

May 14, 2003
Reaction score
iv seen some overclocking where some people overclock the core more than the memory and get great scores and then iv seen other where the overclock the memory more than the core, i was wondering whether which one has a bigger enfluence on performance and quality or either or, the overlocking of the core more or the overclocking of the memory ...
Core, but it cant go as high as memory can. You gotta be careful too. If you screw up hold ctrl when you get into your OS to boot into default clock speeds.
thnx and how do u know when you put the core or memory to high?
When you see your monitor screwing up or your computer locks up. Youll usually see artifacts (Little dots or sometimes odd patterns).
Try using programs like Powerstrip, Rivatuner or Coolbits.

Google for them ;)

Raise your speed on Core\Mem slow, like 5Mhz at a time and then you test the card in Unreal 2k3, 3DMark 01 for example, and look for Artifacts, white dots on the screen.

Or if you get messed up colors on the screen.

By the way, what graphicscard do you have?