Official Half-Life 2 Web Site Launched

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Official Half-Life 2 Website Launched

Back in March you may remember we posted a special preview shot of the Official Half-Life 2 website. Unfortunately quite a lot of people didn't believe us - quite a funny fiasco which you can refresh your memories with here.

We're now pleased to announce that the official site is now open and can be viewed at

Obviously there isn't much at all on the website, Sierra/Valve sites never normally do, but it's still certainly worth a look. Once again, no new content but there is an E3 2003 trailer which is about a minute long with clips of last years presentation, and an opportunity to sign up for the official HL2 newsletter.

Update: Some users are experiencing difficulty seeing the new website. The above website used to point to the original Half-Life which was held on the Valve or Sierra webservers. Valve have moved this new website on to a Limelight Networks server so if you still see the old website - don't panic, it's just the domain name server updating.
How did ya get it?...

*looks around suspiciously*
haha, thats great!!!!! teach all those non-believeing biatchs a lession!(j/k)
It looks nice, nothing fancy, really similar to the Condition Zero site. Nice touch on the page transitions. Not a lot of content, but that is to be expected from Valve.
By the way guys, have any of you got the original screenshot we showed you of the website cached or saved any where?

The file name was preview.jpg if that helps. Would be interesting to post it again so we can see if it's changed much at all.
well, it's prett ymuch identical to what we leaked...... eat that naysayers :p

Do you have the original though Side?
Now this is a pretty clear sign that it is coming out SOON!!!! :thumbs: :cheers:
awesomeness. *adds to favs* *signs up for newsletter* etc etc...
<@BlueWolf72> onions whos wise idea was it to make a dam ugly site call it the new hl2 design from valve?
<@BlueWolf72> shoot that person
<+onions> BlueWolf72, from what i understand that is the hl2 site design, though i can't back that up
<@BlueWolf72> no its not
<@BlueWolf72> lombardi said no way
<@BlueWolf72> i emailed him
<+onions> fair enough then, i dunno where it came from
<@AndyHodges> that's hilarious

he's right, it is pretty funny :)
lol onions...

By the way guys if you see a dowdy old Half-Life 1 related site there that's because that's what was hosted at that address before. You'll just have to wait until the domain name server updates itself and points to the right place. They've changed servers. The site is being hosted by Limelight Networks now like ours is :) I've just done a whois look up on the URL.
: O no offense but i'm suprised how much its the same as you guys showed earlier in the year. NICE ;D

Im pleasantly suprised in multiple ways! Neat!!eleven!!
There was one point I was even beginning to doubt myself :p
I must admit though, Alyx looks pretty sexy in that pic on the main page =)
Quite possible but it can take ages sometimes for people to be able to see new websites after they've been uploaded.
Oh man that got me buzzing, finally a release of the website...E3 today! its 11.30 chinese time May 12th! we made it, alcoholism didn't beat me!

Anyways you guys were spot on with the site, everyone who got it wrong, hard luck guys, good work on the find, forget my point....oh yeah....see you soon HL2!
Heh, well I guess it was the site after all. I still think it looks pretty crappy though for an official game site. Nice fading effect and all, but the layout looks like it was slapped together. But anyway, ya I was wrong. Enjoy it while it lasts. :p
Most official game sites are!

Yeah every body doubted us. Some people were downright horrible actually.

Posted (by Feedbag): Sun Mar 07, 2004 6:56 am Post subject: Munro has hit new levels of stupidity
did you see the picture he thinks is the new valve site? what a ****ing moron.
Chris_D said:
Most official game sites are!

Yeah every body doubted us. Some people were downright horrible actually.


Ya, but let's just be sure not to get back into any sort of flame war in this thread though. :)
As if. That was too far back to seriously care about. I was only joking :)
Chris_D said:
As if. That was too far back to seriously care about. I was only joking :)

I know you were. ;) I was more writing that to any people who hadn't been here at that time and might be tempted to dredge it up again.

Edit: Oh and if you'd care to bask in the glory a bit longer then check out the frontpage. :p And just as a side note, do you know, Chris, if you guys will unmask the site name after hl2 releases?
Nice. It makes the game feel that much closer. Just wish there was some new info on it rather than year old screenshots.
Ahh, first the announcement of the new stuff that would be shown at E3, then new info about the game, and now the Half-Life 2 site is up. My level of excitement is rising constantly. :cheers:
Not to be a nay sayer, but I am not going to go crazy just yet...Sierra's webpage record is not very good - look at the Homeworld 2 , there was a page for years before the game came out plus plus signing up for the newsletter hardly gave any news on HW 2.

I am glad there are some rumblings in the HL 2 machinery though, the silent treatment was making me think HL 2 was another Duke Nukem Never.
Haha! neato!

Notice how the title is on the official HL2 site and this one ;)
Good to see it's finally up :)
Good to see that my found trust in was rewarded. Also hl2world have got a bit of respect left by appoligisng on their front page.
A small comeuppance for a certain set of people, who shall collectively be referred to under the moniker "D. Thomas"...