New interview.

I will be getting the Black box as soon as it is available, and im looking forward to tf2 and portal as well.
orange box.. nice, anyway, they are upgrading the engine? will my 7600 gt oc support it, or ill have to get a new one :S
The 7600 will work more than nice. Valve isn't pushing for very high requirements. Looks like Ep2 will be similar in terms of engine & requirements to Ep1, just with larger open spaces and more geometry thrown in, which the 7600 is more than capable of handling.
Man im hungry for some new news or media. Its been so long. Im starting to shake!! :)

Whose with me.
Well the game is ~3 Months away (probably more) so I can understand wanting to release the hype machine closer to the release date.
Half Life 2 and hype machine is like an oxymoron to me. I don't think of it like a game like Halo or Gears of War that has tons of commercials and slurpee cups and shit, Half Life 2 is just a game that is well loved and appreciated, but people don't really get caught up in any sort of hype. It's the kind of thing where people who thoroughly enjoyed the previous chapters will one way or another end up picking up the next ones. Very simple.