Reasons for Infected Mutation?

Why do you get all defensive whenever I suggest I may know more about Biology than you? It's pretty apparent from your posts your knowledge is rather limited (or your reasoning is).
I wouldn't be insulted if you started insinuating that you know more about photography than me.

I don't get defensive because you suggest that you have more knowledge in biology than me, It's probably likely.

I get defensive because you seem to imply that anyone who tries to apply a certain logic to L4D really believes that everything in this game is probable in our world.

We understand most of the L4D stuff is not realistic, it is however consistent in its own setting and follows a fictional logic, thus, we can theorize on it.
And I find it much more interesting to apply pseudo-science in saying that the infected see the survivors through a mix of smell, pheromones and infra red vision (which isn't that far fetched, considering it's about a fictional outbreak of super rabies that turn people in murdering maniacs) than saying "IT'S JUST A GAME", which just breaks the suspension of disbelief.

The Boss infected are another thing entirely because they were merely added at a late state for balance/gameplay purposes - this is why they make absolutely zero sense. None at all.

It do not mean to say that there are no gameplay logic behind the infected seeing the survivors through walls, but a certain logic can still be applied to this fact, consedering what we know of the backstory behind left 4 dead.

Also, the Boss infected are not just a gameplay element. They are part of the setting (just watch the intro movie, it says that they are changing, IE: mutating).

Eejit, wtf are you arguing about?. You have no position to stand on other then harping on about your own dodgy opinion.

Fine, you made it, now move on.

We get it, it isn't scientifically possible, thanks to modern western education most of us really don't need you to point out why.

Its a game, were discussing the plot and fiction.
Anyway it's fine to theorize about the normal infected since they are at least semi-possible. The boss infected are entirely silly, theorizing about their hormone levels etc just makes you look equally silly guys. My point about the infected's "6th sense" was to try and illustrate that not everything can have a theory that explains it without resorting to magic or aliens.

Actually you look the silliest pushing your point so hard. It wasn't even a very good point to begin with because everyone participating knows this is completely fictional and just a little bit of fun.



Nobody participating cares if you deem their logic faulty. You are being annoying for the sake of making yourself feel a little smarter.

Nobody cares about your biology experience in the context of this thread, unless you start offering your own detailed ideas which aren't solely to derail a bit of a fun.

You've spent enough time doing the latter, maybe lighten up a bit buddy?
Right so because something's fiction, 'anything goes'. In olden days one glimpse of stocking was looking as something shocking.

So I could say "hey the boomer's probably like that because he drank loads of blood and stuff and then it went green for some reason" and you'd all be like "wow awesome theory but i think he just drank loads of pus not blood" so I can be like "wow that makes sense we're really good at explaining this stuff!", right?
I suppose logic or reason has no place in fiction, it's not like we can expect a setting to be internally consistent (e.g. to the degree of how realistic the majority of the setting is vs one or two other parts, or a virus acting like a virus - they could have just said it was a parasite which would have at least been closer to being a reasonable explanation), because man, it's fiction.

I realise you guys know it's not real, yet some of your explanations have been retarded to be perfectly honest, for example the "sense of smell" or "sonar" ideas. They don't come anywhere near explaining the observable facts within the setting and there's good reason for that like I said, there is no explanation.

The fact some things in the L4D setting fit into the same box as Gordon carrying a dozen weapons does in the HL setting. Some things you might as well just ignore when it comes to finding a lore-based reason.
for example the "sense of smell" or "sonar" ideas.

just to point out that when its comes to sense of smell in a real life setting,
youll be amazed at how good some animals are at it. unless you move downwind,
the majority will smell you coming and be gone before you even know theyre there.
their ability to track prey, sense you coming, some use it at night to either help them kill
or avoid becoming prey is nothing short of astounding.
ive hunted and tracked animals of all sizes here in africa, some of the shit ive seen/been through is un-f***ing-believeable.
so its plausable to think that the disease could heighten their senses to such a level
as to enable the infected to locate you using just smell.
And tell which way you're facing? From several buildings away? Yet you fade from their sense of smell if you stay still?

It doesn't fit the observable effects ingame. That's because it's alien wizard telepathy.
I noticed today in Versus mode, we were playing as the Infected on 'No Mercy 4: The Hospital' at the entrance to one of the staircases. I was hiding in a room as a boomer when the guy who was playing Louis saw me from above and camped the stairway to make sure I didnt bile any of them. After a few seconds, his glowing figure faded away.

