Omgz Nu Mouse


Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
I got my new Mouse today the Razer Diamondback
jeez this mouse rulz im not really a super duper CSS player but when I hooked my new one up I stared Steam and WOW its so smooth and fast after 6 rounds i had a Score of 15-4 aint that cool
if one of u is thinking about gettin a new Mouse then I tell ya get this one its great
Great name for a mouse too,
I need a new one so i'll keep that in mind, thanks for the tip
You do realise once the elite's get a hold of this we're dead :burp:
bought my viper from Core Digital

Its so smoooooth, i use it with the razer exactmat. My bro has the new razer diamondback chameleon and it pwns.
I think I'll go for the MX-1000 once my Intelli 3 is worn out ..
Ecthe|ioN said:
I think I'll go for the MX-1000 once my Intelli 3 is worn out ..

Im going for the 510 the cheapscates choice :p (im still using a ball mouse so I think I deserve a new mouse :D)
LOL unlucky ballmouse :< hehe my mouse hasnt had balls for years ;)