Post a screenshot!

Why would someone just paint a wall orange like that? It looks like it should be in a videogame.
Har dee har har.




Ah, I most likely wouldn't have liked it then as I detest EVE.
Been playing too. Surprisingly fun, if you don't mind that it's fundamentally the same as other fantasy MMOs. The thing that's surprised me the most is how solid it is. Most everything is polished to a mirror shine, which is completely bizarre for an MMO that's still in beta (if only in name, this last event does seem like more of a stress test than anything).

Mostly, it just refines concepts from other MMOs and adds it's own touch to them. The talent trees function like WoW, except you pick which trees to use out of about nine and build your own role within one of four basic classes. Rifts are public quests from Warhammer except simpler to engage in and complete, despite popping up at random-ish locations (you can see them from miles away). Then every once in a while you'll get an invasion event, where a shitload of rifts pop up and hordes of invading enemies pour out of portals... and actually invade stuff. As in, they roam the map, engage towns/camps in combat, and have a chance of conquering them if they're not repelled. Once while I was playing, a bunch of people had to congregate at an important camp in the starter area which housed a bunch of quest NPCs and trainers, as it had been taken over by multiple groups of invaders. The way people showed up to help felt completely organic, and though reclaiming it wasn't particularly difficult (first day of beta = loads of newbies running about), it did feel somewhat significant. Had we just left it, nobody would have been able to use it until someone else forced them out, and it may have spawned further invaders to take over other camps (not sure about that last point, someone just mentioned it to me).

Of course, this is just first impressions. I hear the end-game is pretty fully featured too, but only time will tell if it holds people's interest or if it'll be another ghost town a few months down the track. Personally, I'm not quite clamouring for a pre-order, but it's certainly got me curious.

Edit: Regarding the UI, it's completely customisable "out the box." Move stuff anywhere, hide what you don't want, set transparency, etc. It's pretty robust. Which is just as well, since the developers don't want to support third-party addons. ;)
Since I omitted posting one before (click to enlarge),

Playing on low-med detail. Runs pretty well considering, but my rig is a bit dated.

That firey thing on the left there is a rift.
Just started playing through Unreal Gold again. It's been a long time since I've played this game.
It has some unofficial patches and texture modifications applied to make it look a bit better and work properly on windows 7.





Unreal! The game is amazing, even after all those years. My personal favourite is ISV-Kran. There's something amazing about entering through the aft loading dock and then teleporting off the bridge to a village, only to see the wrecked ship's nose above, its lights still on. Simply beautiful.

And who can forget the Nali castle? Or Terraniux (which is also a ship)?

Here's a few from me:











Agreed, my all time favourite fps, so many memories. Looks nice with the modded textures.
Mind linking us to the mods?
I've been thinking about reinstalling it for a while.
dam I feel like playing that game again,I still find it very nice looking till this day,those are not mod screens right?
those are not mod screens right?

The screenshots are of levels from Unreal and Unreal Tournamnet, with high resolution texture packs installed. So, no, it's not the standard game.
Makes me want to dig up my old UT cd. I loved assault for the original UT. It's too bad they screwed it up in 2k4.
nali church, the water temple, and the annoying spaceship
It's called Terraniux. And I agree, it's effing annoying.
Man I miss UT99. There was only one thing that the UT2Ks were good for and that was ... MMMMMMMISTER CROWWW!!!
I've been playing through HL2 with the Cinematic Mod version that doesn't use custom models, while also testing out various modes of AA at 720p. Fun times!

Episode 1, and I just got my first real look at the Citadel's viscera.


Alyx tappin away at some alien console like it's a washing machine, come on Alyx, even your gender isn't that dumb


Approaching the Core...

Looking back to get some reassurance (and to test the AA)

Something's got Alyx scared... was it something I said?

Coming up on the car park in Low Life

Ah, the original Zombine, zombified before he's even dead, dying even before knowing he would find fame. The perfect hipster.

I forget what Alyx said to warrant such a look. All I know is I was busy getting lost...

In her very very slightly more awkward than before eyes.

And on, into the water...

Me and my mount :3

Me and my army of sheep

Me and my transvestite dressing idol

Me and my wrath for azerothian flora

Me and my healer <3
Outset Island, instant summer nostalgia

now in clickable 720p!
Is that n64? Emulator obviously, but that looks really good for an n64 game.

Wait, its gamecube probably.
You must have a pretty good cpu for 30fps viewing that.
Oh, I thought the name of the game was Outset Island. I dont know Zelda good ;(