I'm not sure if it was to do with the amount of time after I last saw him or what.
mmmm *scratches head*
Right so because something's fiction, 'anything goes'.

Now you are the one sounding dumb.

Any fiction that's well crafted will have an internal logic. Thus, anything in this fictional world can be explained using that same internal logic as long as its consistent with the rest of the fiction.

You seem unable to understand this.

People have been theorizing on the Half life series for years, why don't you go tell them how dumb they are and how smart you are by telling them that "it's just a game" (because, obviously, only you are intelligent enough to notice that fact).

So ehmm, yeah, we noticed you, you have had our attention, you're "so smart". Happy now? Did you prove what you had to prove?
Eejit, shut the f**k up, please.
I have been watching this thread for ages now and it's apparent that NOBODY GIVES A SHIT, give it a rest and leave these people be.
It's a ****ing videogame about zombies, no one could give two shits about this self obsession with whether or not it's plausible, it's fun to talk about it even if it isn't.

Eejit, enoughs enough, your being a little bit of a knob over this are you not?
I think this may not be a realistic game after all!
All, missing the point?
It's not even about whether the scenario is plausible, it's that the proposed explanations people are making up are facepalmworthy in their failure to even take observable facts into account, let alone whether it's consistent.

Honestly, none of you cringed when you read that "it's probably a sense of smell" or "sonar"? The majority of the thread is like this, but somewhat less obvious. So very very embarressing.

But **** it if you prefer to stick your fingers in your ears and go LALALA OMG THE TARD THINKS WE DONT KNOW IT ISNT FICTION instead of reading and understanding what I've been trying to say, fine. Enjoying making fools of yourselves with your theories to explain things that don't need explained and have no explanation.
All, missing the point?
It's not even about whether the scenario is plausible, it's that the proposed explanations people are making up are facepalmworthy in their failure to even take observable facts into account, let alone whether it's consistent.

Honestly, none of you cringed when you read that "it's probably a sense of smell" or "sonar"? The majority of the thread is like this, but somewhat less obvious. So very very embarressing.

But **** it if you prefer to stick your fingers in your ears and go LALALA OMG THE TARD THINKS WE DONT KNOW IT ISNT FICTION instead of reading and understanding what I've been trying to say, fine. Enjoying making fools of yourselves with your theories to explain things that don't need explained and have no explanation.

It's not about that though is it, ITS ABOUT SPECULATION. People are free to speculate what they want about the games story and fiction, whether it's "facepalmworthy" or not, that does not mean people cannot try to come up with ideas about the fictions points.

Ideas are ideas, good or bad, hell, the speculation about HL's story has been like this for years.

People like to try to figure explanations for their favourite story's and games, no matter of whether how plausible they are in "real" life, that's the beauty of games and fiction, they don't have to, and no matter how much you stamp your feet and sulk that even fiction has to follow basic realism rules, that simply is not the case.

Just drop it.
I was just trying to get to the root of the issue, the reason their theories all sucked. If you prefer I can just shoot them down one by one.

It's like watching people try to justify Flash Gordon space travel of Doctor Who time travel. It's not a system that makes sense. You can try to make sense of it, but you'll fail. Badly.
There's nothing wrong with offering up criticism for a theory, but you seem to be against any sort of theory that uses some aspect of real-world science, Eejit.
They have all been wrong, and will all be wrong. That might have something to do with it perhaps?
This thread should be "Try to make an idea; get shot down by Eejit"
If Valve's reasoning is illogical how are we supposed to try to figure it out or discuss ideas? Blind guesswork?

If it is illogical there's no point theorizing. It could be a Pinky and the Brain plot in that case, for all we know.
If Valve's reasoning is illogical how are we supposed to try to figure it out or discuss ideas? Blind guesswork?

If it is illogical there's no point theorizing. It could be a Pinky and the Brain plot in that case, for all we know.

That's the point, you make up theories with what you are presented with ingame, whether the ingame stuff presented makes "real-life" sense or not, it works in the context of the science fiction world presented, then if this fiction is taking reality and making it something it is not, which is what Valve have been doing for years with their storys, then what is wrong with doing the same to explain some of the things Valve left unexplained?

