Post your greatest moments here.


Dec 24, 2004
Reaction score
(no, I'm not making this up, this is how intense the game is)

I'm a sniper, covered in leaves and ready to kick ass.

I spawn with my squad. An assault, a specop, and my beloved medic. We're pretty tight together and we follow each other as we run across the noisy streets.

It's much too late when I hear the distant PANG of American sniper rifles, and before I know it, half of my squad is laying dead on the ground. Damn.


I feel a jolt, my blood is flowing through my head again.

"Get up buddy, you're gonna be alright"

Damn straight...

The commander drops a supply crate; the perfect cover. The snipers are still up on the building, and me and the medic are pinned behind the damn crate. I attempt the imppossible...

I prone, roll ove my side. I spot the two snipers just in time: PAH! PAH! PAH PAH PAH! Two down. I reload my love toy, that was for Allah.

I run up an old building and make myself comfortable. The enemy is sprawling the surroundings, all running right passed my crosshair. I kiss half their team good-bye as my ammo slowly empties into american bodies.

Enemy reinforcements arrive. I hear the groan of tanks, and way too much infantry. "Enemy spotted! I need backup!" I desperately yell.

Then it was like the voice of god, two nice bright hisses from above. And before i know it, the friendly sound of artillery is ringing on my ears. I see a corpse fly up above a wall. I pick out the survivors.

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
I hop in a dune-buggy type car and hock the horn to have an ally. Someone hops in. I floor it across the desert bouncing over the hills and catching air a couple of times. We finally make it to our destination: enemy's main base. We destroy the Commanders booth and we see the airfield.

We get out and both run over to the helicopter with all the missles. I hop in, and then he hops in. I drive. And with my noob powers, I seem to lift it off the ground in a vertical fashion, with the nose going up but not the tail. It looks like a heli is walking and the blades hit the pole behind me.

This is hilarious. "Greatest Moments" when the demo hasn't even been out for twelve hours.
Q_onfused said:
I hop in a dune-buggy type car and hock the horn to have an ally. Someone hops in. I floor it across the desert bouncing over the hills and catching air a couple of times. We finally make it to our destination: enemy's main base. We destroy the Commanders booth and we see the airfield.

We get out and both run over to the helicopter with all the missles. I hop in, and then he hops in. I drive. And with my noob powers, I seem to lift it off the ground in a vertical fashion, with the nose going up but not the tail. It looks like a heli is walking and the blades hit the pole behind me.


:/ Did you kill me on a server called (I think it was playhouse or something) while I was in commander mode calling artillery?
Yea, I was in a playhouse server.

Don't hate me...
Oxygenetic said:
This is hilarious. "Greatest Moments" when the demo hasn't even been out for twelve hours.
you need to play the game to understand.... you have greatest moments every 5 minutes in this game.
because this is the most fun I have had playing an fps... I think ever.
they did everything right.
Redundant, Krynn and I are capturing a point. Redundant is in the stinger emplacement, Krynn is crouched in a corner ready to blast any fool that comes up, I'm crouched in front of Redundant scanning the horizon in my iron sights.

I hear the sound of a jet engine coming near my 6 o'clock. I turn around as the jet whizzes over me and all I see is a bomb flying right at my face.


I go flying a hundred yards away.
Mr, I've been playing the demo since it's been out. Not only that, I've been playing the franchise since it hit shelves. I think I "understand". :upstare:
Oxygenetic said:
Mr, I've been playing the demo since it's been out. Not only that, I've been playing the franchise since it hit shelves. I think I "understand". :upstare:
Someone is a little cranky.
No, I am just an overly hyped Pepsiholic who is too much of a ****ing elitst. Damn, that felt good.

I think...
vegeta897 said:
Have you seen yourself the past couple hours? Look who's talking :p
Yes, but I still get to bitch about other people bitching :thumbs:
Oxygenetic said:
Mr, I've been playing the demo since it's been out. Not only that, I've been playing the franchise since it hit shelves. I think I "understand". :upstare:

then you need to play with Amish, Krynn and I... it's just not the same game.
the best part of BF2 is the squad tactics, it brings a whole new element to FPS gaming, just ask Krynn and Amish.
VOIP and teamwork on such an intimate level, yeah it's one side vs the other, but when you're in a squad and you're working together, it's like so much cooler, so much more in depth......

the 3 of us dominated that server for the majority of the day, that is until this EA dude, and some clanners got on, and showed us the meaning of HEAVY ARMORED ATTACK.
we were constantly nailed by their overwhelming amount of tanks, (well the thing was they moved in squads, and were very organized)

man this game rules.

