Post Deleting

Because you're all bad people.
Just edit your post with a *Comment removed* or some such if you need to. Or PM a mod (except Pi) to have it removed.
There's no turning back once you hit the... POST BUTTON!

Just edit your post with a *Comment removed* or some such if you need to. Or PM a mod (except Pi) to have it removed.

/me slips Druckles ?10
When posts are completely deleted, it makes it confusing when reading old threads, you often can't follow what the hell is going on.
You shouldn't have to delete your post because you should think about what you're going to say before you post it. Once the forum gets this concept down we might allow self-deletion of posts (that is to say, never).
Sometimes you post something in the wrong thread, though. For instance, I usually read 5+ threads at once in different tabs. Maybe I'll just get something mixed up and post something in the wrong thread. WHAT THEN? What then.

I think deleting posts would be a good idea if it's only allowed for the first few minutes after you've posted, maybe.

Report the post and one of the mods will delete it.
Sometimes you post something in the wrong thread, though. For instance, I usually read 5+ threads at once in different tabs. Maybe I'll just get something mixed up and post something in the wrong thread. WHAT THEN? What then.QUOTE]
Then you learn your lesson and pay attention in future.
Since when did rimfire become sensible?