Proof Man was on the Moon!

I keep reading this thread as "Poor Man on the Moon!"

Which makes me immediately think that we accidentally left someone on the moon.
What kind of scale is on those photos? Even if they were moon-buggy tracks, you'd have to be damned close up to see them.
What kind of scale is on those photos? Even if they were moon-buggy tracks, you'd have to be damned close up to see them.
They are boot prints. Image width is 1.6 km

The image is courtesy of a new mapping satellite, which is mapping the moon and I think there are 2 other satellites with various purposes like scanning the makeup underneath the crust.

I recently heard that they plan to drop an expired booster or similar object of mass onto the Moon's surface, in order to 'scan' the contents of the particles as the impact launches them into the 'air'.

There have been about 29 man made objects to crash onto the Moon's surface, mostly Russian failures.

I was mistaken. Looks like there are at least 70 (not including certain things), many of which were intentional.
The following table is a partial list of artificial objects on the surface of the Moon. The list does not include smaller objects such as the retroreflectors and Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package. Nor does it include several commemorative or personal objects left there by Apollo astronauts, such as the golf balls from Alan Shepard's lunar driving practice during Apollo 14, flags, or the Fallen Astronaut statuette left by the crew of Apollo 15.

Five third stages of rockets from the Apollo program are the heaviest pieces. While mankind has transported and left over 170,000 kg of debris on the Moon, only 382 kg of the Moon have been taken to Earth by Apollo and Luna missions.

Maybe we can look at it optimistically. We might build something out of all that junk one day.