Orange Box on PS3... really that bad?!


Dec 28, 2005
Reaction score
The Media is seriously bashing the Orange box for PS3! An article horribly summarizing a previous 1up preview on the orange box can be found at ( links below ) will have you believing that the PS3 copy of Orange box will but Completely unplayable, however they failed to either understand, or read all the way through 1up preview.

The preview had said that half life 2 series has a frame rate problem through out the game, mainly on the vehicle portions.

However they said Portal was a spot on, picture perfect port of the game that has no hiccups, no frame rate drops, and plays just as good as the pc or 360 counterpart.

1up had also mentioned that the copy they had played was an unfinished copy that still had bugs and glitches to work out. The time line until shipping and release is a short one, but fixes are not only in the works now, but hell whats to stop them from holding it back a week or two ( its not like they haven't done it before ). And if getting out out on release date is an absolute must, they still have the power of the internet and the PSN ( play station network ) to provide update fixes and patches.

They hadnt touched on TF2 for what ever reason, but seriously, i dont think Its going to be that bad.. what do you guys think?
However they said Portal was a spot on, picture perfect port of the game that has no hiccups, no frame rate drops, and plays just as good as the pc or 360 counterpart.
Portal is possibly the least detailed of all the games though. It's largely just a series of large boxes, mainly the kind of architecture that's been in games for years. Sure it has high resolution textures and it renders multiple cameras through the portals, but it's not populated by loads of junk, enemies and other detailed items like the Half-Life games are.

This doesn't entirely surprise me though, PS3 ports have had a reputation for being the poor cousin of the other versions. Clearly, it's as difficult to develop for as people had been saying when it was first revealed....
From what I've seen and heard in the industry, the PS3 is the most difficult thing to work with, especially converting something that already exists. The PS3 can obviously perform, the FPS issues are not from the hardware design. Personally I dont see why anyone would bother playing an FPS on their console, I'm a mouse and keyboard kinda guy when it comes to FPS.
Portal is possibly the least detailed of all the games though. It's largely just a series of large boxes, mainly the kind of architecture that's been in games for years. Sure it has high resolution textures and it renders multiple cameras through the portals, but it's not populated by loads of junk, enemies and other detailed items like the Half-Life games are.

This doesn't entirely surprise me though, PS3 ports have had a reputation for being the poor cousin of the other versions. Clearly, it's as difficult to develop for as people had been saying when it was first revealed....

my dads computer has the hardest time running portals but can run any other game just fine. However i do understand this argument, ps3 ports have never been great, but i didnt get one for pc game ports I got one for the ps3 exclusives. Gots my black box for teh PC :cheese:
What I think is that PS3 ports suck because Microsoft gives the companies computers to work on for free if they make the PS3 versions suck. Heh.

I have the PS3 version of Assassin's Creed and there is nothing wrong with it. Besides Valve didn't make the PS3 version of The Orange Box, EA did.

So maybe it is ports that the PS3 isn't good with because companies just don't want to put the time in, however exclusives are fantastic!
It's not a shame, or PC owners would rape the hell out of everyone.
What I think is that PS3 ports suck because Microsoft gives the companies computers to work on for free if they make the PS3 versions suck. Heh.
Wow, how far did you have to reach up your ass to pull that load of bullshit?

My guess is Valve was never gonna do a Ps3 Port. Then EA said, "If you don't want to, we will but we want more $$ on it cuz we ported it". Valve probably said, "Good Luck". Valve does not care about the Ps3 in any way shape or form.
Thats a shame, its a nice console, it just need the support of great developers such as valve.
Don't really care, and truth be told I don't think a lot of other people will either. There's nothing the PS3 can do that the 360 can't (except for Blu-Ray, and you can get a 360 with that), and on top of that the PS3 is more expensive.
Don't really care, and truth be told I don't think a lot of other people will either. There's nothing the PS3 can do that the 360 can't (except for Blu-Ray, and you can get a 360 with that), and on top of that the PS3 is more expensive.

The PS3 has so much more processing power then the 360, not to mention its exclusives. sony exclusives never make their way to pc where most xbox exclusives usually do, it may take a while, but they usually find their way eventually.
Don't really care, and truth be told I don't think a lot of other people will either. There's nothing the PS3 can do that the 360 can't (except for Blu-Ray, and you can get a 360 with that), and on top of that the PS3 is more expensive.
Ps3 HAS more processing power.

IGN tells a somewhat different story:

Before you freak, know that in my time playing The Orange Box on PS3, I only encountered a few truly troubling framerate issues. For the bulk of my playtime, the pieces of The Orange Box run fine. Sure, there's more hitching than on 360, but I was still drawn in to the dense world Valve created. The technical issues aren't going to be enough to deter anyone who wants to enjoy Orange Box on PS3. Unless you require your games to never dip below 30fps, you should not strike The Orange Box off your PS3 holiday wish list.

