Pariah singleplayer demo out now

Warbie said:
You still see more creativity, innovation and quality in console titles these day. There's the odd title that stands out on the pc, but on the whole we just get a truck load of 'album fillers'.

Pariah is the perfect example.
Same can be said for PS2 however. As there are only a handful of games that stick out on it. Such as the DMC series, GTA series and MGS....other then that i can't think of anything else thats good on the PS2, except maybe Katamari Damacy which i hear is great fun.
Warbie said:
You still see more creativity, innovation and quality in console titles these day. There's the odd title that stands out on the pc, but on the whole we just get a truck load of 'album fillers'.

Pariah is the perfect example.

Such as? Last year the best games that came out were designed for the PC, such as WoW, Half-Life 2, Doom 3, Rome: Total War, UT2004. I chose those examples not because they're revolutionary games but innovative in different fields. I'd like to mention that console games lack any sort of deep strategy, which I feel is an essential part of PC gaming.
"Pariah single player demo out now" was the title of this thread. I guess there wasn't much else to say about it ...
Venmoch said:
Tomb Raider? Except change graphics with Bra Cup.
Err... First thing wrong with you example: 7 Tomb Raider games Vs 20+ Final Fantasy Games? Second thing wrong: Tomb Raider is PC/Console simultaneously developed, so you're actually arguing against yourself.

As for the arguement that Console games are somewhat more innovative, I think that's utter crap. The basic fact is that there are going to be 4 times the ammount of innovative titles when there are 4 times the ammount of games released... but simultaneously, there are 8 times the ammount of bog-standard "album filler" games as well. For every Katamari Damacy (and lets be clear here - KD is a one of a kind game) there are a million Japanese RPGs using the same battle systems and cliched stories as 10 years ago.

When a platform is easier to develop for as you say (and next generation, I think such an arguement will be far less relevant), does that automatically result in more innovative developers choosing consoles as their first choice? Sure - but it also results in far, far more knowledgeless knuckle draggers looking to make a quick buck. Your idea of the buisness seems to be something along the lines that money and sales attracts innovation. Money and sales do quite the opposite - they create a cookie cutter market where everyone treads softly. EA is big on consoles. Developers with little money will create this crap whatever platform they're developing for. At least the PC has the mod community, surely the biggest single source of innovation in the whole breadth of gaming.

And for every Katamari Damacy which becomes a critical and commerical success (actually, call the BS on myself there - if it was a success, why the hell isn't there a European release date?) there are 10 great titles that get buried under the hoardes of bullshit on the shelves.
babyheadcrab said:
I dont think consoles are easier to develop for, in many ways it's harder you are restricted to certain hardware restrictions which holds your art team back, you are forced to use the same tools used for many other games for the console etc.
i see your point but i think the really good developers look past the limitations of the hardware and use their creativity more to get the most out of their hardware.
Kazuki_Fuse said:
Such as? Last year the best games that came out were designed for the PC, such as WoW, Half-Life 2, Doom 3, Rome: Total War, UT2004. I chose those examples not because they're revolutionary games but innovative in different fields. I'd like to mention that console games lack any sort of deep strategy, which I feel is an essential part of PC gaming.

I agree about HL2, Rome, and WoW being quality titles, but not particulalry innovative imo (they do nothing new- just do it best :)). Last year was an excellent year for PC gaming - the best there has been in absolutely ages. This is far from the norm though, and has been for quite some time.

There is strategy in Rome (which my brother was the main artist for *shameless plug*), but again, this is a rare example, and it's certainly no more taxing than Advance Wars. Other than that - I see very little strategy in pc gaming (or innovation, creativity and, other than online, challenge)

Sparta said:
Same can be said for PS2 however. As there are only a handful of games that stick out on it. Such as the DMC series, GTA series and MGS....other then that i can't think of anything else thats good on the PS2, except maybe Katamari Damacy which i hear is great fun.

You'll find there is a great deal more variety and creativity on the PS2. Much is subjective - I could mention how Virtua Fighter 4 is one of the deepest games ever made (if you get the chance, go to a VF4 competition at an arcade. If decent players turn up, and you have some understanding of the game, you will simply be stunned at the depth of skill on display. Easily on par with the best online pc tournaments around)

You mention the big, more obvious, hits of the year - on top of these there's a whole host of differing titles. GT is every car nuts wet dream, Disgaea is an absolutely lovely RPG, Eye Toy will make anyone smile (even drunk Dads), and gaming with friends rarely gets any better than 4 player Winning Eleven. The list goes on, and, more importantly, there's a whole host of great games still coming out and being announced for the system. God Of War is great, and just look at Okami & Wanda and Colossus :) They look breathtaking. And then there's all the other consoles .....

The PC has now fallen back into it's regular slump of nothing good coming out, or on the horizon. Thank god for WoW.

(when titles like Stalker get so much praise, based purely on a decent sounding concept and a few screenshots, it's time to take note. The develper is completely unproven - and there's as much chance that it will be a complete crock as it will be a a hit. The hype for BIA and Pariah was similar. *cough* Doom 3)
Warbie said:
I agree about HL2, Rome, and WoW being quality titles, but not particulalry innovative imo (they do nothing new- just do it best :)). Last year was an excellent year for PC gaming - the best there has been in absolutely ages. This is far from the norm though, and has been for quite some time.

