New World Order Imminent


Companion Cube
Aug 21, 2004
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Don't mind me, just dumping this here.

The New World Order came into being at 4:25 Tuesday afternoon.

It arrived at the Capitol, until that moment the seat of American government, in the form of the stooped and bespectacled figure of Ban Ki-moon, who as U.N. secretary general is the de facto leader of what conspiracy theorists call the One World Government. One floor beneath the Senate chamber, Ban, a South Korean national, took his place behind a lectern bearing the Senate seal and spelled out his demands.
Is it just me or has Danimal finally gone off the deep end with this conspiracy shit?
I believe its happening, I don't consider myself a nut. Just look at the small little changes here and there and they seem to add up into a massive group of elites running the new show.


Novus Order Seclorum = New World Order
maybe kathaksung and danimal are the same person?!?!???!???????!???!??!?!?!?!??!??

wake up sheeple
**** that shit, the only new world order I want is one that reverts to a feudalistic ruling system with royal houses organized in a Landsraad lead by a Padishah Emperor

With the world adopting the Faufreluches class system, that is "A place for every man and every man in his place"!

Anyone wanna help me in realizing that vision instead?

Surely an open feudal society is better than a dictatorship that exists under the pretense of being a democracy.
How the **** are the UN gonna rule the world? They have an annual budget of $2 billion, which is jack shit in a global level.
"I would certainly expect the Senate to take the necessary action; that's what I have encouraged the senators," he told reporters as a trio of lawmakers stood at his side. He added an admonition for the chamber to deliver "as soon as possible."

I've already discussed the matter with the senator.
I take it he was agreeable?
Oh yes.
Has he been infected?
Oh yes.
I hope you're not underestimating the-
Oh yes.
**** that shit, the only new world order I want is one that reverts to a feudalistic ruling system with royal houses organized in a Landsraad lead by a Padishah Emperor

With the world adopting the Faufreluches class system, that is "A place for every man and every man in his place"!

Anyone wanna help me in realizing that vision instead?

Surely an open feudal society is better than a dictatorship that exists under the pretense of being a democracy.

Well, I do like how democracy is all good and stuff, but this seems fine to me as well. Of course, feudalism is a terrible, terrible system of government, what with less central power and stuff, but what the hell.


Anyway, I like Ban Ki Moon, he's a nice guy. He'll prolly give me a place in some kind of global oppression agency, if I asked nicely enough. :D

Who rules the world? We do! :D
That's... that's what you believe?

And fear?

Come on, how the hell would they reduce the planet's population by 80%? What motives would they have for them, except some stuff written on a bunch of rocks?
Hey, if it's all true, look at it on the bright side.

Every empire carries within itself the seeds of its own destruction, and what rises, must eventually fall.:)
That's... that's what you believe?

And fear?

Come on, how the hell would they reduce the planet's population by 80%? What motives would they have for them, except some stuff written on a bunch of rocks?

Like I said the last time you asked this question, their occultism/gaia-related beliefs.
Pfft. I am not worried. My full body tin foil suit will protect me from the influences.
Like I said the last time you asked this question, their occultism/gaia-related beliefs.

This time it was focused on the practicality of genocide: 20% can't kill 80% of the entire population. Also, I'd think that inducing other ways, such as chemicals, etc. would be harmful towards nature and thus unusable.
The UN couldn't run a lemonade stand, let alone the world. Stop trolling Danimal.
Danimal, don't you see that this is what they want you to think?
The UN couldn't run a lemonade stand, let alone the world. Stop trolling Danimal.
To be fair, this is derived from an opinion that UN actions running counter to your personal ideologies are necessarily the operations of an inept institution. If the goal is economic subjugation of the masses, they're doing a pretty damn good job of it so far. I haven't seen anyone overthrow them yet.
How the **** are the UN gonna rule the world? They have an annual budget of $2 billion, which is jack shit in a global level.
True, but you have to consider things like lobby groups, backroom deals, personal allegiances, and so forth. The UN is not immune to corruption, and I would not be surprised to find that they're subject to a correspondingly larger amount of outside influence than national politicians.

[edit] Just saying, is all.
Take me now, Stigmata, under the pale light of the moon.

This time it was focused on the practicality of genocide: 20% can't kill 80% of the entire population. Also, I'd think that inducing other ways, such as chemicals, etc. would be harmful towards nature and thus unusable.

