Post Your GTA IV Stories

Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
I finally got access to a helicopter I got to keep after the mission was over. My first order of business was to see if I could save it in the 2 car-length spots you're given outside of your hideouts.

The first attempt, I was setting it down nice and easy. There is almost no room for error in this particular spot. There is a tree at the front of the spot and an awning at the back. As I was setting it down I chopped off the rotors on the tree and dropped the last few feet missing the spot. So I got out and grabbed somebody's car to push it in to place. Go inside, save, come out - VOILA! My OWN chopper! VICTORY!

Obviously I'm going to use this thing almost exclusively until I blow it up, so I'm going to go hang out with one of my contacts, Packie. Luckily he's waiting for me in relatively open intersection. I land and he jumps in, "This shit is fancy Niko! America has really gotten to you, huh?" We go see a show (I just land in the center of the street, blocking traffic).

When I go to take him home, I notice Packie's house is almost like a fortress against helos. Over the street are raised train tracks and the only way I can get under those tracks is to shoot a small gap in the trees, stay under the bridge and over a fence. Then I have to land without clipping too many lamps along the way. Seriously, if you could see this it's like a tiny little entrance with barely enough clearance for a chopper.

Anyways. I manage to get in and get out with only cutting down 2 lamp posts and bumping in to the fence I had to clear. But now my chopper is beeping alarm at me as if it's about to blow/crash. I sweep the camera around, seeing no sign of damage, smoke or fire and shrug it off. I fly back to my hideout to save the chopper in my space again.

As I'm coming in for a landing, this time I clip the tail section on the awning. THE ENTIRE tail section gets SHEARED off. My helo spins as it falls a short distance to the ground and the rotors are also sheared off. I push the helo into the space again and go up to save.

The helo wasn't saved this time...the game doesn't want me to be happy :(

Now I'm off to search for another one.
Hahahaha, awesome story. Can't wait to be posting some crazy shit in here. :D

By the way Amish, since I have your attention here - have you seen a replay option as in the previous GTAs? Like where you go into the menu, select replay and it just shows you the last 30 seconds or so of gameplay, not that it neccesarily lets you save them or anything (although this would be awesome). Asked in the old thread but not sure if you caught it.
Hahahaha, awesome story. Can't wait to be posting some crazy shit in here. :D

By the way Amish, since I have your attention here - have you seen a replay option as in the previous GTAs? Like where you go into the menu, select replay and it just shows you the last 30 seconds or so of gameplay, not that it neccesarily lets you save them or anything (although this would be awesome). Asked in the old thread but not sure if you caught it.

There's no replay feature that I see. I didn't even know it existed in the other GTAs. :(
Don't know about GTA 3, but it was definitely in SA and I'm sure I remember it in VC. Like I said, it was just a basic review of the last 20-30 seconds, nothing too special. Maybe we can hope for a replay save/share feature ala Halo 3 with the DLC. :)
Replays only existed in the PC version.
Not a GTAIV story, but a San Andreas one.

I have taken to simply observing the AI in action for a while so that I can really appreciate it in GTAIV.

So I shot a motorcyclist in the head while he was stopped on a level crossing. An ambulance careened in, hitting cars as it went, before finally side-swiping the pavement, running over a woman. The ambulance driver jumps out and first resurrects the woman he ran over, then heads over to the motorcyclist I shot. When he leans down to resurrect him, the woman he previously ran over came up behind him and started punching him. He tried to fight back but she had the upper hand. She killed him, then calmly walked over to the ambulance. She got in the drivers seat, drove about two yards.

Then a freight train thundered through, blowing up the ambulance, the motorbike and leaving but three blood stains.

It was hilarious.

Also, I was driving along the Las Venturas motorway when I saw a forklift truck, an incredibly rare vehicle. So I jumped out and jacked it. I drove in front of a police SUV who braked to a sudden halt. His sudden braking caused the car behind him to smash into the back of him. Both policemen got out and proceeded to brutally kill the driver of the car behind. Meanwhile, I forklifted the police car up and then got out of the vehicle to see how the police would react to not being able to get back into their vehicle. One of them got run over by another car, frightened by the gunshots whilst the other got into the forklift truck.

He then proceeded to - according, I presume, to his AI - drive the forklift round like it was an SUV, chasing me when I shot at him with a sniper rifle.

It was likewise hilarious.

Ok, I just got out of a REALLY cool ranked Cops n Crooks game with about 14-16 players.

We started as cops and the first 30-45 seconds were extremely laggy. I didn't know wtf was going on because our car kept warping everywhere and people were disappearing from our car. After an uneventful first death, I spawned in the street, searched for a vehicle, found one, pulled the driver out, was about to step in and it So I sprint around, find another car, get in and speed off. I check my map - most of my team is clustered around most of the crooks team just mindlessly killing eachother with the exception of 6 crooks speeding away with the boss. I take my Cavalcade (Escalade) and head north towards the boss.

