PAX East: Blizzard has announced their newest prfffffhahahaha

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LOL. Tell that to the millions of players playing WoW which is dead... right? the people still playing Diablo 3 which is the worst game ever, right? to the people playing starcraft, right? Blizzard is more alive than HL3 ever will be. They are raking the money, doing their thing. They win. :)
Is it modern? Do people play it.... No. you fail.

Sure it may not be modern, but if the Half Life series is anything to go by, being older doesn't mean people have stopped playing it. Warcraft III has a huge modding community, as well as a respectable professional scene (I think that's still around, just not as prevalent).

Seriously, if you like the world that you were introduced to in WoW, you really should see if you can pick up copies of the older Warcraft games. The gameplay is still pretty good, and the story is excellent in my opinion (if nothing else, you will get to see the backstory to a couple of major characters that are in WoW).

EDIT: Here are some links to Warcraft III, and its expansion pack.
Almost nobody plays D3 anymore, the demo-beta was obviously garbage compared to D2 and it only took four months for the majority of the playerbase to realise how shallow it is and drop it completely. SC2 is good but Activision knows they can't mess with the formula established in SC1 or else they'll destroy the SC2 esports scene, which is the only thing driving the sales of SC2 and HotS. WoW tends to lose subscribers month-over-month unlike the pre-Cataclysm days.

If you want to make the argument that profit is quality, Steam rakes in $1.5 billion in revenue annually and Valve is making money hand over fist with the Dota Store.

And if you want to make the argument that HL3 doesn't exist because Valve doesn't talk about it (which they do, with their Ricochet 2 trolling and Gabe's "These things, they take time" video), I don't see Blizzard developing anything aside from a browser game.
Dude, what'll really blow his mind is how Dota was originally a Warcraft 3 mod. Wooaaahhh.

It all comes full circle. Arthas is the G-Man.
Dota is trash compared to LOL fyi. But you can't accept that cause Valve is god, right? I still play Diablo 3. And when I do all my friends are on the game still playing. And the general char is flowing nicely. Seems to be just fine to me. Steam sells non Valve games so that number means shit to me. You lose. Accept it. Blizzard>Valve. Always has been. Always will be.
Dota is trash compared to LOL fyi.

Having play both extensively, I don't agree with this. Mechanically, I wouldn't say one is better than the other since that comes down to preference. When it comes to the financial model however, I definitely prefer Dota. It was a drag in League of Legends to have to save up points to purchase new Champions, leaving you with the set of free ones and whichever ones you managed to buy. In Dota, every hero is available right off the bat, with cosmetic items being the only things to be purchased.
What the hell is with all this total rubbish I'm reading in this thread? I stopped reading and just skimmed down to the reply section after like half a page.

Basically this started out as people laughing at Blizzard's new title, then it quickly turned into a "You're the bigger fanboy". How does that argument even work? Where the hell is the high ground? People bitching about Blizzard are apparently Valve fanboys and vice versa. Araviss, your argument has no merit since you were essentially telling other people to stop being fanboys while being a pretty massive fanboy yourself, simply for another company/product. Get your facts straight before you start eating and flinging all this crap everyone is purposefully throwing at you. Everyone else needs to stop feeding him by bringing up stupid irrelevant arguments. Stop this kind of crap or I'll close this thread myself. Back on topic.
I'd stop playing just about every fps there was is Blizzard made one.
They are raking the money, doing their thing. They win. :)
Yo Araviss, I'm really happy for you I'ma let you finish but Call of Duty is the best FPS of all times.


Close it. Close the forums. Shits beat. Valve loses.