I can only imagine what kinda damage a 6 man squad could do, with a decent commander... and hell multiple squads working together... *gurgle*
My greatest moment will most likely occur when I can finally d/l this mother. What the hell is up with the mirrors?

Must be getting the shit hammered out of them.
Squads worked out a lot better than I thought it would.

There were 5 of us, 3 with VOIP, two chatting but just talking less. We ripped up the map with just that small amount of teamwork and the help the commander gave us by artillery striking targets we called, etc.

Later there were 3 of us, and the rest of the 16 player team was just goofing off. The three of us beat their entire team.

I mean, you could do teamwork in previous battlefields and even chat over teamspeak, but for some reason it's just a lot different in BF2. I pin it on the commander, but.. just a certain feel.
awww i want to play so badly, but its downloading at 23kb/sec ;(
RakuraiTenjin said:
Squads worked out a lot better than I thought it would.

There were 5 of us, 3 with VOIP, two chatting but just talking less. We ripped up the map with just that small amount of teamwork and the help the commander gave us by artillery striking targets we called, etc.

Later there were 3 of us, and the rest of the 16 player team was just goofing off. The three of us beat their entire team.

I mean, you could do teamwork in previous battlefields and even chat over teamspeak, but for some reason it's just a lot different in BF2. I pin it on the commander, but.. just a certain feel.

you can see your squad at a glance
you can spawn on your squad leader
you can chat only with your squad, no fluff, no fooling around, no kids singing in their mics.
your team actually relies on eachother (health ammo etc)
the infantry combat and feel of the game is simply perfect. whereas before it felit like you were making love to an oversized walrus whenever you tried to do anything.
you can coordinate with smoke and commands

just to name a few.
I must sleep however.
:naughty: Toward the end of the round, I took out like about 10 dudes, it was sooo tight. When I first started playing the demo, I grouped up with this one guy and we snuck behind enemy lines; sticking to walls, crawling under the train, etc etc... but the greatest moment was when I was in Commander mode and daaaaaaaaaaang the beginning of the match my team(USA) took over basically all the points, leaving the MEC's main base and I would just barrage the base with artillery and had some squads nitpick the little groups of enemies that tried to attack our fortifications, I had my largest squad repeatedly rush the last remaining MEC fortification. We then ended the match in a score of like 280 to 90 or something along those lines.
Some of mine would be shooting down a blackhawk, except they all bailed out in the sea - So I just gunned them all down while they were helplessly trying to swim :LOL:

Taking inspiration from the IGN movies, I got a jet and parachuted into the sea by the carrier, got on top - planted C4 on the Blackhawk - everyone piled in, BANG! :D
Not so much of a greatest moment, but still pretty funny;

I was sniping from the crane near the construction site when a US chopper decided to show up and wanted to party. One of the guys inside the chopper tries to parachute onto the crane, misses the platform entirely and crushes himself on the ledge right in front of me, and falls to the ground below with me laughing my arse off as he does so.

The chopper pilot then decided to crash into the river nearby... good tactics :D
Not a wonderfull thing.. but so far..

Ive been a sniper, and our commander was manning a rocket turrect, a tank was coming at us, I ran out and shot at it, it turned and started to follow me, allowing the commander to kill it with the turret.
I was a MEC sniper on the top of the crane. I picked off about 10 americans before they started getting angry. They sent a squad of 3 guys to flush me out, and I picked off one guy as he was climbing the ladder with my silenced pistol. Once the two guys came up, I fired wildly, before being shot by an american M16 bullet and having my limp body fall hundreds of feet before landing on my head on the ground below. Man I have got to buy this game
Me and one of my squad mates were in a Blackhawk, he was flying and I was a sniper shooting out the side window, I took out about 6 guys before we got hit by some APC, it was REALLY fun though
My best moment is jumping out a plane, and spending 40 seconds falling before hitting the ground :)
greatest moment?

getting that timelimit disabled.

oh and disabling the long into movies.
go to here
Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2 Demo\mods\bf2\Movies

and delete/move all the files except the ones that have "menu" in the name.
I was running along the train tracks when the enemy on a dune buggy comes racing towards my direction to run me over. I quickly went prone and to my surprise because i was in the center of the tracks the buggy drove right over me, i got up and shot the buggy into pieces.... it was so awsome.
B.Calhoun said:
I was running along the train tracks when the enemy on a dune buggy comes racing towards my direction to run me over. I quickly went prone and to my surprise because i was in the center of the tracks the buggy drove right over me, i got up and shot the buggy into pieces.... it was so awsome.
That happened to me but with a tank. I thought, meh, I'm gonna die, after I proned, but I went under it. This for me was a "OMFG WHOA" moment, even with how dorky it is.