I pass through the carnage of the bulk of both teams fighting in the streets, running over a cop and 2 crooks along the way. I'm heading north, corning well and dodging traffic - all the while gaining ground. On the way, I see a lone crook that seems to have damaged his car enough that he needs a new one. He's on foot, jacking a Coquette (Corvette). I open fire, landing some hits as he's opening the driver's door to remove its previous occupant. I absolutely CRUSH him driving at top speed, breaking off the door and probably killing that poor pedestrian, oh well. 1 down, 5 to go.

A little further along the way north across the entire length of Algonquin I see a second crook that seems to be horrible at driving because I came across him seeing a fire hydrant spouting water and a lot of partially damaged cars all the while he is facing the wrong way. He sees me and starts reversing away, trying to fire at me. I open fire on him. He clips me once or twice, but the bulk of my SMG fire turns his windshield bloody as his car slows to a halt. 2 down, 4 to go.

By this time I'm nearly to the northern edge of the island. I pull into a lot that the boss and his escort has JUST pulled into. I see them hopping a tall fence. I jump out, sprint to the fence, jump it, fall on the other side right as the 4th guy falls as well (20 feet or so to my right). I ignore him because I see the boss icon is pretty much on the water. I see a crook running towards stairs that lead to their getaway boat. I cut him down with headshots from my SMG. Now the crook that had landed by me must have noticed me. I run to the stairs to see a speedboat beginning to accelerate away, one man in the driver's seat and one man standing in it facing me and firing. The boss icon and crook icon of the two in the boat are so close I can't tell, but the standing guy in the boat has a different suit on so he must be the boss. I lock on to him quickly and unload. Both the fence guy and the boss standing in the boat are firing at me with their pistols while I'm on full auto with my SMG (crooks only start with pistols) as the boat picks up speed, putting more distance between us. I manage to kill the boss JUST as I get killed. I rejoice over the mic while my whole team and the bulk of the crooks go, "WTF just happened? Did we win?"...Retards.

That was round 1.

I'd write up round 2 but I have to get ready for class.
Exciting Amish!

Oh god I can't wait. I can't wait I AM GETTING HYPED AGAIN! ****ING HYPED!

I want this game, and the console to play it... :(
Just went in free roam with some mates. My friend was on a bike, burning down a highway towards central Liberty City, I'm in a army 'copter behind him, tearing up the concrete just centimeters away from his back tire. He tries to duck into one of those loonnnnng New York like streets away from me but I'm right behind him, nose diving underneath traffic lights until he 180's and slides RIGHT underneath my chopper blades, ala that James Bond scene.

Just went in free roam with some mates. My friend was on a bike, burning down a highway towards central Liberty City, I'm in a army 'copter behind him, tearing up the concrete just centimeters away from his back tire. He tries to duck into one of those loonnnnng New York like streets away from me but I'm right behind him, nose diving underneath traffic lights until he 180's and slides RIGHT underneath my chopper blades, ala that James Bond scene.


Jesus christ you make me wet with this story.
Just went in free roam with some mates. My friend was on a bike, burning down a highway towards central Liberty City, I'm in a army 'copter behind him, tearing up the concrete just centimeters away from his back tire. He tries to duck into one of those loonnnnng New York like streets away from me but I'm right behind him, nose diving underneath traffic lights until he 180's and slides RIGHT underneath my chopper blades, ala that James Bond scene.


If you aren't lying, I just came.
I'm not lying - the helicopters are surprisingly easily to control, they just take a little getting use to, but they haven't really changed since VC.

Nosediving, or just dying the rotors down, drops you down to earth really fast. I've been mucking around in the helicopters all afternoon.

EDIT: Just played Bomb the Base II with three friends. You gotta rob this armoured truck then take the explosives to a boat docked in the harbour. You get a helicopter half way in so I dropped off two guys onto the deck then I hovered alongside the deck whilst my other mate gave supporting AK47 fire out the side. We cleared the deck in no time, I dropped off the guy in the 'copter, they went inside, planted the bomb then met me at the top of the boat for pick up just seconds before it blew up.

This game is awesome.
Took Michelle to a strip club for our second date. So left me when I got into a fight with the bouncers :p
I plan to have some by this weekend, me mates swinging by with a copy :p
I'm having some mates over this weekend for some non stop GTA madness. Man, it's going to be awesome.

