Playing multiplayer on single-player maps

chili pepper

May 17, 2003
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I hope there is a feature in HL2 that will let you play the single-player maps with human opponents (not co-op).

I use to think damn it would be nice if you could play DM, CTF, objective-mode, etc with this cool SP map. It sucks you can't play any SP levels online. I hope that changes with HL2.
Ya that would be sweet to have a battle with like 20 human opponents throughout some part of City-17.
ever heard of sven coop? or just loading half-life maps in a multiplayers server.. it worked in hl1.. just wasn't supported or documented.
That would be sweet to battle out in City 17 online. I just don't know if its possible. It just occured to me that the MP maps of HL1 had to be kept small and simple in design (compared to the large, detailed SP maps) probably to reduce latency problems.

On the other hand, computers have become alot more powerful since HL1 came out. For example, I only played the demo of BF1942, but the MP level seemed fairly big and detailed, so it seems possible now.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
Ya that would be sweet to have a battle with like 20 human opponents throughout some part of City-17.
I'm thinking Valve may add a mulitplayer version of City17 as one of the mp maps.
Originally posted by worldspawn
ever heard of sven coop? or just loading half-life maps in a multiplayers server.. it worked in hl1.. just wasn't supported or documented.

I wonder if there's a mod that lets you load SP maps on-line?
(in DM-type modes, not co-op?)
Any mod can load single player maps, just go to console and type...

map c1a0

or "maps c" to get a listing of all the single player maps availible.

Of coarse all the players are gona start in the exact same spot, and the single player maps arent quite that big.

You could go and get pak explorer, extract the map, decompile it with winbsp, then edit the entities so that there are info_play_deathmatch all over the map, then recompile it doin the only entities option. Of coars in this the problem you face is finding enough entities to convert to the info_play_deathmatch.
Since in useing this method you canot create new entities or the game will crash. mabey find some scientist or monster entities and converting them.

also change the lvl transision entity so that they cannot go into the next "zone" or lvl. Then your all set to go. I did this to convert 2fort to a mod that i play.