Example:- You use Dr Who time travel as a case of illogical fiction, yet fans theorize on this every season, because even though in real world science it would make no sense whatsoever, in the fiction presented, it really doesn't need to if it fits the story given.
This was a good thread when I first read it.

Now it's just a bitch fest.
Has anyone responded to any of my posts in the damned thread?
All, missing the point?
It's not even about whether the scenario is plausible, it's that the proposed explanations people are making up are facepalmworthy in their failure to even take observable facts into account, let alone whether it's consistent.

Honestly, none of you cringed when you read that "it's probably a sense of smell" or "sonar"? The majority of the thread is like this, but somewhat less obvious. So very very embarressing.

But **** it if you prefer to stick your fingers in your ears and go LALALA OMG THE TARD THINKS WE DONT KNOW IT ISNT FICTION instead of reading and understanding what I've been trying to say, fine. Enjoying making fools of yourselves with your theories to explain things that don't need explained and have no explanation.


Eejit, the misunderstood genius..
But **** it if you prefer to stick your fingers in your ears and go LALALA OMG THE TARD THINKS WE DONT KNOW IT ISNT FICTION instead of reading and understanding what I've been trying to say, fine. Enjoying making fools of yourselves with your theories to explain things that don't need explained and have no explanation.

Eejit, you just sound like a pompous fvckhead now, so please just stfu. No one cares what you have to say.
Above poster is correct, better stop before you dig your hole any deeper Eejit :\
That's the point, you make up theories with what you are presented with ingame, whether the ingame stuff presented makes "real-life" sense or not, it works in the context of the science fiction world presented, then if this fiction is taking reality and making it something it is not, which is what Valve have been doing for years with their storys, then what is wrong with doing the same to explain some of the things Valve left unexplained?
Yet the theories that have been posted either do not account for all observable phenomena or make huge indefensible assumptions on a bunch of other aspects of the setting.
I have merely been pointing out the reason one cannot create a workable theory for some of these things, like the boss infected. As I have said before, given the ingame stuff presented you can only explain it with huge holes and fallacies or by resorting to my telepathic alien wizards.
Example:- You use Dr Who time travel as a case of illogical fiction, yet fans theorize on this every season, because even though in real world science it would make no sense whatsoever, in the fiction presented, it really doesn't need to if it fits the story given.
Dr Who timetravel is inconsistent deus ex machina. There's no point trying to figure out a system of how something works if there is no system.
There's a difference between "illogical" and "impossible to explain by real-world science alone."
And in this case it's both.

Additionally, there's more to speculation and discussion than simply figuring out the "right" answer. It could be that Valve never tells us, in which case speculation allows us to bounce ideas off each other and come up with our own personal theories.
Have you read the personal theories here? They either don't fit observable facts or make up stuff based on completely zero evidence.
I was trying to point out why they are like this.

And guys, I don't give a flying **** how you think I sound defending my position, but it's nice to know we can have reasonable debate without resorting to unnecessary namecalling. Oh wait...
ITT: Eejit manages to troll everyone on the L4D board, including me.

Using real biological scientific reasoning in a science fiction context on a board about biological machines, teleportation, aliens and now zombies. GG.
The closer a setting is to reality the less suspension of disbelief it deserves.

Do gun junkies hold HL's weapons to having to be as close to real life as those in CS?
Thanks Eejit for ruining what was a cool thread. Oh, yeah, you know about biology, so you must let everyone know how "smart" you are and how "dumb" we are.

F*ck you man, go troll elsewhere.
All, missing the point?
It's not even about whether the scenario is plausible, it's that the proposed explanations people are making up are facepalmworthy in their failure to even take observable facts into account, let alone whether it's consistent.

Honestly, none of you cringed when you read that "it's probably a sense of smell" or "sonar"? The majority of the thread is like this, but somewhat less obvious. So very very embarressing.

But **** it if you prefer to stick your fingers in your ears and go LALALA OMG THE TARD THINKS WE DONT KNOW IT ISNT FICTION instead of reading and understanding what I've been trying to say, fine. Enjoying making fools of yourselves with your theories to explain things that don't need explained and have no explanation.

It's so funny watching you rationalise this. Whenever i'm in a conversation with someone who has the point of view that 'nobody is understanding me' either the person:

A) Is incredibly bad at explaining things

Or if they're concise and to the point...