I said this before but imagine the Halo 3 Theater mode in GTA. Christ, that'd be the icing on the cake, wouldn't it?
Aye, it would, but I reckon it would be far too hard to implement, given the massive size of the city and whatnot.
I just played some free roam with a friend of mine. We were holed up in an alley pretty much back to back covering opposite entrances. We had a solid 10 minute spree, I got my wanted level up to 6 stars and held it for a while. Then my friend used one of the rockets he saved for NOOSE vans only blew a cop car into the alley killing me. With NOOSE members pouring in from both sides he lasted a good 10 seconds :p
I did the taxi mission for the guy who introduces the pay-n-spray.

I pull up to his destination, he thanks me, gets out...


Good think I was about to get it re-painted.
Spoiler alert: Read if you've done the Faustin 'Final Destination' mission.

I chased the guy down the stairs, putting a few pistol rounds into his back and I see he's going for the Banshee at the bottom of the stairs. I slug a few more rounds into him but I'm still near the top of the stairs. He gets in and pulls off just as I reach the bottom. There I am, firing hopelessly with the pistol with my remaining 6 rounds in the magazine when suddenly the car swerves, knocks down a lampost and rolls into a wall down the street, and in the silence, the only thing I can hear is a car horn being pressed down. I run over and there's one single bullet round through the back window, blood all sprayed up the front and the guys head on the steering wheel.

Short, but awesome.
So far, the AI in this game has been pretty good. I got a 3 star wanted level and was sitting at the dead end of an alley behind a dumpster waiting for the cops to flush in. And sure enough, they came, but where in most other games you could simple pick them off one by one as long as you had enough ammo as they all come through the same entrance, I was surprised when I got shot at from behind. Some other coppers were standing on the roof behind me, shooting at me from above. Later some appeared on yet another roof.
Spoiler alert: Read if you've done the Faustin 'Final Destination' mission.

I chased the guy down the stairs, putting a few pistol rounds into his back and I see he's going for the Banshee at the bottom of the stairs. I slug a few more rounds into him but I'm still near the top of the stairs. He gets in and pulls off just as I reach the bottom. There I am, firing hopelessly with the pistol with my remaining 6 rounds in the magazine when suddenly the car swerves, knocks down a lampost and rolls into a wall down the street, and in the silence, the only thing I can hear is a car horn being pressed down. I run over and there's one single bullet round through the back window, blood all sprayed up the front and the guys head on the steering wheel.

Short, but awesome.

This reminds me of something happened during the free-roam rampage my friend and I had yesterday.

We made ourselves a small, defensible position by boxing in a small area in Times Square with 4-5 cars, at the center was a weapon spawn to keep our gunfire going. We were calling out approaching cop cars and NOOSE vans to each other so we could adjust positions as needed.

One time, two cop cars were on the scene. One had already reached us and the cops hopped out and opened fire from behind their open doors. I aim for the one that was still approaching and start shooting through the windshield. I see blood spatter on the drivers side as he was slowing to a stop. But...just after I shot him, his dead foot must've hit the gas because he tore off, veering to the right a little. He practically t-boned the other cop car, crushing the cop just outside the driver's side and pushing the empty vehicle over the other cop.

Talk about killing 3 birds with one stone :)

Ahahah, just finished a mission where you're in a bike chase. So as usual the guys way out in front and I'm getting the normal crap of traffic turning out on me, accident caused by the guy I'm chasing etc etc.

So we're going up a small hill where unbeknownst to me the road dips. Now, because we're going so damn fast we're going to take off a bit. I see him do it about 3 seconds before I get there. Unfortunately for me a car was coming right at me. I hit the hill, went up, DROVE UP THE GUYS MOTHER****ING WINDSHIELD and done the most sublime backflip about 25 feet in the air, landed it and eventually caught the guy and iced him. Ohhh baby.
I thought this was funny:

I saw a cop trying to arrest this guy, dunno for what. He was walking him to his car but then I bumped into the cop, making him lose his balance a bit so he had to lower his gun. And the guy saw this opportunity and ran off, with the cop chasing him. The cop never caught the guy again.
I thought this was funny:

I saw a cop trying to arrest this guy, dunno for what. He was walking him to his car but then I bumped into the cop, making him lose his balance a bit so he had to lower his gun. And the guy saw this opportunity and ran off, with the cop chasing him. The cop never caught the guy again.

hahahaha, thats unreal
Was just wandering the streets, soaking up the atmophere, when I see a police car parked down a back alley. Seeing as the game is a little more difficult than the previous ones, I'd only had a police car a couple of times so I took my chance to jack it. Just as I grab the handle, I hear a shout and I am crushed by a body falling from the sky. I look up thinking "WTF?" but don't see anything. On the stairs, I meet a policeman. This cop had just chucked a guy from the top of the building. What a badass! And I wasn't even around to see it!