If 20%(Or even less than) of the population is able to plan, execute and control major world events and controlled environments that more or less raised and shaped your very outlook on life then I'm sure they'd have a way of using a certain way of said event to justify taking it away.

I'm sure there's a fair amount of people who already believe their children (or children's children) are going to die because of our own actions, enviroment-wise.

They try to drill it in your heads all the time:

I'm not exactly sober right now so I think I might just stay out of this thread.
Haha oh man. This is ridiculous.

Everyone knows it's the Jews (not the U.N.) that rule the world.

What a shmuck.
The UN are run by the jews, please pay more attention to my posts.
I don't think anyone doubts that eventually there will be some sort of world government hegemon etc.
I don't think anyone doubts that eventually there will be some sort of world government hegemon etc.

By that time we will no longer be restricted to living on one 'world'(Earth) hopefully, so then we'll still have individual superstates, only in space.

And no, I'm not talking about terraforming Mars etc, rather I mean orbital colonies.:)
The real question is whether that's necessarily a bad thing we need to prevent.

It isn't automatically a bad thing, but it is pretty easy for it to be.

Just take a look at the EU, most EU citizens have no idea who the **** the four major leaders within the EU are.

The bigger a power structure becomes, the more detached the leaders become from their people, and the worse the rule, in my opinion.

I see the same thing within companies over here, a bit of a silly example but in this case I talk about companies that work with helping the elderly etc.

The smaller ones where the owners of the company themselves go out and directly work with the elderly generally provide far better care than the large corporations whose executives just sit at the top making decisions without ever actually visiting the lowest level of the corporation hierarchy.
The UN are run by the jews, please pay more attention to my posts.

[jews behind everything rant]
[/jews behind everything rant]
Oh yeah, the G20 summit. We've been preparing for them.

The summit was retarded. A decent amount of violence for no reason, and the cops getting blamed for every little problem. Like someone said on the radio, compared to the riot that occurred in Montreal after the Canadiens won the first round against Buffalo in 2008, this was miniscule and rather safe.
I love Canadian and American protesters.

They riot and then when the police come they scream "OMG OMG THE POLICE ARE TRYING TO STOP FREE SPEECH, WE HAVENT DONE ANYTHING WRONG"

Yep, all you have done is loot and riot, nothing serious.
Didn't watch all of those videos but I've read about it before.

I dunno how it works in those nations but here in Sweden it's illegal for police to incite crime in any way, that is in any way encourage the breaking the law, even if only by speech.

That includes for example a police officer pretending to be an underage girl looking for sex on chatrooms etc, if you do that over here that's considered entrapment and is strictly against the law and the police officer doing it would get punished severely(as severely as police gets punished by our corrupt justice-system.)
Not to mention that certain security measures could be viewed as unethical:

The Star said:
Premier Dalton McGuinty denies it was an abuse of power for his government to secretly approve sweeping new powers for police.


The rules allow police to arrest and potentially jail anyone refusing to produce identification or be searched within 5 metres of the G20 security zone.

But then!

CBC News said:
Toronto's police chief is admitting there never was a five-metre rule that had people fearing arrest if they strayed too close to the G20 security perimeter.
When asked Tuesday if there actually was a five-metre rule given the ministry's clarification, Chief Bill Blair smiled and said, "No, but I was trying to keep the criminals out."

Not to mention a huge fence thrown around the centre of town that makes it look like an abbatoir. But then, all this security was necessary, when you look at what the demonstrators were packing. Oh, wait:

Globe and Mail said:
Toronto Police staged a display of weaponry to demonstrate “the extent of the criminal conspiracy” among hard-line G20 protesters, but several of the items had nothing to do with the summit.

...the arrows [for example]belong to Brian Barrett, a 25-year-old landscaper who was heading to a role-playing fantasy game when he was stopped at Union Station on Saturday morning. Police took his jousting gear but let Mr. Barrett go, saying it was a case of bad timing.

(I shamelessly ripped all these from Dinosaur Comics)
I dunno how it works in those nations but here in Sweden it's illegal for police to incite crime in any way, that is in any way encourage the breaking the law, even if only by speech.
"It's only illegal if you get caught." And it's very easy to not get caught when your friends can seize evidence.