B) An Eejit (lol).

Buddy everyone understands exactly what you're saying - what YOU don't understand is that nobody actually gives two shits. If you did realise this, you would stop posting. If you didn't stop posting - you would be posting to yourself. That's a bit sad, no?

That's what's been happening.

Let people have their fun.

By the way if you're getting this much feedback saying that you come across as pompous, an asshole, a troll etc - that's a good sign that you should re-evaluate your approach to conversations/forums, and perhaps life.

Seriously. That's good feedback.

It seems as though you are enjoying the feeling of frustration that you've obtained from this thread, and you'll probably keep going to keep your itch scratched. I'd advise anyone to simply not respond to his posts, or "Don't feed the troll" as they say.
I would assume the government created the infection since everyone knows that no one else would be enough of a dumbass, and of course it's passed on as it is in EVERY movie being bit or scratched, though i doubt that last part because 1. Valve is too good to do something that repetitive, and 2. If possible, you'd be turned into an infected at least 20 times over each game. Maybe it's is you drink Boomer bile or something and somehow it got into the water supply.

and the tank well.... just a mutated muscular dude.

Well i guess the game is placed in America because that'd explain why there are so few Tanks...
I would assume the government created the infection since everyone knows that no one else would be enough of a dumbass, and of course it's passed on as it is in EVERY movie being bit or scratched, though i doubt that last part because 1. Valve is too good to do something that repetitive, and 2. If possible, you'd be turned into an infected at least 20 times over each game. Maybe it's is you drink Boomer bile or something and somehow it got into the water supply.

Well, keeping it true to zombie movies tradition, the cause of the infection is usually never revealed.
It's so funny watching you rationalise this. Whenever i'm in a conversation with someone who has the point of view that 'nobody is understanding me' either the person:

A) Is incredibly bad at explaining things

Or if they're concise and to the point...

B) An Eejit (lol).

Buddy everyone understands exactly what you're saying - what YOU don't understand is that nobody actually gives two shits. If you did realise this, you would stop posting. If you didn't stop posting - you would be posting to yourself. That's a bit sad, no?

That's what's been happening.

Let people have their fun.

By the way if you're getting this much feedback saying that you come across as pompous, an asshole, a troll etc - that's a good sign that you should re-evaluate your approach to conversations/forums, and perhaps life.

Seriously. That's good feedback.

It seems as though you are enjoying the feeling of frustration that you've obtained from this thread, and you'll probably keep going to keep your itch scratched. I'd advise anyone to simply not respond to his posts, or "Don't feed the troll" as they say.

This man speaks the absolute truth.

Eejit, piss off and quit being a dick
Why do the zombies attack each other so rarely? Why do the zombies only attack survivors even when roused? Why don't the zombies attack objects that are puked on by boomer? Or other zombies that get boomer bile on them? Why do the zombies react to loud noises from cars, gunshots etc. but ignore the Hunter's screaming? Why does the Witch ignore zombies?
Why do the zombies attack each other so rarely? Why do the zombies only attack survivors even when roused? Why don't the zombies attack objects that are puked on by boomer? Or other zombies that get boomer bile on them? Why do the zombies react to loud noises from cars, gunshots etc. but ignore the Hunter's screaming? Why does the Witch ignore zombies?

Because it's a computer game! Wow, imagine that! there are things that are unexplainable! But you know what else is unexplainable? how you manage to be such an idiot!
For ****s sake Eejit, you really are just making yourself come across as a prick, give it a rest now.
Oh you guys, you're the ones who need to give it a rest. He's asking legit questions, and if any other person had been asking them, you wouldn't have gotten sand in yr vag over it. Also lol Vectyr you just proved Eejit's point, love.

Anyway, I assumed that it was the scent of Boomer's bile mixed with the uninfected survivor's scent that pissed the horde off, not just the bile alone.

Do the infected attack each other? I've never seen it happen. I think for the most part, it can be explained that the uninfected humans are different in scent or some other aspect that makes the horde angry. Maybe they are just racist against people who are not infected.

Racist zombies committing hate crimes.

They would be legit questions if he didn't mean those questions to be insults to everyone who enjoys explaining the aspects of the story.#

He's trying to be clever, and failing miserably.