NPC SPAWNER: version 1337

Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
All you need is right here baby! This new version has.... uh... new stuff. :E (see the readme for details)
NPC SPAWNER v1.3.3.7 beta 1
by Teta_Bonita
Never use console commands again! :)



-a. spawn most npc's
-b. message system
-c. activate cheats
-d. switch between sets
-e. set npc weapons
-f. spawn friendly and crazy npc's
-g. spawn vehicles
-h. play music files
-i. remove entities
-j. freeze physics or ai
-k. set stuff on fire
-l. blow stuff up with a strider
-m. take a screen shot without any hud/weapons
-n. slowmo and reallyslowmo
-o. uber gravity gun
-p. enhanced weapons
-q. other misc. commands




Just place all included .cfg files into your cfg folder (namely "C:/program files/steam/steamapps/[email protected]/half-life 
2/hl2/cfg") and type "exec npcspawner" in the console whilst in a game.  Note that you'll have to type in "exec npcspawner" every time you 
would like to use this script.  If you want it to start automatically, put the same command in your "autoexec.cfg" file (if you don't have 
one already, make one!).

This script has shortcuts to almost all of the npc's in Half-Life 2. I tried to include as many as I can, but if there are a few you would 
like to add yourself, please feel free to do so (set3 has tons of stupid/useless stuff that's just itching to be bound to something useful).  
In addition to npc's, this script has shortcuts to NPC usable weapons, cheats, and other useful commands.
Here's a list of what this script can do:

-Works (kinda) in deathmatch.
-Precached entities are spawned facing the direction the player is facing.
-Citizens aoutomatically join your squad.

NPC spawner has shortcuts for almost every npc in the game.  The only ones that aren't included are the ones that can't be included with 
normal scripting, such as the combine APC or elite troops.
NPC spawning is done using the keypad, with different "sets" for different groups of NPC's.  To switch the the corresponding set, hit f1, f2, 
or f3.  More information on sets can be found in the "switch between sets" section of this readme.

In order to inform the play of what's happening, NPC spawner comes equiped with a "message system" in the upper-left corner of the screen.  
Every time the player spawns an NPC, activates a cheat, or uses any other command inside NPC spawner, a message telling you what you just did 
is displayed.  The message system can be cleared by pressing "t" or toggled on/off completely by pressing "y".

NPC spawner has keys bound to most of the useful cheats in Half-Life 2. The commands are:
page down for impulse 101
page up for notarget
"]" for god
"[" for noclip

In order to save keyboard space, NPC spawner uses different "sets" for spawning different groups of NPC's.  To switch between sets, hit f1 
for set 1, f2 for set 2, or f3 for set 3.  Switching between sets only changes what NPC's the keypad spawns.  It does not modify any other 
keys or commands.  The layout of each individual set are as follows:
keypad 0 spawns an antlion
keypad delete spawns an antliongaurd
keypad enter spawns a vortigaunt
keypad 1 spawns a citizen
keypad 2 spawns a medic citizen
keypad 3 spawns barney
keypad 4 spawns a metrocop
keypad 5 spawns a combine soldier
keypad 6 spawns a strider
keypad plus spawns a combine turret
keypad 7 spawns a zombie
keypad 8 spawns a fast zombie
keypad 9 spawns a poison zombie
keypad slash spawns a headcrab
keypad asterisk spawns a fast headcrab
keypad minus spawns a poison headcrab

keypad 0 spawns a combine gunship
keypad delete spawns a combine dropship
keypad enter spawns a hunter-chopper
keypad 1 spawns Alyx Vance
keypad 2 spawns Father Gregori
keypad 3 spawns The Gman
keypad 4 spawns a manhack
keypad 5 spawns a combine scanner
keypad 6 spawns a rollermine
keypad plus spawns DR. Kleiner
keypad 7 spawns Dr> Breen
keypad 8 spawns Eli vance
keypad 9 spawns Dr. Mossman
keypad slash spawns half of a zombie
keypad asterisk spawns a barnacle
keypad minus spawns a combine sniper

keypad 0 spawns a stoned barney
keypad delete spawns a stoned citizen
keypad enter spawns a pissed of bitch
keypad 1 spawns a stoned Gman
keypad 2 spawns a homosexual monk
keypad 3 spawns a drunk alien
keypad 4 spawns dog
keypad 5 spawns an ichthyosaur
keypad 6 spawns.....  something....
keypad plus spawns a stalker
keypad 7 spawns a crow
keypad 8 spawns a pigeon
keypad 9 spawns a seagull
keypad slash, keypad asterisk, and keypad minus are unbound.