  • Defends things based on brand recognition and sales
  • Doesn't recognise anything as relevant unless it's modern
  • Hates on Valve to get a rise out of people; is surprised when it gets a rise out of people
  • Calls people "self-loathing assholes" for disagreeing with him
  • Says fail
No, don't go, you were such a good fit here.
Dota is trash compared to LOL fyi. But you can't accept that cause Valve is god, right? I still play Diablo 3. And when I do all my friends are on the game still playing. And the general char is flowing nicely. Seems to be just fine to me. Steam sells non Valve games so that number means shit to me. You lose. Accept it. Blizzard>Valve. Always has been. Always will be.
I think Portal 2 is overrated, DOD Source is crap, CS:GO still needs work and additional content, and I outright despise the L4D series so, no, I don't think Valve is untouchable. But you're kidding yourself if you think a publicly-traded company wholly owned by one of the greediest nickel-and-diming publishers on the planet, a company that has seen all their major IPs lose features present in earlier franchise entries and strangled the potential for a SC2 custom map scene as rich as SC1's as a direct result of attempts to monetize user-created content, can even hold a candle to a privately-owned company that outright encourages customers to modify their games, allows content creators to profit from their creations without stunting the creation of free content, and ultimately just understands the difference between making a product people will simply buy and making one that they'll actually love.

I'll say it again, Blizzard ain't the Blizzard it used to be. The same thing happened to Maxis, Westwood, Bioware, Black Isle, Treyarch, RedOctane, Infinity Ward, DICE, Red Storm, Rare Entertainment, Epic Games (now owned by Riot), and countless other developers that started out by creating some amazing things and have ended up trolleying along the tired path of mostly yearly or bi-yearly non-adventurous iterations on proven franchises that originally sold because they were something new and exciting. Remember how cool COD was in comparison to MoHAA? Remember how cool COD4 was in comparison to 2 and 3? Black Ops 2 is basically the same game. Remember how cool BF1942 and BF2 were in comparison to CS1.3 and Unreal Tournament '99? BF3 is the same thing with even fewer features (and, damningly, worse netcode in an age where no self-respecting gamer has less than a megabit or two of effective bandwidth) than the games that led to it. And no mods to boot. Remember SimCity 2k, 3k, and 4? SimCity (Online) is the same thing minus big cities, terraforming, and game mechanics that actually work. Remember how cool Morrowind was in comparison to story-light and arcadey RPGs like Gauntlet? Oblivion and Skyrim are unreactive oceans with the depth of a puddle, the narrative power of a post-it note, and exploratory excitement on par with a cat being mildly interested by an empty cardboard box that it passes six times a day during trips to the litterbox. Remember how cool Fallout 1 and 2 were in comparison to the usual high fantasy RPGs? Fallout 3 is Morrowind With Guns and one of the worst attempts at a cohesive narrative I've seen this side of Twilight. (Fallout New Vegas was developed by Obsidian, some of whom are ex-Black Isle developers, which neatly explains why that story was actually decent, and why the world was more than just a series of environmental props and "cool things" laid out in grid fashion that only make sense when totally removed from everything else around them - like the city of Megaton). Remember how cool Command & Conquer was in comparison even to legendary RTSes like WC2 and Starcraft? Everything since Generals has been a gradual stripping-down of every mechanic and narrative tool familiar to its fans. Remember Tony Hawk 1, 2, and 3? We all know what happened to that and its sad shoe-horning of a shitty plastic stand-on skateboard controller. Remember Guitar Hero and the Rock Band that one-upped it? Nickel and dimed to death with overpriced three-song DLC packages and re-releases of slightly updated hardware with no new game mechanics to make the purchase worthwhile.

Big name publishers destroy developers and cannibalise beloved franchises in the name of the ****ing dollar. This is quite simply a fact to anyone who has paid any attention to what goes on behind the scenes of The Next Big Game™. The only thing standing between a sequel and a rehash, is the difference between private ownership, and having your business decisions vetted by a bunch of shareholders who probably have never even held a console controller in their lives and only invested in your company because it made a profit in the last financial quarter and is likely to do so again.

