Quick HL question

The Duke

Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
How do you survive the part where the pipe falls out from under you? Damn, I forgot which "chapter"... but you guys probably know the one I'm talking about. :cheese:
if you mean the part when you are inside the pipe, just land on the table. I dont remember any beams falling... ?
Landing on the table kills me. :dozey:

Maybe I don't have enough health (only like 5 IIRC ;( )? You do have the right part, though. :afro:
Yes you do take som damage from landing on the table. Everywhere else its instadeath no matter what your health is. Hmm, I dont know what you can do if you only have ~5 health... I think i had like 60 or sumthin and I survived. There is alot of health down there if you survive though :). Perhaps someone else has a good way of doing it... I dunno... you could always cheat a little :) .. or relead from where you had more health.
I have never cheated myself but i would think every fps game has some sort of cheat codes you can type into the console
I've heard of this "cheat".
T'is forbidden knowledge!!
Stay away from it.
T'is the devil!
Don't sell you soul to the devil!
For you will burn in hell!!!

I'm not even kiddin'

What were we talking about...
Oh, the table.
Yes, land on the table.

nothing to do than land on the table and smash the life ouf of those pesky crabs >_<
Ok guys, new question: I'm in 'On rails' and my tram just ran out of line. Where do I do now? I can get to the missile silo-lookin' place, but I'm stuck there.

On A Rail. Errrm, look for buttons methinks. they open doors :P (I think thats right, give more detailed info about where you are)
you have to go up the missile silo bits...and into the next one etc...lots of bad guys this way :P
Don't you have to launch a missile there? (and trigger the 3rd World war?^^)
hey wrong forum fool lol :P try posting on general forums ull get more response
Ok. I'm at the part with the dynamite that is sensor-activated (on some stairs, that lead in the control room, which overlooks the silo).

I've been looking for buttons... just haven't had any luck yet. ;)
lol you have to move the boxes and use the boxes to jump onto the ledge...you cant get past the dynomite, you have to go AROUND it k?
Ahah know the tricks of the trade my freind. There is a way to get down the pipe with even 1 health and still survive and it does not require cheating.

Just as you walk into the pipe right as it breaks jump backward and you will notice you can now jump past the broken pipe onto some beams in ana rea of the map Valve didn't intend for you to look at but is there just incase you don't have enough health to land the pipe break fall. Just use the beams behind the pipe and the ceiling should break away.

I definetely know what I'm talking about as I just had to do this after playing through HL yesterday. :cool:
Yeah I got thru this part without loosin any health, has to do with not fallin down to quick, just stay in control of yer speed and take a soft landing... I think das what I did.
Originally posted by The Duke
How do you survive the part where the pipe falls out from under you? Damn, I forgot which "chapter"... but you guys probably know the one I'm talking about. :cheese:

The one after Blast Pit, or maybe it IS Blast Pit...
Originally posted by csmighty
lol you have to move the boxes and use the boxes to jump onto the ledge...you cant get past the dynomite, you have to go AROUND it k?

When I did that, the door wouldn't open. :dozey:

I guess I'll try again...
i quicksaved right b4 i fell and did it b4 i could do it without losing health..even thought i had 100.

you gotta slide down while pressing back...youll float down on a cloud