There is strategy in Rome (which my brother was the main artist for *shameless plug*), but again, this is a rare example, and it's certainly no more taxing than Advance Wars. Other than that - I see very little strategy in pc gaming (or innovation, creativity and, other than online, challenge)

You'll find there is a great deal more variety and creativity on the PS2. Much is subjective - I could mention how Virtua Fighter 4 is one of the deepest games ever made (if you get the chance, go to a VF4 competition at an arcade. If decent players turn up, and you have some understanding of the game, you will simply be stunned at the depth of skill on display. Easily on par with the best online pc tournaments around)

You mention the big, more obvious, hits of the year - on top of these there's a whole host of differing titles. GT is every car nuts wet dream, Disgaea is an absolutely lovely RPG, Eye Toy will make anyone smile (even drunk Dads), and gaming with friends rarely gets any better than 4 player Winning Eleven. The list goes on, and, more importantly, there's a whole host of great games still coming out and being announced for the system. God Of War is great, and just look at Okami & Wanda and Colossus :) They look breathtaking. And then there's all the other consoles .....

The PC has now fallen back into it's regular slump of nothing good coming out, or on the horizon. Thank god for WoW.

(when titles like Stalker get so much praise, based purely on a decent sounding concept and a few screenshots, it's time to take note. The develper is completely unproven - and there's as much chance that it will be a complete crock as it will be a a hit. The hype for BIA and Pariah was similar. *cough* Doom 3)
yeah good post this is why i cant wait for the next gen consoles to see what mgs,pop,gta,ico,pro evo etc will do aswell as the new titles that will spring up ,winning eleven dude, you leg-end ;)
I disagree. Whilst the examples I wrote were not genre breaking, they all introduced innovative features. WoW was innovative for it's well realised world, and art/design that reflects that, HL2 is obviously innovative for it's implementation of physics and how the user engages with it. I included Doom3 because of it's innovation in technology which undeniable. Also, to say that PC's lack strategy may be true, because IMO there can never be enough strategy, but there's no way that there's more strategy games available on console or hardcore rpg's ala Baldur's Gate, Fallout 2 for example. Instead as an example they bring out and "hype" rpg's like Fable which turn out to have no depth or innovation, then they announce it on PC? Like PC gamer's are missing out on something? It's almost an insult that companies think that people like me are that stupid.

I suppose what I'm saying is that generally hype is a bad thing. The funny thing is that a lot of console games that aren't hyped are the innovative ones and the games that are hyped as a pure PC game turn out to be innovative. Such as the examples that I gave.

I'm not saying that console games aren't innovative, the DC was my favorite console of all time and that had some of the most experimental games in terms of gameplay ever devised. I just don't think it's a good idea to develop a game for ever system available, or develop games for console and bring them onto PC later and expect people to eat it up and ask for seconds.

By the way I never said that second quote.
Well i do agree withe one thing with you people.
BIA indeed has a totally useless and crappy situational awerness view, I mean holy shit crappy. If they hadm ade it like you have in a 3d rts, that you can scroll over the battlefield that would have made it so much more pleasent, and usefull. Now basilcally you can get the same advantage, but only after long boring and irritating minutes of trying to get the view right.

(oh yeah and deus ex is 20x better than the first :))
Warbie said:
The PC has now fallen back into it's regular slump of nothing good coming out, or on the horizon. Thank god for WoW.
Not true.

You've got Age of Empires 3 coming out this year, F.E.A.R maybe even Quake 4. Not to mention Empire Earth 2, Bioshock, Operation Flashpoint 2 (sometime late this year hopefully) Max Payne 3 sometime this year or early next. There's still plenty of big games coming out, not as many as the consoles but the consoles are a much bigger market, and when you take into hand how many great games came out on the PC at the end of the year last year and how many great games came out on console at the end of last year, they're about the same.

I mean for Gamespot's GOTY awards last year, 5 of the nominees were PC games and the other 5 were consoles. And in the Dubious Honours section for Biggest Disappointment only Doom 3 was nominated for the PC. The rest were consoles.

If there were as many games being made for the PC right now as there are being made for consoles, then using what i just said as an example, there are going to be more high quality games made for the PC then the consoles.
(Except on GameCube, Nintendo rock)
AoE3 does look good, and i've high hopes for FEAR and Bioshock. Things are certainly looking up :) (I didn't know about FP2 - that could be very neat)

I'm not super excited about any of these, though (at least in comparison to many future console titles I could mention) - but would like to be pleasantly suprised.

Now, the next gen consoles - they give me a semi \o/
Now I'm back at uni I can waste their bandwidth to give this seemingly shite game a test run
"Operation Flashpoint 2 (sometime late this year hopefully) Max Payne 3 sometime this year or early next."

Don't count on seeing either of those two games anytime soon. Codemasters has been going through some serious financial difficulties and OFP2 has been pushed back to 2006 from what I understand. As for MP3, as you know, Remedy has nothing more to do with the game as they consider the MP series finished with MP2. MP2 didn't sell very well on the PC (it's main platform) because of piracy and Take 2 hasn't shown any inclination to continue the series anytime soon.
wilka91 said:
where the hell is this demo? can't find it
Around about page 2/3 the Torrent was taken down - it was never the site's responsibility to distribute it, and DE or Groove games must have requested that they take the download down. The site presumeably got the file off a cover-disk. Chances are, the SP Demo will reappear again sometime, but believe me when I say that the tension is bareable on that front ^^
Revisedsoul said:
me either. but im even more creeped out that you have me as a sig

Well, I'm creeped out you have 'mexican robot hitler' in yours :E