Possibly one of the best game moments of my life! :E
Wow that is amazing! Did the body actually hit you and knock you over or smash into the car?
It wasn't quite as pitch perfect as my story made out, it sort of hit the car and a flailing leg knocked me backwards a bit.

It was still the best random AI I've ever seen in a game ever.
Me and Qonfused running from 2 star cops on a Faggio

I'm not sure what happened but I was driving past a petrol station when I hear a huge explosion, so I sit around and see what happens then this ambulance comes speeding down the hill towards the petrol station to revive some people that got caught in the blast. He smacks into the side of another car pushing it into another petrol pump blowing them both up, some cars got damaged in the blast, tried to speed off and they drove into another pump :D

Then it went all quiet so I drove off down the road, and about 5 seconds later I hear another explosion at the petrol station, not sure what happened again. It was pretty crazy xD
Walked around a corner and saw a pedestrian face plant off the ledge above right in front of me. Got right back up, pulled out an umbrella and walked away.
In Team Mafiya, all four of us got in a car, and wiped out the entire other team in a driveby.

In Free Roam, a guy is in a parked car, just sitting there. I shoot at him for a few seconds, then I hear this guy laughing. He then gets out of the car, and I see he has a rocket launcher. Shit. I try to run, but next thing I know i'm launched in the air, my corpse landing on a roof. He laughs as he drives away.

I got pwned and loved it.
I had a match of cops n crooks the other day. I was the boss and I managed to find grenades before jumping into a car and driving away with my allies (it was 4v4). I started dropping grenades as the enemy cop car got close while everybody else was peppering the enemy's car with bullets. Our car was getting pretty torn up too. I cooked my last grenade to my liking and dropped it as I took a corner on to a long bridge. I see the cops handbrake sliding to make the turn as the grenade explodes DIRECTLY beneath the car. The car goes flipping into the air off to the side throwing burning cop bodies as it sails :)

I was watching my roommate play the beginning of the singleplayer a few mins ago. He started fighting one of the first punks in the 2nd floor of this warehouse (the game is still teaching him how to disarm an enemy). He neglects the disarm move and just beats the shit out of Dardan until he drops the knife keeling over.

The guy is limping away clutching his arm asking for mercy. My roommate's knife slices are passing right over Dardan, so I say, "Just kick him or something". He kicks Dardan THROUGH the f*cking window and Dardan falls to his death.

He's already done a few other things that were unexpected or different from the way I played it, so it's pretty cool to watch him find these alternate paths.

I was watching my roommate play the beginning of the singleplayer a few mins ago. He started fighting one of the first punks in the 2nd floor of this warehouse (the game is still teaching him how to disarm an enemy). He neglects the disarm move and just beats the shit out of Dardan until he drops the knife keeling over.

The guy is limping away clutching his arm asking for mercy. My roommate's knife slices are passing right over Dardan, so I say, "Just kick him or something". He kicks Dardan THROUGH the f*cking window and Dardan falls to his death.

He's already done a few other things that were unexpected or different from the way I played it, so it's pretty cool to watch him find these alternate paths.

I did the same thing... I can't for the life of me disarm. And I can't dodge blows... I get my ass handed to me in fist fights.

Spoiler about Darden:
Isn't that what happens to Darden anyways? He crawled towards the window and fell through it when I played.
I did the same thing... I can't for the life of me disarm. And I can't dodge blows... I get my ass handed to me in fist fights.

Spoiler about Darden:
Isn't that what happens to Darden anyways? He crawled towards the window and fell through it when I played.

When I played that mission I disarmed him and cut him up until he fell to the ground with no hp but still alive. When I walked out I had the rear-cam on and I saw him stand up and bolt out of the other door.
I wanted to play with the Euphoria physics so I went ahead and busted the windows myselfs. Pushed him out, he falls back onto the ledge below and tripped, then fell to his watery death. God I love this shit.

I've been spending the past hour playing around with diving out of cars and watching the hilarious physics. Going full speed in a Banshee and dove out right into the grill of a ****ing taxi cab. Niko wrapped around it I swear.
I did the same thing... I can't for the life of me disarm. And I can't dodge blows... I get my ass handed to me in fist fights.
You'll pick it up Raz, it took me a while to get it flowing.

My mate was watching me t'other night just dicking around. I jacked someones car but it wasn't looked upon kindly, so a couple of people ran up to me and started swinging their fists. After managing to put one guy down for good, the others started really slapping me around, until an ambulance came racing through the scene to get to the guy I'd smacked up and smashed all of my aggressors to hell. It was beautiful, I almost shed a tear at the wonderful rain of bodies.

Then I laughed very, very hard. :D