, that is...which is nice, adding a puzzle element to not only environmental challenges but NPC challenges. But the conspiracy theorist in me reminds me that Valve likes to test certain features out in the public before releasing them in areas where they're truely meant for. This portal game, and the gun itself, might be nothing more than an elaborate test for the return of the last person we saw to wield a portal weapon...


dun dun dunnnnnnn
what the hell is Brotherhood of Arms ?
I think Ep2 is going to be delayed to early/mid 2007 because of this. Honestly, if Valve manage to get this out in time I'm going to be very impressed.
Screenshots are coming today according to Gabe :D

Also, it should be interesting to note that Portals is a game made by students who recently graduated DigiPen! :D This excites me as I will be applying there in 3 months, so I'm glad to hear that the education there is being put to good use!
I'd like to see the screenshots, because I want confirmation on the art style :eek:

The contradicting statements I've heard range form Metal Slug-esque super-exaggerated weaponry and chunky vehicles (does it even have vehicles?), to dodgy-sounding Looney Tunes-type madness...
I'm hoping Portal features Adrian Shephard, but there is another possibility.

Who else do we know in Halflife that makes exclusive use of portals...?

The G-man. What if Portal gives you a chance to play as everyone's favorite raspy voiced mystery man. Not saying its likely, but there does seem to be a slight chance i think