It's funny to see what the anti-Sony crowd will say to try to hurt the PS3 even more, and then to hear the real story from a pretty reliable source like IGN.

Aside from that, it's not that the PS3 is all that much more difficult to develop for, it's that game developers realize that Wii and Xbox are selling better (undoubtedly due to PS3's insane price), therefore, they can't understand why they should bother taking the time to figure out the PS3 when they can be successful releasing games on Nintendo and Xbox.

Lazy ass developers. I think we've already seen plenty of examples of developers taking advantage of the PS3's superior hardware... and we'll surely see more.

Just take a look at Gran Turismo 5 and tell me you're not blown away.
What I don't understand is why the PS3, with all its processing power and the capacity of its blu-ray media, only has 256MB of main memory (and 256MB of graphics memory). Given how cheap memory is, not having 512MB just seems silly, especially given that they want the PS3 to have a long life.

The 360 information: The 360 has 512MB main memory. There's only 10MB of RAM built into the graphics, so I'd assume it's essentially 512MB shared between graphics and system.
What I don't understand is why the PS3, with all its processing power and the capacity of its blu-ray media, only has 256MB of main memory (and 256MB of graphics memory). Given how cheap memory is, not having 512MB just seems silly, especially given that they want the PS3 to have a long life.

The 360 information: The 360 has 512MB main memory. There's only 10MB of RAM built into the graphics, so I'd assume it's essentially 512MB shared between graphics and system.

The PS3s memory is differnt then basic desktop memory, its called XDR memory. Dont be under the impression i fully understand what that means ( cuz i obviously dont ), but I think what I've come to under stand is that it streams information or is much much faster then regular memory. and besides, would you want it to be any more expensive? And I do agree, the hardware is a little off balance, the cpu is far more powerful then the gpu ( which is based off Nvidias 7 series tech ), it really should have had more memory.

Oh wait.. Orange box on the Wii :D

P.s. Its pronounced wee right? Not Why but wee
P.s. Its pronounced wee right? Not Why but wee

Yes. Most badly named console ever. But it got attention and/or publicity. Thus it appears to have settled in well.

Feel free to use the following puns:
My friend had a wii in the corner, so I joined him.
I really need a wii!
Where should I have my wii?
Feel free to use the following puns:
My friend had a wii in the corner, so I joined him.
I really need a wii!
Where should I have my wii?
If you're British, and you've gone back in time 2 years. An American 'Wee' is the male organ that British 'Wee' comes out of. Therefore, a woman can never truely have a Wii.
The PS3 has so much more processing power then the 360, not to mention its exclusives. sony exclusives never make their way to pc where most xbox exclusives usually do, it may take a while, but they usually find their way eventually.
I wouldn't say the PS3 has all that much more processing power over the 360. While it excels at FLOPS, which is great for physics it doesn't mean all that much everywhere else. Especially when you factor in SPE cache, Ram, and 360 has the better GPU.
If you're British, and you've gone back in time 2 years. An American 'Wee' is the male organ that British 'Wee' comes out of. Therefore, a woman can never truely have a Wii.

You American's confuse me...
Not to state the obvious but the PS3 is a bit of a let down with everything and even the best game ever (maybe) is crap on it. I'm talking about The Orange Box not just Half Life 2. I have a 360 by the way so I'm biased
I heard that gabe just dislikes ps3 because it is more complicated than the other consoles, so he made the graphics worse and the framerate sluggish. :)
Yeah, EA follows Gabe's suggestions to the letter.
I heard that gabe just dislikes ps3 because it is more complicated than the other consoles, so he made the graphics worse and the framerate sluggish. :)

Yes, that is exactly what he did. Gabe is so damn childish that he deliberately made his game run and look like a piece of shit on the console, so that even more people could suffer due to Sony's appalling George Foreman grill.

You heard it here first folks: Gabe was heading the EA team who managed the port, and he sabotaged development to make a crude political point.
I heard he murdered EA London guys with his golden crowbar. True story.
They were intent on making the PS3 version playable. He obviously couldn't let this atrocity occur.
In case you hadn't noticed I was using slight sarcasm for the gullible folks out there
yeah, most people treat me as a gullible noob lol because of my avatar and being new to these forums.
If someone could be sarcastic he needs to add "I am sarcastic man" to his signature:p
I think there should be rule on the Internet: you're not allowed to use sarcasm until people know you well enough to be able to know when you're being sarcastic.

Do I fall in the category of people knowing me well enough and to be able to know when I am being sarcastic? :)