Oh, and one more thing - a quick history lesson. League of Legends is a direct rip-off of Dota. Guinsoo was handed the beginnings of what we know today as DotA, and he ushered in the infamous era of Guinsoo Balance, where every hero was utterly broken and overpowered in hilarious ways. Around 5.84c, Guinsoo handed it off to Eul, while Pendragon managed the community portal for the WC3 custom map, which was host to basically the only DotA forum on the internet and, consequently, nearly every piece of information and community content (like meme-images and whatnot) related to Defense of the Ancients. Eul optimised the custom map, reducing load times on older computers from 10-20 minutes to less than 50 seconds, and began chipping heroes down to a state where they couldn't faceroll entire enemy teams. Around version 6, Eul handed it off to Icefrog, and Eul soon went on to be hired by Valve, where he still works to this day. Icefrog has been the developer since (and, since late 2009, has also been a Valve employee). After version 6, Pendragon and Guinsoo talked to Riot Games and the three agreed to develop a spin-off of Dota called League of Legends, with a simplified design and a commercial F2P model. Weeks before League's initial announcement, Pendragon - as someone who was an employee of a company looking to profit from a community-developed and community-owned mod - decided it would be a good idea to DELETE THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY SITE and replace it with a half-assed announcement-advertisement for a New Exciting Future Game. And League of Legends was born, with a decidedly anti-competitive design philosophy centered around micro-progression of game-related stats and the requirement to actually purchase individual champions.

Soon after, Icefrog was in talks with both S2 Games (which went on to make Heroes of Newerth without Icefrog) and Valve, eventually deciding to work for the good ol' V-guys. Once Valve determined that they could commercialise DotA without sacrificing its competitive aspects and competitive scene, they filed a handful of trademarks, notably "Defense of the Ancients" and "Dota". Blizzard counter-filed a few days later and later lost, but what most people don't know is that Riot (and thus Guinsoo and Pendragon) counter-filed for "Defense of the Ancients" and won. Clearly a predatory filing but hey what are you gonna do. Valve did however win the trademark for "Dota".

And here we are today with two direct competitors based on the same product - one that retains a wholly competitive design philosophy where a brand new player is on exactly equal footing with someone who has played for thousands of hours, where only their individual skill separates them, AND empowers customers with the ability to create custom content and AT THEIR DISCRETION make that content paid-for (and also see more than 50% of the revenues from sales of that content) or completely free to users;;; and one which nickel-and-dimes consumers with purchase-only champions AND gameplay-affecting stats bonuses and objective advantages that can be attained faster than normal by paying money. One which has a competitive scene that thrives on its own with no direct involvement from Valve; and one which has its developer not only outright employing the teams that make up its competitive scene (a.k.a. a marketing investment) but also pays e-sports tournament agencies to exclude Dota 2 from tournament presence.

You are of course free to play what you want and enjoy it how you like, but, there you go.
Long story short, that's why I could stand waiting another decade for HL3. I don't need HL3, I want it. And I want it because HL2 and HL1 were awesome, especially HL1 and its mod scene, so why should HL3 need to be any different? I don't want HL3 for the sake of coming full circle in a trilogy because it's been a few years. I want HL3 to be the next big singleplayer experience. I want it to be the springboard for a mod scene that rivals GoldSrc (HL1) and to a lesser extent UT'99. I want it to help people make the next Counter-Strike, the next Natural Selection, the next Day of Defeat, the next Firearms, the next Ricochet, the next Chivalry, the next Sven Co-Op, the next Poke646. It's just not worth it if Valve shits out the number 3 just to silence a bunch of people who are complaining about a lack of something they're not even personally invested in, for the sake of defending a simulacrum of a completely separate developer making completely different games.

Sorry for the double post, I'm working on an orange-peel-flavoured beer. I'm sure you all understand where I'm coming from.
...where is he? Damn saiyan pods so freakin slow.
Are you talking about me?

I wish I was here while Araviss was still posting, but god damn if you guys didn't do a good job. A+ entertainment.
WC2 is the best Warcraft though.

Edit: It's funny to see when a newcomer immediately doesn't fit in and gets ridiculed and leaves, but it's something really special when he's been around for a good amount of time and then just snaps. I love this forum and anyone who says it's got nothing left worth staying around for is just wrong.
Poor lonely souls who have no friends and need to gang bully people over valve forums. lolll I feel so sorry for all of you. Half Life must really be your whole life. hahah Pathetic.
If you think this is gang bullying, god forbid you ever take up philosophy as a hobby.
Poor lonely souls who have no friends and need to gang bully people over valve forums. lolll I feel so sorry for all of you. Half Life must really be your whole life. hahah Pathetic.
I really hope you're not actually 24 years old.

