Post counts and what you are

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
I looked t'other day and noticed i'd become a prowler, i believe most of the names are after HL2 enemies or related...whats a prowler for that case? Would it make more sense to remove the enemy levels that didnt make the game aka, prowler, hydra, assassin. Or is it a pointless task? Just something i was thinking about today...
merci beaucoup!

Ive read up to page four and its gone way off topic tbh, but on the first page the guy asks about a bullsquid which the original, my question is more to do with the prowlers, hydra and combine assassins which were not present in the game but still here. I havent even heard of a prowler tbh, its not in raising the bar either :rolleyes: Anyone explain it? Its from resi evil as far as i know lol :p
Go to page 104 in raising the bar, thats the prowler right there, it was originally going to act like the fast zombie, but they changed it...they did model the prowler though, looked pretty cool.

And yeah, i guess thats what you meant, but i still think Chris was refering to both original entities and cut ones ;)
There should be an site page with the rankings on it, linked from CP or something. Seems someone makes a thread about it every couple months or so.
Shouldnt be a problem once theyr'e updated, but at the moment, i dont think its really a priority.

btw i see the picture, but theres no text or anthing about it, i dont even know how people know its name. Seems that too much hope into just a piece of concept art. How can you sleep at night :)

Methinks you could replace hydras or prowlers or such like with combine advisor/ hoppers (haha) / sheild scanners/ stalkers/ poison zombies or anything else you can think of. Good stuff.
Apparently there does exist a prowler...
Mines special also...I'm an ass-assassin.
A prowler, as I recalled is the older version of the fast headcrab zombeh :D I wanna be a Hydra! :p
These discussions have been going on for months ... surely it would only take about a day of discussion to decide upon a new ranking system (possibly involving the plebs, probably not), then 20 mins to type it up in a locked post and make it part of the system?

(my one = difficult to pronounce = must be the best = i'm the best :p)
Hmmm... I never understand how people get so many posts. I have eben a member for over 2 years and I only have like 2k i think... some have 2k after about 3/4 months. Whats that about... pure spammage tbh.
IchI said:
Hmmm... I never understand how people get so many posts. I have eben a member for over 2 years and I only have like 2k i think... some have 2k after about 3/4 months. Whats that about... pure spammage tbh.
Try to post more in topics... :| Not that hard.

Hell go to politics and debate a bunch of crap and your post count will increase 2 fold.
I'm purely posting this to check out what I am.
Same as PvtRyan

I'm a Metrocop?!? With nearly 5000...
Muhahahaha, I eat you!

(Either that, or I'm a little fishy, approx. 1/10th the size of u)
IchI said:
Hmmm... I never understand how people get so many posts. I have eben a member for over 2 years and I only have like 2k i think... some have 2k after about 3/4 months. Whats that about... pure spammage tbh.
2 years?? news to me. I was under the impression that no-one has been a member for two years, since, ya know, the site hasn't existed that long... :p
Phisionary said:
2 years?? news to me. I was under the impression that no-one has been a member for two years, since, ya know, the site hasn't existed that long... :p
I think it was created in April or almost 2 years.
You could, y'know look at his join date ...

Oooh, look it's August 2003. Yup, that's not 2 years :)
Note: I have no VB experience.

But in XMB, changing the ranks is extremely easy, and it's all in the admin control panel. I know XMB is based on early versions of VB, so i figured i'd toss that in there. Also, 15k posts should be G-man. :cheers: