Plan of Attack- out next friday

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: I can´t wait it is a must have give it to me now please please :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Wow...So this is going to be our first fully-fledged TC to be released, I suppose?
Looks really promising.
xlucidx said:
Wow...So this is going to be our first fully-fledged TC to be released, I suppose?
Looks really promising.
Depends on your definition of a 'Total Conversion.' It appears that PoA is using a lot of CS: Source and HL2 content, so to some that means that it isn't a true TC that would include close, if not all, of their own custom content (textures, animations, models, sounds, etc.).

They have lots of time to improve though.
Three and half hours. Hope this is good, and not some prank with all the download links redirecting to the G-man (not the one in HL)
Well, it's ready for download. I'm currently downloading it now. Anyone have a chance to play it yet? It's a new mod, so I don't expect there to be too many servers out yet. If you see me on, i'll be either Anthraxxx or dAnthraxxx
I played it and it was pretty good. A couple bugs to be worked out (of course) but nothing horrible that I noticed. The gameplay is pretty solid... not entirely innovative but it's enough to be entertaining. The biggest downfall right now is that there is only 1 level, tho it is pretty good.
I am in love with this game.. It just runs so well and it's all about teamwork and strategy. Perfect game for the light hearted tactician in us all =)
I agree. Good action with a game that actually presents tactical teamplay as a preferred way to play makes the game so much more engaging than other shooters.*cough* CS *wheeze, hack, cough*
WoW! This mod rules, a combination of CS and DOD :D Reminds me of Front line Force(or was it assault?), that old hl1 mod.