To set the weapon to spawn NPC's with, hold down "alt" and press any of the number keys from one to zero.  The weapons are organized as 
1 selects MP-7 PDW
2 selects Overwatch Pulse Riffle
3 selects shotgun
4 selects USP match pistol
5 selects double-barrel magnum riffle
6 selects crossbow
7 selects RPG
8 selects crowbar
9 selects stunstick
0 selects machine pistol

NPC spawner allows you to spawn "friendly" and "crazy" NPC's.  Friendly NPC's will not (usually) attack you or any of your allies, while 
attacking any of your enemies (including members of their own species).  Crazy NPC's will attack anything they see except for another crazy 
NPC.  To spawn a friendly NPC, hold down alt and press the NPC's corresponding key on your keypad (ie, to spawn a friendly combine soldier, 
make sure your in set 1, hold down alt and press keypad-5).  To spawn a crazy NPC, hold down tab and press the NPC's corresponding key.  Note 
that this does not work for striders and turrets, as they are spawned differently.  However, they can be set to friendly or crazy by looking 
at them and hitting the comma or period keys respectively.

Press "home" to spawn the jeep, press "end" to spawn the airboat.  To equip the airboat with a machine gun, aim at it and press "backslash" 

NPC spawner has shortcuts to some of Half-Life 2's best music.  To play a song, hold down tab and press any of the number keys from one to 
zero.  To stop music playback, press "u".  Note that pressing "u" can stop the playback of other sounds as well.

To remove an entity, aim at it with your cross-hair and hit "uparrow" on your keyboard.  Almost anything in the game can be removed, including 
vehicles and physics props.

NPC's can be "frozen" in place by hitting the "leftarrow" key.  Hitting leftarrow again will unfeeze them.
Physics can be frozen the same way by hitting "rightarrow".

To immolate something (or someone), aim at it and hit the "downarrow" key.  If the target is living, it will take damage for several seconds.

To blow something up with a strider's disruptor cannon, aim at the strider you want to use and hit the "insert" key.  This should name the 
strider for use.  After a strider is named, aim at your target NPC (note that it has to be a living or mechanical character, and not a 
physics prop) and hit the "delete" key.  Alternatavly, yo can blow the target up with the last spawned strider without naming it by looking at your target and pressing tab-delet.  If you did everything right, the strider should eventually shoot the target with its giant 
penis-cannon.  You can also commit suicide with a named strider by pressing alt-delete.
NOTE: this feature can be buggy sometimes...

Pressing f8 will take a "clean" screen shot without any suit display or weapons.

Slowmotion is activated by the "v" key, really slowmo is activated by "b".  To toggle the sound and fade effects, press the "n" key.  Spinning the mousewheel up increases gamespeed, spinning it down decreases it.  Pressing MOUSE3 (usually pressing in the mousewheel) will reset gamespeed to normal.  Also, slowmo can be used independantly of npcspawner by typing "exec slowmotion" in the console instead of "exec npcspawner".
NOTE: using slowmo will reset all pushscale, gamespeed and gravity variables.

The "uber" gravity gun can be toggled by hitting the "forwardslash" (/) key.  When the uber gravity gun is enabled, the gravity gun can pick 
up much heavier objects from greater distances and throw them with more force.

Certain commands can be used to "enhance" weapon properties:
the "l" key greatly increases the ammo capacity of all weapons.
the ";" key toggles quad damage mode.
the "'" key enhances the properties of certain weapons, such as the shotgun and grenades. 

"h" displays what each key is currently bound to in the console.
"m" displays the name of the entity under your cross-hair.  Useful for distinguishing buddies from enemies.
"p" selects an NPC or deselects a previously selected NPC.
"o" orders all selected NPC's to move to player's cross-hair.
"j" gruntomatic!
"+" increases the game volume.
"-" decreases the game volume.
"tab- +" increases the music volume.
"tab- -" decreases the music volume.


-Gunships, dropships, and helicopters have bogus AI- they tend to fly to one place and stay there.
-Striders can't move.
-Icthyosaurs have incomplete AI and don't do much (although they do move and attack on occasion).
-Sometimes you have to noclip into the air to spawn a strider correctly.
-Combine leets are on holiday. :(
-Med ic Citizens have the same model as regular ones.
-"Friendly" NPC's randomly attack each other on occasion.  If this problem persists, restart the script.
-Friendly or crazy striders and turrets cannot be spawned, they have to be set manually.
-Metrocops pwn antlions
-The enhanced shotgun sometimes spews errors into the console.
-Using slowmo in fade mode stops music playback.
-Striders may refuse to use their penis-cannon. To fix this, restart the script.
-Picking up a vehicle (jeep, airboat, or APC) with the uber gravity gun will crash the game.
-It's impossible for the player to kill crazy citizens, crazy alyx, monk, or barney with normal weapons.


