Said "no" to Aftermath


Apr 27, 2005
Reaction score
Bought HL2 as it came out (big fan of HL1). Played for about couple days, stoped, too bored to go back. HL1 is great, revolution of FPS, made a game into a playable movie. HL2....well, something about it that doesn't play as well as HL1. Therefore, I'm saying "no" to Aftermath, maybe if they cut the loading times shorter, but with all that HDL, not likely
no but would you not agree that HL1 played a whole lot better for the first time?
I think the games had different appeals. Hl1 had a certain level of...for lack of a better word - "COSMIC HORROR!!!". It felt claustrophobic, and the aliens and where they hid made me nervous. HL2 was more of a heroic feel, still with a certain feeling of horror, but not in the same sense. Both were brilliant games, none the less.

-Angry Lawyer
hl1 appeals to the old style gamer who still loves monster enemies, corridors and quake style gameplay
hl2 is the game of the 21st century - a visual epic, a gripping story, suspense, fun
each to their own i suppose
personnally hl1 cant hold a candle to hl2
HDL is not in Aftermath, that's Lost Coast.
Edit: Wait, it's HDR isn't it?
HL2 load times are pretty horrendous, but I still enjoyed the game. I'm greatly looking forward to Aftermath.
They are both truly awesome and I view it has half-life is half-life and hl2 is hl2. That is where it stops. I didn't want a re hash, I wanted some equally as brilliant yet on a different scale and that is what I got. Me happy.
iyfyoufhl said:
Bought HL2 as it came out (big fan of HL1). Played for about couple days, stoped, too bored to go back. HL1 is great, revolution of FPS, made a game into a playable movie. HL2....well, something about it that doesn't play as well as HL1. Therefore, I'm saying "no" to Aftermath, maybe if they cut the loading times shorter, but with all that HDL, not likely
HDR will be a graphic option. You'll be able to turn it off in settings.
My computer could barely run HL2 on low settings, and the load times killed my computer. Still, HL2 was an awesome game. I mean, if you think a game sucks just because of Graphic options and some load times, you can die. (Its a joke.) Although, I wish they would bring back the alien grunt, or put you in some alien enviroments.
Samon said:
They are both truly awesome and I view it has Half life is half-life is half-life and hl2 is hl2. That is where it stops. I didn't want a re hash, I wanted some equally as brilliant yet on a different scale and that is what I got. Me happy.
quoted for major f*ckin emphasis
iyfyoufhl said:
no but would you not agree that HL1 played a whole lot better for the first time?
Nope. Sure it was good, but HL2 really had me gripped from beginning to end whereas HL1 had far more dull moments. Beyond a veil of pointless nostalgia, Half-Life 1 is not better than 2 in my opinion.
well, i dont know, maybe i'm just getting old for those kind of games, i got addicted to DOD and can't stop playing, maybe that's the "problem"
He was voicing his opinion..of which I wholeheartedly agree with. YES TO AFTERMATH :)

But no ownage
I enjoyed Half-Life 2 very much. I can't remember the first time I played Half-Life but it was great too. I do have to say that there were a few times in Half-Life that was some boring parts like On A Rail. They're both great games and I still play the single player campaigns over and over, so I'm definately looking forward to Aftermath.
Dark Auro said:
I enjoyed Half-Life 2 very much. I can't remember the first time I played Half-Life but it was great too. I do have to say that there were a few times in Half-Life that was some boring parts like On A Rail. They're both great games and I still play the single player campaigns over and over, so I'm definately looking forward to Aftermath.

I liked on a rail. :(
load times? what load times? maybe half a second between chapters, and maybe 5-6 seconds for the actuall game to load max on a bad day... i thought its load times were pretty good.
hl2 and its spawn forever!!! ........well at least till HL3 ;)
I say no to Lost Coast (or buy me new ATi card) !!!
Polaris said:
I say no to Lost Coast (or buy me new ATi card) !!!
Couldn't it be that there is a none-HDR version of Lost Coast?

Because it's often that they are comparing HDR to non-HDR, so they have to have a non-HDR version.

You want to steal it? :p
iyfyoufhl said:
maybe if they cut the loading times shorter, but with all that HDL, not likely

The loading times were extremely annoying. Yes i felt it killed the flow, it drew me out of the gaming world, i'd start looking at my watch go to the toilet get some food, ponder my existence...then bang finally i'm back into it. The loads were just way too long.

1gb of ram Athlon 3200 64 btw.
I say 'no' to Gordon in Aftermath, but not Aftermath itself. I'll just cough loudly whenever anyone looks like they're going to say "Gordon" in the game, and pretend I'm someone else. Orvil...yes, I shall be Orvil.
hl > hl2, hl2 was about as much fun as halo.... I was playable but it got to the point when it just seemed so repetative tbh, or maybe it's because im a multiplayer whore. I won't be buying Aftermath
Comparing HL2 to Halo 2 is like comparing HL1 to killzone
Comparing half life 2 to halo? Christ what has the world come to, they are poles apart!

Your a multiwhore, that explains everything ;)
Ownzed said:
Well..I say HELL YES to Aftermath!

Same here, how could HL1 be better than HL2?

Half-Life 2 has of course much better graphics

Half-Life 2 had game music, HL1 hadn't

Half-Life 2 has more characters , HL1 had only scientist and barney and they say all the same thing and doing the same thing all the time

There is more action in HL2 than it is in HL1, cooler actions too

Half-Life 2 has drive available vehicles , HL1 didn't

that's just a few of the difference :E
It took me years to finish half life 1. I kept starting and then stopping after awhile... then restarting and stopping a bit further than the prior try. For some reason I couldnt get into it (note that I got into the game late... even though I bought the game in 99 for the mods, I never beat HL1 until like 4 months before HL2 was released). I was able to play through HL2 twice in a month.
clairelovestlc said:
load times? what load times? maybe half a second between chapters, and maybe 5-6 seconds for the actuall game to load max on a bad day... i thought its load times were pretty good.

We don't all have SUPA MAGTHAON X17127326 AFIUY GXFXFX cards and leet powerful computers. I had problems with loading times, and in those times, I read a book or did some late coursework, or something.