This place is too fun I tell ya
That's an indirect "yes" if I ever heard one.

And I'm 25 so it's not like I'm doing anything but stating strate fax.
On the reals though, this place sucks. I'm sick of all the whiny bullshit here. All I see is people complaining over ****ing video games. Don't play the ones you don't like and let the people who are into that kind of thing do it. Act like if Valve came out with some shitty card game you wouldn't play it. And also, what the **** did you expect from Blizzard, honestly. There's a Blizzcon this year. Did you think they were going to release some major thing before that? Yinz are some dummies. It's a minor game meant to kill time and be a collector type game, as most of WoW these days is collecting pets and mounts. It's nothing genre changing or intense but its Blizzard doing something new for them and something that a lot of people like. I don't understand why you hate on it. Really, it makes no sense. Do you hate on Hello Kitty games cause they are nothing new or innovative and all it is is recycles bullshit? No, you just don't play it. End ran. End me logging in. Enjoy.
On the reals though, this place sucks. I'm sick of all the whiny bullshit here. All I see is people complaining over ****ing video games. Don't play the ones you don't like and let the people who are into that kind of thing do it. Act like if Valve came out with some shitty card game you wouldn't play it. And also, what the **** did you expect from Blizzard, honestly. There's a Blizzcon this year. Did you think they were going to release some major thing before that? Yinz are some dummies. It's a minor game meant to kill time and be a collector type game, as most of WoW these days is collecting pets and mounts. It's nothing genre changing or intense but its Blizzard doing something new for them and something that a lot of people like. I don't understand why you hate on it. Really, it makes no sense. Do you hate on Hello Kitty games cause they are nothing new or innovative and all it is is recycles bullshit? No, you just don't play it. End ran. End me logging in. Enjoy.
I don't hate on Hello Kitty because they were never good to begin with. Blizzard, on the other hand, used to innovate.
This may be the best member purge in the past three years. I mean, holy shit. I haven't been able to stop laughing since halfway through the first page. Thank you. Everyone... thank you.
Holy shit. This thread blew up.

You know who is really to blame? Vegeta.
Damn Shammy, why'd you stop there? Another 50 or so more and I'd have a better thumbsup:thumbsdown ratio than him. He's always lording that over me, isn't he such a jerk? We should thumbs him down some more for being such a jerk about it.
I never lord my ratio. All press is good press.
Holy crap.... Don't come on for a few days and this shit happens? Damn that was impressive. Wish I'd been here. I feel left out now...
Good to see this thread has "calmed down", and by "calmed down", I really mean exploded with the force of several hundred atomic bombs.

Hopefully since all this crap has ended, we can get this thread back on topic?
Actually important shit about this thread:

Even though Avariss is a huge childish frothing retard, Shamrock is one of us. He's been here a while and shouldn't be too excessively belittled for defending this guy, who he's become friends with. He's trying to be loyal. Granted, I don't understand why he's so tolerant of bullshit or believes any of it, but let's not cannibalize each other here unless you're ganging up on me. I'm that guy. You're welcome Autism victims.
I hereby open the floodgates to long time HALFNOT****INGVALVETIMELIFE2.NET veterans like Maestro and I to belittle and troll Valve Time for how silly it is and how serious shit got.

You guys are honestly mostly dense social retards who spend all day masturbating into your own mouths.


It's so edgy to hate on our new moniker. I love our whole hilarious community, VT and HL2.NET veterans.

Avariss, hopefully you'll continue to amuse like Da Bomb and those famous guys who literally exist to poorly contest every poster, sans Shamrock, it seems.

...and be responded to with serious, multi-quote responses from our aspie army as if they're drafting the response to a nuclear threat.

You'll be right at home if you don't leave, we haven't had anyone to properly beat up on consistently for years. ValveTime is starting puberty pretty well considering his dad died.
I'm posting in here so I can be a part of history. Yes, that Shem guy was here. Carry on.
It's actually in my archive now. I'm serious. I have it in cloud storage to never lose it. It's key to read EVERY word.
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