Punkbuster IS actually a piece of shit....


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
...And so are the developers.

Like many other gamers I have been burdened with this piece of software hiding in my games and banning me from servers for cheats that I never even knew existed..... Every time it happens I simply thought... it must be something wrong with my PC, internet connection or O/S!
But over the past years I have been through about 6 or 7 completely different machines, accessed the internet all over the place.... and EVERY SINGLE TIME punkbuster has always caused bullshit problems.

The final straw is trying to play BF2 on my brand new laptop and getting bullshit like: "Inadequate O/S priveleges"
Which means I have to manually go to the bf2.exe, set it to windows XP SP2 mode, select run as administrator, start the game up and then get a completely different error message 3 minutes into joining any server. Once this fails to work, you should then go and update punkbuster itself manually.... But don't worry, it will still find a reason to kick you out of your favourite games just as you are starting having fun!!

I can not think of a time where it has not caused problems. I keep forgetting why I always stop playing BF2 or BF2142. Then I remember it's been mostly unplayable and uninstall it... and so the cycle continues..............

Even though I corrected the initial problem, it seems that it's programed to make excuses just to ****ing kick me out of the game! Now everyone has to go out of their way to download some 500mb patch then manually update punkbuster being incompompetent wankstain it is.
Punkbuster (and to everyone who developed it and made it the brilliant, blunderous, rubbish bit of code it is): F*CK YOU!!!!!

Back 'in the day' we would come home and play our games online (on our shitty 56k modems) when we wanted to, and it would work (no one complained about lag because that was all we knew! ^_^) without being banned from everything for no reason.
Punkbuster is the worst anti-cheat device ever developed.
It creates more problems than it does fix them.

I'd be enjoying BF2 and BF2142 a whole lot more if I didn't get kicked every 10 minutes for 'losing key packets' and shit like that.

It's really the only thing on a computer that has ever infuriated me.
I dished out money to play the god damn game, and this program prevents me from ****ing doing so.
I'm glad to see that I am not alone on the issue.
Wait no I'm not!!! This is ridiculous!!!!! ::sleep: :hmph: :frown: :angry: :x
I have always loathed Punkbuster and its creators.
Funny thread... considering that I reinstalled BF2 yesterday, played it for an hour or two without any problems on PB servers, but today it's kicking me after 5 seconds of playing on any server.

Piece of shit.
Ya games with punkbuster are annoying.
I would have liked to play some BF2 online with some 'netters too!
Haven't had to deal with it in a while, but I recall an issue I had with Call of Duty 2 where Punkbuster was booting me constantly unless I put a lengthy command into the console to change some obscure setting within the first 30 seconds or so of joining a server. The worst bit was that for some reason the game didn't want to remember that particular setting, so I had to do it every single time I started it up. Joy.

Edit - neptune, what's in your avatar? It's bugging the hell out of me.
Haha, it's a gasmask... superimposed over (under?) Neptune.

And it says NeptuneUK at the bottom. :p :p :p

I think thats it!
Wow, I was right. My first thought was actually, "What is that crap... a gasmask on neptune? Nah, I'll ask." :p
If you are making any remark about weird avatars Qonfy, you are one to speak!
There are not too many people who have 'normal' avatars as such.

NB - 'Normal' often means shit. But one does not necessary imply the other.
PB has never given me any problems with COD4 though, how strange.
Lack of a problem is not necessarily a positive thing, the fact that this is something to be glad about shows how shitty it really is.
I don't have many issues with Punkbuster when playing BF. However I almost always run into a problem with the POS copy protection PACE EA uses in their downloader. Argh. I don't need my registry flooded with entries in random locations thanks.
I've decided i'd rather have a game with occasional aimbots and wallhax than deal with PB.


VAC ftw
I had to alter some router setting that had to do with receiving packets or something to get it to work in CoD4... took a looootta googling to figure THAT out lemme tell ya! So ya, pos indeed.
You'd think that after the bajillion years PB has been out and the high-profile games that use it it'd be a half decent piece of software.

Yet it's not.
I dont play multiplayer games besides valve games, so ive never had a problem with it. I did play BF2 for awhile, but never ran into any punkbuster problems, only BF2 problems.
never played BF but ive never had problems with punkbuster on the 8 or so games i remember having to use it.

that being said i remember cheating being rampant on SOF2 and i think that used punkbuster.