But since it was a tank I couldn't kill it and it just spun the turret around and shot me with the machine gun. But still..
A really cool moment from about an hour ago :

I was driving my squad via boat from the carrier, when a Blackhawk and an enemy Mi-28 smash into each other overhead, bits of the wreckage and bodies rained down on us - watching those bodies smash into the water and float away was so cool :p

There are so many great moments each game - another one would be jumping down on top of a T90, killing the machine gunner, planting it with C4 and blowing it to pieces. Every single explosion in Battlefield is so satisfying.
This game kicks some ass, thats for sure. I spent all day playing it. There have been like 20 awsome moments but the best has to be when me and a full squad went head on with another full squad.

I die and respawn at the carrier, get the Blackhawk, fly to the hot spot, pick up my entire squad and went to high altitude. From then on it was death from above for the other "squad." (e.g: 2 running idiots. :) )
MEC pilot. In the SU-33, I've got all six missles. I come up behind the US carrier and there's an entire squad about to get into a blackhawk. Just as they all take off, I launch 3 missles and blow it out of the sky. Immediately after that I see a US plane comming at me. He fires his missles, I roll and release flares just in time to dodge. I come left to see him crash right into the control tower. Nice flying buddy...I finish the turn to see the second plane respawn and a guy trying to get in and liftoff. I glide over and drop bombs killing him, and everyone else on deck. I got about 8 kills and saw one hilarious suicide in about 20 seconds...I'm loving the planes.
Realiseing that the APCs can go on water.... :D

I just drove one straight to the carrier and blasted the shit outa everything on the lower deck. Then moved up through the ship with a mate and another squad who followed us in a boat.

We got owned on the deck... but it was still alot of fun! :)

Also, sneaking up on 5 guys who were prone on a ridge shooting the crap outa our control point and just droping nades and taking out all of them at once!!! :LOL: :E
Myself, Redundant, Amish, Ritz, Dalamari, and Shaker in a squad together. We're moving together across the map on foot, hugging the hills for cover. Suddenly several enemies rush over the top of the hill. We engage. Just amazing ambience and immersion, the bullets pinging off the ground around me and the rest of my squad firing.

This game has absolutely excellent sound.
Ennui said:
Myself, Redundant, Amish, Ritz, Dalamari, and Shaker in a squad together. We're moving together across the map on foot, hugging the hills for cover. Suddenly several enemies rush over the top of the hill. We engage. Just amazing ambience and immersion, the bullets pinging off the ground around me and the rest of my squad firing.

This game has absolutely excellent sound.
I have to admit, that was absolutely the best time I had too.
we really meshed well as a squad.

when you invest a certain amount of feeling into the game, take it seriously and work together.. the game can almost feel real at times.

the camera shaking from gunfire, the sound effects are amazing, the sight of your squad independantly thinking, but reacting as a group... it's just... like ... it's almost real.
when your squad is sprinting across the desert together, checking the horizon on all sides, and moving towards a flag... it's so damn brilliant.

I must say, I thought gaming was dead, even Hl2 fizzled out, it was fun... but I have to say, I have never ever had this much fun in a game... never has a game felt so polished, balanced, well thought out and complete.
and this is only the demo.
oh, running about 10 feet behind ritz. Someone launched a nade that hit the ground beneath her - she flew up sideways and my screen went blurry as I leapt to the ground and began returning fire.
You guys are getting me hella excited to play this game. Hopefully I'll have some free time tomorrow! :)
Hopefully I can catch up with some of you, especially Redundant and Ennui. You guys sound like a blast to play with. :D
I was firing on some tanks/infantry on a rooftop, then I heard the whistling of artilery fire. Got out of prone mode, started to run off the highest roof with explosions all around me, jump, next roof, jump, onto a fence.

Last shell hits me dead on the head, I went flying :D
When I couldn't get on HL2.nets teams so I just stayed MEC, and then ended up killing you guys a bunch of you :)