New Xbox console @ E3?

Jul 19, 2003
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New system could steal Wii 2’s thunder with shock E3 reveal

The successor to the Xbox 360 console is on desks at an unnamed Electronic Arts studio, Develop understands.

The new hardware, sent to EA last month, is a very early build with no casing – it is in fact being stored inside a PC shell.

EA developers are getting to grips with the tech to create first-generation software, Develop has been told.

“Quite often when new consoles come around they’re packaged into a PC shell, but actually what’s inside is an entirely new console,” a senior, trusted, well-placed said.

Microsoft has declined to comment. EA has declined to comment. Develop’s source is not employed at either company.
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The source believed, but did not have certain information, that the new Xbox would launch by the end of 2012. The individual expects an announcement will be made, at least in some form, at E3.
Kinect would work with their next console no problem.

Eurogamer understands that an E3 2011 reveal for Microsoft's next Xbox is highly unlikely.

Our respected source poured water on Develop's report that some kind of announcement will happen next month at E3.

Develop's report also mentions that EA already has development kits for the new console. To a untrained eye, these apparently look like PCs. But inside are apparently the components of Microsoft's next Xbox.

Prototype dev kits typically are PCs inside a PC box: the first Xbox 360 developer tools were based on dual core G5 PowerPC Macs with an ATI X800 GPU while the initial PS3 dev kits were based around a PC with two GeForce 6800 Ultras running in SLI.

The Develop source believes the new Xbox could launch as soon as the end of 2012.

No technical specifications for the new console were given.

EA and Microsoft both declined comment.
The EA rumor was debunked. I seriously doubt that MS will debut a new console at this year's E3.

"This story is a total fabrication – 100 percent not true," commented EA corporate spokesman Jeff Brown.
I hope not, they only just released a new xbox.
Hopefully they carry over the X-box profiles so we can keep our achievement points. I worked hard for some of those things!