Question: How do I turn this thing on?
Answer: Type "exec npcspawner" (without the quotes) in the console.  :)

Question: How do I turn this thing OFF?
Answer: type "exec unbind" in the console.  This should reset all binds to normal.  (works best when using the default control configuration)

Question: I don't use the default control configuration and this script interferer's with my game controls.  What do I do?
Answer: you have three options:  One, going through the entire script and renaming every key. (annoying)  Two, switching to the default game 
control configuration (also annoying). Or three, binding a key to toggle between NPC spawning and your game controls (not as annoying!).

Question: What? Did you say hide your pee to snuggle between PCP spawning and your gay can trolls?
Answer: No, you n00b, I said "bind a key to toggle between NPC spawning and your game controls".  Here's a step-by step guide on how to do 
step 1: Go to your half-life 2 cfg directory (usually C:/program files/steam/steamapps/[email protected]/half-life 2/hl2/cfg) and open 
the file called "config.cfg".
step 2: Select every line that begins with the word "bind" and copy them.
step 3: Close config.cfg, and make a new text file.  You can name this new file whatever you want, as long as it ends in ".cfg" (make sure it 
actually ends in ".cfg" and not ".cfg.txt"!)
step 4: Open this new text file (for simplicity's sake, lets call it "gamebinds.cfg").  Remeber those lines you copied?  Paste them into 
step 5: Now copy the following line and paste it into gamebinds.cfg: bind "f12" "exec npcspawner"  (note that "f12" can be any key you want)
save and close the file.
step 6: Open npcspawner.cfg and scroll to the very bottom.  Now find the line that says 'echo "====================================" '
Delete that line and EVERYTHING below it.  This will get rid of the startup message and music.  (this step is optional, but still probably a 
good idea since the startup music would get annoying after awhile)
step 7: Now add this line anywhere in the script besides the very end: bind "f12" "exec gamebinds.cfg"  (note that "gamebind.cfg" has to be 
the same name that you gave the new text file in step 3 and "f12" has to be the same as the key in step 5)
step 8: Save the file and close it.  
step 9: Look in your /cfg directory for a file called "autoexec.cfg".  If you don't have one, make one!
step 10: Open autoexec.cfg and add the following command line:  exec gamebinds.cfg
step 11: Save the file and close it.

If you did everything right, hitting the "f12" key (or whatever key you chose) will switch between your 
old binds and NPC spawner's binds.

Question: I wan't to use this thing in HL2DM! What do I do?
Answer: In addition to copying the script files to your "steam/steamapps/[email protected]/half-life 
2/hl2/cfg" folder, copy them to "steam/steamapps/[email protected]/half-life 2 deathmatch/hl2mp/cfg". Start a server and execute the script as normal.
NPC spawner will overwrite the binds to some commands in HL2 deathmatch.  To fix this, add the following commands to the end of npcspawner.cfg in your hl2mp/cfg folder:
bind "f4" "+showscores"
bind "t" "impulse 201"
bind "u" "messagemode2"
bind "y" "messagemode"

this will overwrite the message clear, stopsound, and message toggle commands in npcspawner (which can be activated by typing clear, stopsound, or developer 0/1 in the console respectively). It will also bind the scoreboard display to f4 instead of tab.

Question: How come some npc's wont attack each other in HL2DM? Is this a bug?
Answer: That's not a bug, that's intentional.  I could make all NPC's attack each other, but I would have to write relationships scripts for EVERY NPC in the game.  I'm WAY to lazy for that! So for now, only the combine soldiers, cops, striders, antlions, zombies, citizens, manhacks, and headcrabs will attack each other.

Question: Citizens won't join my squad! What's up with that?
Answer:  Citizens only join your squad if they can see you, so make sure you have notarget off if you want to command your squad.

Question: But wait... what if I DON'T want citizens to join my squad... ever?
Answer: "npc_citizen_auto_player_squad 0" in the console should do the trick.  Note that restarting the script will reset this.

Question: I found a bug that wasn't listed, who do I tell?
Answer: If you do happen to stumble upon an unlisted bug, please email info about it to [email protected].  If your lucky, I might 
eventually check my mail and fix it. Also, if you send in a fix to the bug as well, I'll be sure to include you in the credits!

Question: I have a question that wasn't listed here.  WTF is your problem?
Answer: WTF is YOUR problem!? It's not like any of these questions are actually frequently asked.  I'm just pulling all of this out of my 
ass! If you really want your questions answered, email them to me at [email protected].


Me, for making the script,
Valve, for making this damn fine game, and
Joe and Zack, for testing the script.
Download it! You know you want to! :naughty:
AHA! now its working! (forgot to remove my picture from the .zip :rolleyes:)
I already told you that letter wasn't from me!
Cool then, going to try it out now.
EDIT: Assuming my idiot friend ever joins the server :\
You've been parading that thing forever, Teta.