One Hour to Go

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Just so you're all aware, there is only one hour to go before Day of Defeat: Source is released.[br]As a note to any dedicated server operators, Valve have just announced that you guys can pre-load the dedicated server files for DOD: Source.[br]Stay tuned to this space for the official release announcement from Doug Lombardi.
Sounds as if you're as anxious as any of us to get this game, Chris. And you've already played it...
ty for verifying that, i came on to search the forums for a confirmation on the one hour...

now i dont have to search :) Im buying it right now!
Most news posts ever........................................

Camon_Draconis said:
1 hour to go and the steam home page is down....
We generally get official Valve news before the Steam home page anyway :) Seriously.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it as much as anyone else. In fact, I could still play it right now. I'm not going to. I wanna play the real copy :)
Such a slow day.

Soon, though, Soon we shall be dancing around with our thompsons and mp-40's like merry school girls. :cat: :thumbs:
It was a big day for me today... A hard, long, stressed day. I really need this game now :(
Hobbes said: forums are down.

(Sorry for double post.)
It can't handle the load. :(

There are still 2300+ people trying to view the forums even though they are offline.
You guys all want to head into a server together or something?

Lets get all the guys together have some fun :)
Point them here :p

No... wait.. don't! will probably die shortly. At last check:
Currently Active Users: 742 (146 members and 596 guests)

jdufault said:
You guys all want to head into a server together or something?

Lets get all the guys together have some fun :)
The servers will fill up too quickly for you to be able to do this.
I might buy this just so I can make some maps with the texture sets, it's only $19 after all... £11.23
The servers will fill up too quickly for you to be able to do this.

How many servers will be up at release? Is valve going to host any, or do you know if the beta servers are going to update?
jdufault said:
How many servers will be up at release? Is valve going to host any, or do you know if the beta servers are going to update?
Valve only had one online. They've taken that down now.

There's a HL Dedicated Server mailing list and they announced about an hour ago that they'd opened up pre-loading for dedicated servers.

There'll be plenty :) Just not very many empty ones :)
30 minutes! Anyone seen this programme called American Chopper? Some pretty slick bikes.

*watches clock some more*
Alright steam forums are shut down now, I expect the same to happen sometime soon with this site so they can deliver news updates about when its released.
So glad my gf left in time... she's turned a 5hr wait into 30 mins :D

30 mins ZOMG!!
I love the rapid posting, everyone is just sitting around waiting :)

Good times Chris :cheers:
i cant wait, my balls are quivvering in anticipation.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Alright steam forums are shut down now, I expect the same to happen sometime soon with this site so they can deliver news updates about when its released.
The only way these forums will go down is if the strain takes them down. We won't be closing the forums. They stay open until we're dead!
Chris_D said:
Valve only had one online. They've taken that down now.

There's a HL Dedicated Server mailing list and they announced about an hour ago that they'd opened up pre-loading for dedicated servers.

There'll be plenty :) Just not very many empty ones :)

And that is why, im going to click as fast as I can to get in a good server.
Lazy_Moron said:
And that is why, im going to click as fast as I can to get in a good server.
Don't forget that Steam has an auto-join feature :)
I just hope there are enough servers available for dod: s when it comes online. I know they said they'd be getting servers up before they release the game, but I have a feeling that there's going to be a ton of people trying to play as soon as they get the chance!
This forum will never shut down. The last time I remember it having problems was the night of Half-Life 2's release, and that was with like 3,000++ people. That was a a good f*cking night... everyone's site was down. It was hectic as hell, even aim fluttered a few times.
Hobbes said:
This forum will never shut down. The last time I remember it having problems was the night of Half-Life 2's release, and that was with like 3,000++ people. That was a a good f*cking night... everyone's site was down. It was hectic as hell, even aim fluttered a few times.

I wish I had been there, unfortunatly I just discovered Half-Life's existence a few days ago.
man.. 15 minutes. what a long hour, and i really wish the sun wasnt shining right into my monitor.
jsnake said:
I wish I had been there, unfortunatly I just discovered Half-Life's existence a few days ago.
Ahh welcome :)